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Everything posted by underpantsgnomes

  1. Can you name specifics? Also which wz you get greatly changes which classes are favored.
  2. Try ninjaing the opposing pylon with 45ish seconds to go and holding. MUCH more effective than single pylon and mid holding.
  3. Only saw 2 go off the bridge, but sweet nonetheless!
  4. Knocked three players off the bridge in voidstar once at the same time. That was one of my prouder moments.
  5. I like it. Only thing I'd change is I would grant medals for defending the pilons. Otherwise a solid 4/5 stars.
  6. underpantsgnomes

    RWZ v NWZ

    Easiest fix would be to make NWZs match people by gear grade. Not perfect but would be a marked improvement.
  7. You don't want to enter a PvP zone? Really? Thay don't call it starWARS for nothing you know.
  8. It would be the smartest thing Bioware/EA could do. Thus it will not be done. On the off chance they're reading this though they really should. Being able to get everything through in-game play is a big bonus to the F2P crowd. Having a big credit sink helps the in-game economy. As long as the time required to get the credits is high enough it shouldn't hurt the real cash stream either.
  9. I'd go all out and just make a pink jedi outfit. Something like this: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/315/pala1pidf7.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/632284-Tier-8-are-you-guys-as-scared-as-i-am/page2&h=1002&w=1500&sz=343&tbnid=0yStzgYHlIntZM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=135&zoom=1&usg=__HSsNrAwoaF_1XD62szAQotUkntc=&docid=6XZOpIl7G-E0SM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=AXmXUL-VAYLu2gWE1ICwAg&ved=0CEEQ9QEwBg&dur=271
  10. Most useful thread ever. Been running wither spec - might need to try 23/1/17 for a while as my gear isn't even full battlemaster yet.
  11. I have Ashara with two good light sabres and she solos 5 lvl 50 mobs. Good enough for me.
  12. What i'm getting from all this is I should just suck it up and do the math myself. Even though I swore off MATLAB after quitting WOW. Oh well. I'd rather know for sure than listen to people who probably don't.
  13. I like playing full darkness with andronikus blasting away. Pretty smooth and stuff dies quickly. With the mix of cc, armor and aoe its a fun spec for me.
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