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Everything posted by justregularjoe

  1. Please please please please I beg for the option to turn off XP Low level pvp is so much fun I am addicted and love it, because it is 100% based around player skill. Level 50 is nothing but gear and premades on vent/mumble/etc. Please give the option to turn off EXP.
  2. Dominated by Gear and Premades. Lower Level PvP 100 % player skill. Why play this game if you take PvP seriously ?
  3. Actually this is wrong. Alacrity has very minor effect on heals, because it only effects casted and channeled heals. For a sorc/sage for instance, half of our heals are instant cast and get zero bonsu from alacrity. It makes more sense to stack crit and surge so all our heals will effect it.
  4. Just put an option in so people can use it if they want to... why are these seemingly simply and thoughtless, yet obvious things, not happening. Just put an option in ???????????
  5. every server ever man. 90% of people are terrible. We can only hope that bad pvpers quit from frustration
  6. When is this going to get fixed. First battle of the day and the republics use the exploit. When is it going to get fixed ? This is priority...WHY!
  7. Really insightful post Tullaian thanks for that. I do get the idea that you generally agree, but think the article's author could have made some, erm, "fairer" arguments ?
  8. Like I said, I REALLY WANT TO LOVE THIS GAME ! Let's all be honest, like 98 % of us are avid MMOer's and probably have played WoW but are bored or whatever it may be. In my case I could not stand how they dumbed it down over and over and over and over. I just really think that this article is RESOUNDING of the issues this game faces in its current state. Does not that mean things aren't changing ? No, of course not. Does that mean the game will fail ? I don't think so. Does that mean, really, anything ? It is hard to draw any conclusion. My simple point is that a lot of the things in that article, written...what 3 years ago ? Are going on in this game now and I would encourage BW to really take a look and see what they can do to not follow that same path.
  9. And maybe you should too: Why Warhammer Online Failed... Now, let's be real for a minute. I don't think SWTOR will fail - over all it is an awesome game. But I was feeling nostalgic and found this article. While reading, I noted that 90% of what is in this article is happening in this game right now ! Some examples, though I encourage you to read the full article: Pushing out new content instead of fixing bugs Class Imbalances Crafting Mediocrity Faction Imbalance. Anyway, I'm not trolling or anything. I am tired of WoW and played most other MMOs out there - I want SWTOR to be at the fore front of the MMO market, but I feel their priorities need to shift to maintain the hold on the player base they have right now. Read the article and comment and as an addendum - I would be so happy to see sweeping changes to the game such as the game engine reworked and massive bug fixes rolling out than to see any new content.
  10. This. They are fixing things that were not broken, and breaking them in the process: Valor Gains in Ilum ? Broken with patch Item/Skill Drag and Drop ? Broken with patch Cooldown Timers ? I'm in las Vegas now thanks (couldn't even give us an option!) Broken with patch The list goes on
  11. Ilum is really fun on my server except for the lag and FPS issues. If Ilum was a bit smaller, less graphically dependent (different game engine), it would really be a lot of fun.
  12. Good troll post, but as a 50 sorc in Champ gear, I agree that Sorc/Sage and Merc/Trooper are overpowered. But let us note that the interrupt mechanic makes this possible. Interupting a spell only locks that spell, not the entire "tree" or "school" Specifically speaking: Sorc: The Force Speed Cooldown is too low, should be like 45 seconds minimum with no talents to lower it higher Cooldown on Purge for PvP (its fine in PvE) Merc: Ability to do massive heals, while wearing heavy armor and getting the full mitigation from said armor Doesn't have to go into cover to use attacks (like sniper/gunslinger which cannot heal and use medium armor) Just my two cents
  13. The OP was well written and informative, but you left out some really important stuff like: The game engine ? 99 % of the QQ about that is justified. Ilum would be an amazing PvP zone if not for the lag, horrible FPS, and really crappy game engine. Imagine Ilum, using the WoW graphics engine :-) That literally excites me. Anyway as I said good OP but you did miss one of the most important downfalls currently in the game
  14. Quitting over small things that need to be fixed is stupid. That doesn't not make it extremely frustrating.
  15. I get stunned all the time with a full resolve bar lol Never when I attack someone with resolve does anything happen, at all
  16. Its just stupid. Why can't you just put premades with other premades? THIS IS PRIORITY STUFF !!!! What needs to be enhanced in the game: Bug Fixes PvP Imbalances Pre-mades against Pre-mades Crafting Buffs Operation Difficulty What bioware is doing: Nerfing classes Nerfing professions Making new bugs Changing the UI every patch This is just insane like I don't even know why I am paying for this anymore
  17. Lol best reply ever. I feel the same way. I almost didn't logon today just because of frustration, and then I do anyway, and Find all these fresh bugs. Just smh.
  18. a lot of these are still happening, and are not biased or anything. Really great list hope to see all the issues fixed.
  19. First off a really simple one that ...somehow??... got past quality assurance (wait nvm, there IS NOT QA) Rakata Stims/Adrenals Now Show the Wrong Tooltip values - They show the previous values, not the nerfed ones. Ilum Bug: Please see this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=278285 As many have noted, the new Cooldown UI is very obnoxious - why didn't BW just put it as an option in settings instead of forcing it on everyone ? please add more as you find them...
  20. hundreds of people say something is broken after a patch, and this guy comes in with L2P. You could be helpful and say "It seem to be working fine on my server, xxxxx " But no, L2P is a lot more helpful.
  21. Naa we have really epic fair battles on my server, its totally broken right now ~ Hedarr Soongh
  22. signed, keep it at the top so we can get a friggin response
  23. Good thing Opinions are what pay for the game, or it wouldn't matter.
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