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Everything posted by kweassa

  1. Yes there is. We call it "premade."
  2. kweassa

    Total unbalance

    Yep friend. "You just say what you see, and you just see what you know." (ps) maybe I should go into PR business. I make a lot of nice catchphrases...
  3. The question I'd be interested to ask healer players would be "What is your vision of your healer?" The reason is that I think too many people want every healer to be the same. Technically this is not just healers that do that, but much similar with all other comparable classes. When there's a really far-ahead/OP class, everyone wants their class to be at the same league. The thing is, IMO all that essentially does, is do nothing but create homogenized classes that are just reskinned versions of each other. Oh sure, one looks like a secret agent, one of them carries a big cannon, and one of them has a lightstick in his hand... but essentially all three healers would be same in healing capacity, able to throw game balance off even more. In that sense, I'd rather wish for three different type of healers with three different type of skillsets. Each with different pros and cons. Most people seem to be content with ops/smuggs, their pros being mobile and slippery, and fast single target heals, but not so hot with large-scale healing or AoE healing. If this is to be the standard, then by comparison: 1. Merc/mandos have slower and weaker heals, lower survivable rate as "CONS" -- people want these CONS to go away and just become the same level at sorc/sages, which I think is ridiculous and shameless. But at the same time, IMO mercs/mandos need a "PROS" to go along with the cons, and it is very difficult to find any. IMO the pros would need to be something unique and different, which differentiates it from ops/smuggs and sorc/sages. IMO, lore/image/concept wise mando/mercs would be more combat/offense oriented, so personally I'd look for a more offensive role to go with merc/mandos. 2. Sorc/sages, OTOH, has no "CONS" at all. They just outdo everything other healers do. To me, it seems pretty clear that if sorc/sage players don't want any of the heals nerfed, then something's gotta give in the survivability category, so as "PROS" go they'd be the most powerful healers in ST and AoE as they are, but as "CONS" should be considered relatively easy to kill than other healers, or easier to shut down.. or alternately, very difficult to use well... something, anything. Currently they got no CONS at all when compared to other healers. Personally, the image I have for merc/mando healers would be "weakest in pure heals", but "very powerful offensive capability" -- almost to be considered DPS/HEAL hybrid. The image I have for sorc/sages... is something out of 1.X days, although not as frail as those days, but still needs a lot of its survival mechanics nerfed down in exchange for current level of mega-healing. Its either that, or keep the current survivability and nerf down on the heals instead <-- but this is just basically making it a reskinned ops/smuggler.
  4. kweassa

    Total unbalance

    Guy's obviously a newbie, one of those who think that they're good, and therefore, concludes that it has to be some sort of a problem with 'balance' when they keep on losing against someone. Cut him some slack, guys. We were all there once. (ps) His sentiment would have been right pre-1.2 days, with all those early-days of broken stuff where smugg/ops used to have way too high defense penetration, coupled with that ice water or something (can't even remember the name), They used to be able to just facetank any class and stick a shiv into one's guts until you keeled over... have the best defensives, and could just stealth out and heal to 100% with that water item or something. But wow.. that's like.. 4 years ago.
  5. You need to be in matches where you don't roflstomp the other team easily. Basically in an environment where both sides are equally matched at a very high-end -- which tends to bring out a huge and unending fight where it usually happens, like Alderaanian mid node, or Novare S bunker. When this happens you just go berserk and blast things on one spot without even needing to move around or evade since both teams are so overflowing with heals that nobody dies. When that happens, basically the fight just turns into a combat dummy practice. Plenty of heals, guard, taunt, peeling and nobody on either side dies, so for both sides, people just dump everything everywhere ... DPS dumps their best and largest attack rotations non-stop, tanks dump single/AoE taunts everywhere, one drop of AoE heals from the sorc covers like 5~6 people at a go..... Matches like these is where the largest heal numbers, largest damage numbers, largest protection numbers happen.
  6. It's not really that hard. It just happens in any game. In any game and every game, empirically, healers are always viewed as most valuable, and in any content they are most welcome from anyone. Nobody turns away healers be it PvE or PvP. Naturally, making a healer class is one of the most popular options for a new player to explore when he gets more familiar with the game. It is also a very widely popular choice for casual players or especially women players, because in many cases being a healer isn't all too difficult at all. This is not to downplay their skill or efforts, but merely stating the truth. In many games, even those with different types of healers, there is always a "basic" form of a healer which is easy to play and manage. In most games, as long as the DPS know their job, and the tank player knows his stuff, in usual cases healers are rarely in danger, simple point-and-click according to health bar status, and yet almost always receive most thanks and praise. Just look at how many mvp votes healers receive, as compared to the mvp votes skilled tank players receives, whom usually tend to work their arse off and almost die of a heart attack after every game. Add to that the relatively recent changes where sorc/sage healers became super easy mode, overhealing in almost every situation -- that in PvP they're almost demonized now, and frankly that much influential to the entire match.... what you get is an easy to manage, easy to play class that sways the course of the entire PvP match/PvE content played, and so effective in what they do, that even a relatively low-skill person could play it and still do well unless the enemy team is really, really well organized with super-effective DPS focusing. Look at the complaints from some other healer players, merc/mandos and op/smuggs ... and how much they despise sorc/sages, because to be effective their class needs actual skill and experience, whereas the sorc/sage class is just a faceroll in most cases, and yet does more healing, and receives more recognition and thanks. No class in the game currently sways the entire match like with just their presence. Its an obvious choice for people who walk the path of least resistance or challenges.
  7. ...you really gotta ask? Just come to Reps, not just those occasional matches. Cross over, make a lv60 and PvP for at least 2~3 months straight, and get a good picture of what's going on instead of those occasional glimpses some idiots put up saying, "Hey, I switch over to Reps all the time, I win plenty" shi*. Do that, and then ask yourselves if anyone wants to play that shi* in that environment. A few months after its start in 2011, in 2012 the server faction numbers I've seen were largest apart at 3:1 in favor of Imps. I'm guessing the imbalance is even more, at least in terms of PvP players. SWTOR has announced that its population and playerbase is still fine even in 2015. But clearly PvP pop. is dropping, and its really a very easy and simple reason behind it. I say this is not just on Harbinger, but on every server with every Rep queueing into PvP at peak times. When Reps queue, the first impression you get from your team is "We'll probably lose." Yep. Call it a defeatist attitude if you want. But this doom and gloom, soggy and unenthusiastic outlook on how your match is going to be played out, comes from learned experience. It's been what's going on for last 5 years. What do you think that does to people? I said it in some other post, but I say it here again. Why don't Reps make any premades? BECAUSE PEOPLE WHO ARE INCLINED TO MAKE PREMADES AND PVP GUILDS ARE ALL MONOPOLIZED BY THE IMPERIALS IN THE FIRST PLACE. There is genuinely NOT ENOUGH REP PVPERS. We do have some good guilds and players. Being in this frickin' one-sided situation, those PvPers who have survived the onslaught and still managed to play as Reps, are some of the best PvPers and PvP guilds in the server. But like, for every 10 matches that happen these guys can come join in maybe 1 or 2 at most. All the rest of the 8~9 matches as Reps are matches full of daily questers who don't give a shi* whether win or lose. All the rest are newbies and casuals who like being a Jedi in the lore, and came to Reps as their first character. When these guys become better players, and remain interested in PvP, THEY CROSS OVER TO IMPS these days. I've already laid down the mechanics of how PvP dies in plenty many threads. Its how I've observed many, many other MMOGs in the market die out in PvP for the last 20 years of my gaming experience. Its how my last MMOG which I've played until Dec. 2015 died out in PvP as well. Initial imbalance is never addressed. PvPers all flock to one side. From that point the other side is almost predominantly losing. Casuals and daily questers who don't care just stay on and queue even still, but anyone who wants something from PvP can't take this one-sided bullshi* for long. So, PvPers on this side all leave. Even casual players grow tired of just being crushed all the time. Soon you only have the worst of people ever left on this side, and these guys are what all your friggin' l33T premades are fighting. I don't imagine that all too fun. Sure, maybe for the first few thousand matches you one-sidedly stomp, but even that gets old. Everything else is an excuse. You could receive new WZs and balancing every month, and still people won't give shi* in us Rep side, because we're all gonna lose 8~9 matches out of 10 anyway. Turning blind eye to imbalance kills PvP. It always has. You can make zillion excuses about it, but even still, take heed my words, and watch how things unravel. I've seen it happen. Its happening here in SWTOR as well. Come to Reps and even things up, enough to give confidence back to Rep players that they can still expect at least 4 wins out of 10 matches or so. Or, keep making flimsy excuses about how its not your fault, and then watch how PvP dries up. The earliest lessons of life that even children learn when they first go to the playground: When the other side keep winning, you either ask to remake teams, or don't play with them no mo'. Did you people honestly think an entire faction full of people would still queue to PvP just the same to offer freebie kills and easy farming for you forever? So now that one of the two factions is about to just collapse and raise the middle finger to PvP, who are your l33T premades gonna play against? Yeah, that's right. Play amongst yourselves in the same WZs all the time, where the community shrinks so small that you know everyone on the other side. That's where you're headed. Think about that.
  8. Stop whining. If you don't like it, just reroll and get a sorc. Problem solved. ... No, I don't really mean that. It was just to make a point about those who keep on making excuses for how premades cause one-sided imbalance in the game, and object to solo-on-solo, premade-on-premade matchmaking. Logically speaking, it's the exact same thing as "If you don't like it, go make your own premade".
  9. You're still not getting it.... You're still missing the point. The complaint in this case is not about the how you can temporarily avoid something that is bound to happen after a few seconds anyway. The complaint and anguish in this case would be such fundamental imbalance that took place even before the match began, that once the game started, one side was so horribly crushed and couldn't fight back at all. That's the point here. If we suppose a normal, balanced way of things, you wouldn't even need to advise on something like this because usually one of the teams don't really get so wrecked helplessly and one-sidedly in the first place. Things like this happen because the imbalance in the team composition was so large, that the losing team wasn't just losing. They couldn't even set foot in the fighting zone. Jump off the other side of the ledge and what? Take 5 steps until the horde of premaderps just come to this side and do the same thing? Nobody is letting them do anything. It just happens because it's the only thing that happens when you put two imbalanced teams to fight. Some flaw in the system matched up a super heavyweight fighter against a featherweight in the ring, and you're in the stands, watching the featherweight get pulverized, and then you're saying, "he should move around more".
  10. Not much of an excuse, I'm afraid. Any attempt at balancing can be simply answered that way. People will still find something else to complain about. Then why balance stuff at all? Its like history. No matter how much the mankind makes progress, new problems still arise and people will be unhappy. So then why move up from troglodite status in the first place? Whoever said anything about competitive PvP? I make it very clear that protests against premades is an attempt to save the casual PvP and its players. PvPers tend to think they're the people that matter, but in reality dedicated PvPers are at best a handful minority who just happen to be the loudest. Every WZ you play, more than half the people in both respective teams, and as a whole, are solo queuers. The PvP will still go on when all the 'pros' are gone from the Earth, but once casual players dry up, then PvP cannot survive. That's the truth and reality behind the PvP scene. The casual players are the backbone of what makes PvP possible, and are the silent majority. Theoretically, this problem would not even exist if PvP-oriented people were equally spread out in both factions -- in which case, even if premades and solos mix-queue, in theory there would be as often a Repremade as much as there are Impremades -- and therefore, the win:loss ratio of both sides teeter-tottering around 50:50 with minor fluctuations. But no, for some reason that is not entirely explained, PvP-oriented people display this moronic behavior and just all flock to the Imps. And therefore, a great population imbalance in terms of PvP and its queues have happened. In this real world, the likelihood of Repremades joining in the game to face-off against Impremades would be less than 5 to 1, empirically speaking. In all likelihood, when a queue pops and match begins, the team composition, distribution of skilled players, general experience and gameplay level, gear quality, will ALL be in favor of Imps almost every time. Because, the server population was skewed that way from the beginning. In an environment like this, making a premade is simply KILLING off any motivation for the other side -- most usually Reps -- to even try PvP in the first place. I don't see what's so hard to understand about this. Are premades thinking no matter how much this goes on, they'll always be fresh new players to pop up to get farmed? Is that it? A lot of people say "why don't Reps make premades and fight back then?" To this, I will give the final and only answer, which is honest to god the truth, and nothing but the truth: "Anyone who would be inclined to create PvP guilds, or make regular premade teams to fight back against Impremades... are ALREADY ALL FLOCKED AND STACKED AT YOUR FACTION." This is what "server population imbalance" means, in the first place. People usually complain when they suffer something like 8 straight lost matches in a row in a single night, and then something like that happening for the entire week, which also happens to be what happened the last entire month... which is all caused by Impremades. In opposite terms, Imps make premades because they know they can win easily just by doing so, since all the PvP inclined people are already all flocked at the Imp side anyway. A cakewalk everytime. Do you honest to god believe, that this kind of one-sided bloodbath everyday, every week, every month, is purely caused by natural skill imbalance? Do you honest to god believe, that such a glaring display of superior PvP capability will still be retained even if premades are shut out from solo queues and the Imps are forced to be under the influence of random team compositions everytime, like the Reps are? Think about that.
  11. So...instead of a sorc/sage class pooping down on the game, you want a sorc/sage class and two more pseudo-sorc/sage classes that heals in the same bullshi* easymode manner and numbers, raining down a heap of poops on the game together. ...and they wonder why people hate healers. Sorry, no. Merc healers and Ops healers don't need no buff. It's the sorc/sage healers that should be stepping down to merc/mando, op/smug levels.
  12. kweassa

    PvP balance

    Easy. Balance is simply maintaining "roughly similar starting conditions", and then letting the players figure out the rest, upto a reasonable level where anyone at any skill level would be offered a fair share of both wins and losses. As it turns out, the RANDOMNESS of reg WZ queues guarantees this. You see, we can't guarantee everyone ha same skill. We can't guarantee everyone has same gear. We can't guarantee everyone will be doing their best. We can't guarantee everyone is earnest with PvP instead of slacking around. What can we guarantee as equal and balanced? The ratio of how everything mentioned above is mixed to a team. That's one thing we can guarantee through randomness. So, sometimes, multiple good players are mixed into this team, sometimes only that team, sometimes both. Sometimes our team is all idiots, sometimes all their team are idiots, sometimes both. Sometimes everyone is well geared here, other times there, other times both, in some cases none. Sometimes our team has multiple healers, sometimes their team, other times both, other times none. RANDOMNESS -- everyone falls under the whims of the team-forimation. It is the ultimate equalizer, and the ultimate balancer in a PvP system that is consisted mainly of clandestine solo queueing players. When this randomness is unconditional, and uncompromising, you can bet that your unlucky streak will eventually go away. You can be sure that as many sucky and frustrating games you are put into, you will have equally as much good games through randomness. Start mixing in premades, and then this randomness is gone from the game. Unless you do the same thing, you ALWAYS meet a team where the randomness does not apply -- no equalizer is working. This is the point where balance is shattered. Frankly speaking 90% of all the whines and complaints here arise from people who aren't really skilled or equipped or experienced enough to be complaining about it. Like we discussed in other threads, most premaderps are as much clueless people as any newbie -- with their only advantage coming from a steady and guaranteed numbers of sorc/sage healers in any match. Unfortunately, due to the sorc/sage heals being so powerful, just being guaranteed you have that many healers in one team is enough to roflstomp the other side who rely on random chance to have any healers at all. Individual class balance, the sorc/sage heal debate? This only applies to fights that are so closely and evenly matched against each other, that the real problems in class/heal balance become a determiner for who wins or loses... and in my personal estimate, less than 10% of the PvP population are skilled enough to know the difference. All the rest of complaints, come from a general imbalance in match conditions. Most are Rep players complaining, and its mostly about premades, whether they realize this or not. In other words, its faction/matchmaking imbalance. Without matchmaking that prohibits premades jumping on total pugs, no amount of individual balance fix is going to end the complaints. Reps will still lose, Imps will still premaderp.
  13. At least you Imps put up with that shi* and still win, thanks to the lolmades. Try putting up with the same shi* in Reps.
  14. The "intent" means nothing in face of "results." That's what you should be considering before you keep on defending irresponsible behaviors and outcomes the premades cause upon the PvP world. Do I really think all premade players are as bad and evil as I tend to portray or demonize them? No. Do I really think all premades are seriously huritng PvP? YES. Because like I said, I've "been there, done that" and seen firsthand what it does to the game and its community, and even my last MMOG I played before I returned to SWTOR this January, suffered the exact same fate. A total community meltdown and PvP-death. Thanks to premades. ...and yes, they used the same frickin' excuses -- they just like competitive fights, they just like to be with friends, being able to team up your guilidies is not a wrong thing, and blah blah blah. Well, guess what. Whatever their intent, the result -- THEY KILLED PVP. That's what premades do. Don't lie about it, don't deny it. They're not evil people, no. They team up for fun, yes. But they create imbalance, and the one-sided nature of such imbalance drives people away. The reality is, casual players are predominantly solo. Many of their friends don't really enjoy PvP. They'd rather not bother their friends or guildies into a content they do not enjoy, nor do they think PvP is that serious business to form a guild or keep on making a premade over. When they queue, they expect to have a little bit of fun time or off-time away from OPs or FPs. Mabe a distraction. A few credits, win some dailies/weeklies, get some PvP gear for the collection. Like it or not, these casual PvPers are solo, and they are the BACKBONE of what supports a PvP community. They don't ever show up in forums like this, nor are they even vocal from the beginning. They are the silent majority of the PvP community unlike buffoons like myself who cry out warnings in a high-pitched tone. And when they are beaten up, slaughtered, stomped, ridiculed, humiliated every day in this manner, they just leave. No fancy good-byes like some people do in the forums. They just go away, and never come back. And when they go extinct, PvP dies. All you have left behind is the bunch of premaderps, all by themselves, meeting same premade players everyday, wondering and griping about "huh.. why don't people play PvP these days". That's what happens to premades after they kill PvP. Premade players never intended such things? They don't want that happening? Well that's too bad. Their intentions or not, it's what they do. (ps) and no. I will never be a part of any premade ever again. I stopped doing that shi* 10 years ago when I realized what premades were doing to the game I played back then. I'm certainly not doing it to some Imperial solo player I might meet, because frankly, its total and unexcusable griefing.
  15. Break up the premade. Insta queues for you.
  16. Then you'll be friggin' happy to know that the same premaderpshi*s, in a WZ that can't afford different tactics like that, simply crushed the Reps after that with just raw, stupid, healing power after that for like 5~6 matches in a row. So, basically, its nothing but a cheap-arse way to reward sleazepiles of terribads by breaking the base level of game balance in terms of player participation. I can make you a bet and a guarantee, that if a matchmaking system takes place that always pits a premade against another, and NEVER begins a game where it pits premades against casual pugs. we'll be seeing just what all that 'friendship' and 'competitive spirit' is worth to those people. The higher quality of premades, real PvP guildstuff that would rather not play against pugs, these guys I know to be at the level of your praise, and them I can respect. The rest 99% of normal premades you see, are simply nothing more than exploiters. The only reason they win is simply by flocking to a single faction, take the path of least resistance, and simply DERP. I cannot in my good conscience condone any of such behavior as 'good for PvP', because it isn't. It breeds a horde of terribads who've grown so accustomed to roflstomping easy prey, the moment they are told that they'll be facing same premade levels, they break everything up and go hide into regs. That's "premades" for you.
  17. Harbinger. 11:37 AM UTC. Funniest match in a long, long time. Lame-arse sync-queue Impremaderps slapped around by total Repugs. Ancient Hypergates, the premaderp was so great, none of them even thought of stepping out of each other's babysitting range. The best of the Repteam players, 3~4 of them, in that moment decided to try "take our node, leave it almost undefended, and throw everything at enemy node to stop cap". That worked for 3 times in a row, score turned over, and just before victory, they all ragequit. So, just what "competitive" or "sportsmanly" thing were we supposed to gain by making premades in reg matches again? Chest-thump, slap-around weaker pug players, be an arsehole all smug, but ragequit as soon as things go reverse-derp? (ps) Did I mention the idiots were spawn-camping in a match just before that? Premades. Such precious gems for PvP community. *snort*
  18. UTC 11:00 AM, Harbinger. All PvP dead again. Guess who rained down.
  19. Thank you. Another person who gets it, and yes, that is EXACTLY it. Unlike real PvP players, like myself, or many others in this forum, casual players PvP for fun. They have their limits in patience, and if they don't PvP ever again, most of them won't even blink -- unlike how us, those who play MMOGs for PvP, are gonna seriously suffer if PvP drives up. Making up excuses for a flawed and idiotic behavior that drives new players and casual players by the dozen, is simply a long process of suicide for PvP. Yes, even Harbinger, is now suffering. Queues ARE getting slower. If people are so much pressed into numbers and skill imbalance that they're forced into making premades just for PvP, most of them will rather just walk away and be done with it.
  20. ...so people who do not wish to be a part of any guild, or just wish to casually queue by themselves, are now forced to make teams, or be a part of some guild, to be able to PvP. It's either be forced to join your standards, or be a perpetual loser and get get roflstomped 24/7? No thanks. A word to the wise: "Go pick on someone your own size", instead of forcing everyone to bulk up to be your size. In other words, go fight the same premades, and stay out of reg WZs. Either way, matchmaking. You really think premades are all that fun and competitive? Fine by me. Support matchmaking so that premades are always matched up with premades, and NEVER against pug teams.
  21. Eat right, and excercise daily.
  22. Honestly, everyone who knows, knows. Anyone whose been there, done that, knows what premades are about. Maybe things will be better. Maybe SWTOR is just too big a game for its PvP to die out before the natural lifespan of the entire game runs out. But in other medium sized or smaller MMOGs, I've seen it happen countless of times before. PvPers are always a small minority. The truth of the matter is, like it or not, PvP relies a lot on casual players to be part of, and make up the foundation of player numbers. If dedicated PvPers are like carnivores, on top of the food chain, but very small in numbers, casual players and new players are like herbivores. Most usually they are victims and foodstuff for the skilled PvP players, but unless people make such a process at least tolerable -- if not necessarily enjoyable -- then the 'herbivores' of this food pyramid go extinct. They'll just give you the middle finger and say "F*** this shi*. I ain't playing with you guys no longer. I ain't playing PvP any more, like, ever." and then they just walk away. Soon, PvP itself goes dead.
  23. Actually, as a person who mains a guardian tank, to be totally honest there is one perk with the Defense/Immortal guard/juggs that can be considered OP. At level 52, Defense/Immortal gets an ability which extends the duration of Enure/Endure Pain by 10 seconds, making it last a total of 20 seconds. This is one of the longest running immediate self-preservation buffs in the game, other than the sent/marauder self-buff that refreshes up to 30 secs. The thing is, one of the perks in the Masterful pool is called True Harmony/Through Power, and by taking this, the activation of Enure/Endure will give you a movement speed buff, purge all slow/immob, and then give you immunity for the entire duration of Enure/Endure Pain. This is when guard/juggs become unkitable. For a woppin' 20s, anything you throw at them that's short of a hard-CC or KB is going to be ignored. The guard/jugg cannot be slowed, will not be stopped. Now, normally, even if you can't really stop it, under normal circumstances the Defense/Immortal is a tanking tree and not supposed to be a main DPS type. It is an exceptional mobility tool to help you run around the battlefield for quite a stretch of time, to taunt and hinder enemy targets in protection of your allies. The problem is that when you build a skank.... you get a guard/jugg that has all the utilities of a Defense/Immortal build, and still hits as hard as any melee DPS, which is impossible to stop, impossible to slow, impossible to kite. If there's one thing that's OP, it's this. As a Defense guardian I know just how strong this Masterful ability is, and it is so important in PvP. But at the same time, I also know how a walking nightmare could be born of this when a skank uses it.
  24. It's actually the LOS in regards to the epicenter of your AoE power and the target. If you place a forcequake or any similar power BEHIND the target, or any angle which the epicenter of the AoE has no obstructions towards the target, you'll notice it hits.
  25. The question I would be asking is, "why are people so obsessed with portraying a class/character's role in terms of only defense and damage". Where's utility? Every argument concerning 'weak' or 'strong' classes is entirely one-dimensional here. People only see classes under the numerical context -- they either count the damage numbers, or healing numbers. They never seem to be interested in all the actions a class can do that doesn't show up in any of the end-game scoreboard. How much worth is a sent/mara's team buff in combat? Does that show up specifically in terms of damage or heal numbers? It doesn't -- and yet, sent/maras are almost always very highly recommended thanks to their team buffs. I don't see why this shouldn't be the case for merc/mandos. That's why I keep asking for heal debuffs, so we can make this perceived 'weak' class a powerful frontpage news to introduce as a tool of anti-sorc/sage suppression. If there's any other, different functionalities the class can serve, that's also fine by me. The point would be thinking out of the box. Why do we need to make every class simply a homogenized/reskinned version of the other by dealing in one-dimensional comparisons? If a merc simply becomes any higher DPS class, then essentially what's the difference between a merc/mando and a guns/sniper as a ranged DPS? The "looks" may be different as in one of them moves around while the other is stationary, but the role they fill is exactly the same. Let's try not limit everything to either damage or defense. Why not have those lacking attributes a unique trait of what makes up for a merc/mando, and then as compensation give something totally different? I mean, stuff like Electronet for example, stuff like this is good. No other class has this kind of unique utility -- shutting down movement powers. Why stop there? Give merc/mandos some more of such unique stuff which only they can do.
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