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Everything posted by tynt

  1. /signed Hopefully the mara/sents get some of that good ole operative love and attention from BW!!!
  2. the mara/sent nerf is coming, it is funny tho, ops receive 3 nerfs with no one really complaining about them except the first one. Mara/sents are ridiculously OP with hundreds of pages of people explaining in detail yet they receive a buff. It makes me wonder sometimes =/ I'm sure BW will run the numbers themselves and see how OP they are, especially in comparison to the most nerfed class in this game, the operative.
  3. tynt

    Jug or Sin?!?!

    A lot of miss information thrown around in this topic. Jugs have better armor/ dmg mitig, better heals with cool downs, slightly more dps in tank mode thanks to huge ravage buff, more utility, and way more cc,. The advantage for the sin is stealth. I loved the comment on tanksin dps is close to mara lmao. Someone is seriously lost and confused...
  4. I expect to see GBTF/UR receive a 3 min cooldown or require 30 stacks of fury / centering. I laugh at all these comments about how marauders/sents need this ability because they are melee. There are tons of melee chars in the game and none of them have such a powerful ability. All of you who have rerolled to be FOTM might as well move on to the next flavor, the rest of the players who play a marauder because they enjoy the class will keep on playing while the others will be going from 1-50 on a diff toon. :wea_03:
  5. tynt

    Jug or Sin?!?!

    I have a 50 shadow and 47 jug. With that being said before 1.2 I would say the assassin has the advantage, however the 23% boast to ravage really puts the edge slightly in the jugs favor for dps. I've seen veng, rage, and immortal with dps gear all very effective. Immortal with dps gear is similar to tank assassin however I'd say slightly more utility and ravage >> 3 stacks harnessed darkness lightning. The only advantage for the assassin would be stealth, however the jug gains more damage reduction and more control with very close to same damage. Also Jug can armor debuff their targets. Long story short - is the utility of stealth worth losing cc, utility, and damage of a jug? The difference is small though so another way to pick would be by looks, double bladed saber with robes/dress or single saber with robes/pants?
  6. This must be a joke. Try taking the dps mentality with a tank spec jug and it's much better only loss is no stealth but gain extra stun, leap, and much more. Long story short, ravage > lightning.... Only diff is that you have not seen any because 5k smashes are fun.
  7. wow, I give the OP 10/10 on trolling for all the responses. The most op class in game next to mara/sents complaining about scround/ops? LMAO. Good job OP, best troll ever.
  8. Did you see how many tracer spammers played mercs? That is why there is such a huge amount of whining. Spamming tracer is no longer a great way to play mercs, thus why all the whine. Once they learn how to use more than one ability they will realize that it was really a buff. Tip for all the baddies out there - Try putting unload, heatseeker missile, and railshot on your hotbar... they are good abilities.
  9. It is hard to take these forums seriously when so many people still do not understand the mechanics of the game. Armor mitigates all except elemental or internal damage.... Meaning weapon and force / tech ( yellow attacks are force or tech). The sky is not falling and if we are over nerfed be sure that a future patch would balance us.... I still remember when the sky was falling last nerf patch...
  10. OP has a point, expertise granting dmg, dmg reduction, and healing is wrong. Instead of removing the bonus healing I believe they should just remove the dmg reduction. This way you have bonus damage being countered by bonus healing. Anyway I'm sure that is flawed too however it is very apparent that not having a counter on healing bonus that expertise grants is seriously flawed. I don't see how people can even pretend to argue it, it baffles me really. Just wait until people are rolling around with +20% in expertise.
  11. why does everyone make it seem like half health is a lot? all sents/marauders pop it when they are like at 10% health .... The defensive cooldowns will be reduced in effectiveness / removed. You are only setting yourself up for sad times if you think this class is supposed to have the best / most defense in the game.... It's either that or they will reduce the damage, which imo would be retarded sents marauders are supposed to keep their high damage.
  12. lol everyone knows sents/marauders are op, and definitely up next for swings with the nerf bat. I just hope they remove/reduce the effectiveness of their defensive cool downs as they should keep their high damage. The only good thing with the class is that there is about 95% terribads playing them. The 5% that actually know how to abuse those defense cooldowns. Also this isn't about if the sent/marauder has great cc, it's more so combination of great damage (which they should have) and better than any other class defense in pvp (which they should not have ...) Anyway like i said don't except for the community that plays the class to admit there is a problem, because they will never happen.
  13. DPS jugs are great, don't listen to baddies. bad players who do little dps will be bad and do little dps ... also, as for the "the class can be a tank" comment i suppose every single dps class in the game beside sniper and marauder would be would be woefully ahead of all other classes. Reason being is they can all either spec tank or heal. With this seriously flawed logic all classes should either be tanks or healers besides the sniper / marauder and their mirror.
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