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Everything posted by PlagaNerezza

  1. That is a viable solution for most. For those obsessed with titles and other reasons I don't understand this may not be so simple for them and so if bioware wants to I'd sell it. I won't buy it, but someone will and if the cost is less than the revenue it generates because people want to change a main or alts AC go for it I say. There is a lot of reasons this may be harder than it seems. A lot of legacy advancement is tied to these AC's, but I support anything they can sell that isn't p2w. If you have a juggie you want to make a marauder because that is what you want? What do I care.
  2. I like the loot box idea for special companions. I personally won't be interested in a companion. I don't have any of the pack provided companions, but this sounds like it would sell pretty well.
  3. I hate when I blow a stun/whirlwind on someone white barred or an entrenched player.
  4. No its not. It's because you have this command called ignore
  5. This is a slog in that the cost to buy the 236 shells is way to high. You can be fully geared at rank 150 by simply running EV/KP/EC in SM and getting all the gear. I highly recommend this as the UC costs to buy 236 shells is way more time than those operations. SM they are face roll easy. Most people running them don't even need on the gear. They are doing them only for the weekly/daily operations uc's. A pve guild will gear you and carry you through them. Frankly, you only need the 236 armoring. you can buy 246 mods/enhancements that are slightly worse then the gold 242. You can buy the 246 bound and weapon as well. Really the only thing you need is those damn armoring set bonus. If I am gearing brand new that is what I would do. With a geared main this is really mute as you'll be cross gearing through activities that make the grind very small.
  6. Pre-gear step: Buy 246 hilt/barrel if you can afford it (Understand you may need 2). Run missions till you can or just take the 230 weapons. You want max damage output even if your stats are lower this will get you a solid base for damage output. Should help fix your pvp issues slightly as well. Step 1. Get a guild to run you through EV/KP/EC SM were you get all the gear token drops. Shouldn't be hard for the daily run when they are up. Most guilds have over 236 at this stage as base mains. You shouldn't have a hard time with these and getting a runs on these to get all the gear. I only like last boss SM's on my geared for the tokens. That will put you in almost all 236 gear. Keep the shells you can pull everything else. This will be foundational gear for upgrading via shared tokens you get for just doing the daily events. (Space, PVP, PVE) Step 2 can be used to skip Step 1. Run HM EV/KP with a guild whose gearing people or pug it and rng need all the gear and pray to win a lot. Those gear drops with get you almost to 242 full. This will be harder to get all the gear from. People will need in HM to get 242. You'll need a pretty friendly guild whose willing to let you keep all the gear tokens. *Duel Wielding classes I believe can use the off-hand barrel/hilt in a main-hand now. This may be off a bit but is worth considering on the HM EV run. It drops 2 off-hands. Upgrade the tier 2 gear to tier 3 armor gear through tokens. I recommend right side first. You may find the pricing for 246 cheap enough now. Try buying 246 implants, ear, relics. Those will let you get the gear up to par first and then you can upgrade those gold shells last. That will keep your set bonus. Run EV/KP/EC HM weekly until you have 242 in those slots. These are your main gearing runs. Eternity Vault Annihilation Droid XRR-3 – Belt Gharj – Gloves Ancient Pylons – Earpiece Infernal Council – Boots Soa – Offhand Karagga’s Palace Bonethrasher – Bracers Jarg & Sorno – Boots Foreman Crusher – Earpiece G4-B3 Fabricator – Legs Karagga – Chest Explosive Conflict Zorn & Toth – Implant Firebrand & Stormcaller – Relic Colonel Vargath – Helm Warlord Kephess – Chest Implant in Master Mode
  7. Engineer sniper group beats this as you stack in the acid with entrench with dcd's and healer. You can play this to draw matches as well.
  8. Tatooine has some places it works. However, I agree. This should have large hook.
  9. The account will be banned but in my experience the person behind it won't be gone. These threads are sometimes scammers poor attempts at covering a crime. I'm purely using this as an example and in no way accusing anyone here of this type of behavior. They will move all ill-gotten illegal items to a shell account and be back under a different name. You won't know its the person, but for the similar tone and grammar. I'm suspicious based on the timing of the posts. 48 hours post theft sounds like a great way to build a case with people you know in game. That you were cheated, but are not guilty. The scammer may still want to game with the same people. That amount of currency buys a lot of credits and items. Hypercrates of goods to be sold on the gtn would net between 300-1.5 billion credits of items depending on sales. Dumping them and moving the credits around. Using a friend/guild to move the money. Makes it hard to tell what transactions are legitimate. Then buy the stuff from the gtn. List them and buy them close together. Off hours. Use the guild bank. This behavior could be a felony and could be a federal crime. it crosses state lines. Maybe international fraud as well depending on the country or origin. If I was this type of person and involved in such a scam I'd maybe think about those consequences as this thread would be evidence of intent. The op claims to use multiple vpn's to mask. PayPal accounts. These are typical behaviors of people masking identity. As we all know they can ban the account, but the nature of masked identity of PayPal allows this type of individual to return, especially if they have been masking ip information for his source network or origin to the game and forum/account.
  10. I don't know, but he's got a lightsaber that's longer than a regular jedis weapon.
  11. Engineer or MM. You basically entrench and spam abilities. Its the easiest clicker classes. I find like others arsenal merc to be click friendly. Never tank. You will need a minimum of keybinds to deal with swaps in pvp and pve. You cannot tank without keybinds of some level. I run a hybrid click keybind. I do fine and believe using an inferior method of fighting is superior then learning to be pure bound. I do recommend a gaming mouse. They have features that make clicking more friendly.
  12. There use to be no delay. I used that method to rename toons when the 90cc transfers existed. It was cheaper than a rename. I'd test a name I wanted on an alt.
  13. They have to work through all the fleet chat whiner tickets before they get to the cheaters. Because that is more important to "some" people then exploiters and content.
  14. Group Ranked Arena Map Exploit. Team of Operatives using roll and map exploit to move to map areas not intended to be gotten to. It appears to be the same roll exploits used in gree pvp area and is a general operative roll exploit. If you see operatives and cannot find them use AOE in Makeb on top areas. They typically are up there between the 2 high tops by the bridge. One of them was not seen. He didn't seem to die in acid either. I've seen a new Starfighter exploit on movement yesterday. The glitchy movement and they were not lockable during this and they didn't take what I typically see as hits during glitching movement.
  15. Then all you'd have is mounts on your bar. That logic holds true for attacks as well. Why have 5 attacks when I only need 2? Melee Proc and Melee non-proc?
  16. That high horse must be tough to ride. EA like all for profit public companies exist to make money. The market has spoken and EA is producing the content and quality that a majority of the market wants. There is no nobility in professions that leverage art to turn a margin. Its doing what it can with this franchise to turn a profit. They are no different than any arthouse. They have pros and cons. EA's scale and size has benefits. It also creates organizational issues that make it seem disconnected from its customers. In all my time in this game, I've not encountered EA/Bioware people who don't love this franchise. They all seem excited as heck to be part of the stars mmo game. They need better leadership. The day to day people are fine. Frankly, I've seen vast improvement since RNG 5.0 was introduced. A return to value for subscribers brought me back and I'm very happy with the pace and quality of the new materials between releases.
  17. 90% of the companions are forced PVE to Obtain. 1 Companion has a pvp requirement. The other 9% are either Pack Obtained or Gifted/Free Unlocked. The 1 companion that has a pvp requirement has a story bypass. It also is noteworthy that the companion has no story roll.
  18. Spend my dollars on content please. This pvp lacks any credibility in the gaming world. A person should be stat optimized by a choice. This game has always had a problem with progression gearing in pvp. This is just one more by product of that design decision. If they are going to do 1 item, they may as well just min/max you to optimum for pvp and be done with it. They already decided multiple times through many, many revisions not to do that.
  19. What about that time a droid was Emperor for a day? That was pretty boss.
  20. They have bug tracking software. Patch notes are written to be high level notes. Not a programmers documentary to players. They have a limited QA and everyone should by now know that. They try hard to keep it from impacting gameplay. I think they do well with bug/patching and not overly breaking the game. Re-introducing bugs happens. These are objects that impact many areas of the game. It's simply not in the budget to test every dependency of the objects. I'm not sure what development house you worked in or for that hasn't experienced these issues in the last 3 years, but I assure you its very common. Even with the tools and standards. The 3 rules always apply. This game doesn't have the unlimited resources. It's very clearly an MMO on a budget. I would reset my expectations on an MMO of this age with this subscriber population. Maybe WoW is more for you?
  21. Watch the spreads. Often Mats are selling for more than the assembled item. You simply need to sell mats. If you are going to craft you need to have a level 50 companion to have the crits. As you will no doubt be able to determine from my earlier statement that mats sell more than the item, that means you need the crits to sell assembled items if you choose to craft. My advice is that crafting in this game is not for the casual player. It's pretty much about guild crafters using the guild to get them resources to flood the market. For the most part my advice is pretty basic. Run heroic dailies and pvp for credits. During those events have your companions gather mats with the crew skills and missions. Sell the mats. Then do an op or flashpoint. Maybe some gsf. Join a dumb conquest guild. Get them to give you materials for crafting and conquest. You'd be shocked at how much that actually equates to in free credits. Give me 300 lvl 10 crafting mats * 5 resources. I'll make stuff for invasion. You get 100k conquest for the guild. They are happy. You got free mats. Time to craft your stuff. Windfall profits for guild crafters.
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