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Everything posted by Lyshar

  1. Power increases the amount of healing/damage done, where crit increases the chance to do more damage/healing. When modding gear and hovering your mouse over mods/slots you'll see where they go. Basically: Crystals are for weapons only. Hilts are for melee weapons only. Scopes are for ranged weapons only. Armoring is for appearance gear only (everything that is not a weapon or just doesn't show on your character). Only things you should really pay attention to is the armor rating and primairy/secondairy stats. There are also a few skills that offer schematics, but then you lose the ability to be self-sufficient. Optional. I believe players, since 2+ would otherwise already be achieved by having a companion out. But you can also try to solo it, just be prepared to possibly face more than you can handle. And companions often do things you don't want to when doing the tougher fights, players can be much more efficient. No dual spec, and none to be expection any time soon. Companions are there to compensate for your character's weaknesses, if you're a healer take along a damage/tank companion. Try the fleet, I think in the supplier section. It's called the Galactic Trade Network (GTN). You're welcome. Hope this helps you a little.
  2. Please edit the first post then, it makes you sound like a "credit buyer" type, which are generally loathed. And everyone knows 90+% of the human species doesn't read past the first post of a thread (at the most). So until you edit it for clarity you can expect a lot of flamers. Sounds to me now like you're looking for an out of game Galactic Trade Network ( GTN ) with Trade channel ( /3 ) build in, and those are the in game features at your disposal. Nah, he means "point to point" trade. Unless he means "player to player" trade, but that is a little redundant, payer trade would say the same thing. Too many abbreviations.
  3. I thought there was mention of improved sprint-like abilities (shorter faster ones I think it mentioned). I assume that was the reason to giving sprint sooner, cause if you get an improved sprint at level 14 (not sure, but that might be what it means), then what's so bad about having the basic available at the beginning? No need to whine if you don't look at the big picture. And I agree with the level 10 comment, start PvP with sprint so you are on more equal footing. Speed is important in PvP, at the very least it can make the difference.
  4. Must be some serious server lag (latency at the most 34ms for me), this means several seconds of predictable behaviour, like being stunned (teleport right as I get to him and engage combat) or walking in a straight line towards the fire trap (he went into the pit while I waited for the trap to end)... maybe I should've called that one falling through the walkway. But seeing as you don't mention some other things tell me those are probably hacks. So I'll have a little better idea what to look for.
  5. Well, it may sound like lag, but at times things happen that make me doubt it. I've seen stunned people teleport without the aid of another player. I've seen people jump off the huttball ramp, only to appear on the other side of the fire trap after I managed to cross it. I've seen people on voidstar blow up a door instead of planting a bomb (well, not actually seen who did it, or I would have reported them). I've seen my entire ops get booted less than a minute into the warzone (well, saw them dripping in once I managed to get logged in again myself). Most of the time when weird things happen it's not 100% clear if it can be blamed on lag. Things often enough look like cheating, I keep reading that it's very possible to cheat, but no one seems able to give the signs to look for. If I can't be certain for myself if someone may be cheating or not, then how can I report them? If I knew what to look for, and what is lag induced, I could report people with minimal risk of pointing the finger at innocent people (and thus minimize time wasting for everyone).
  6. Personally I never had this problem by just playing and doing the quests, in fact I kept outleveling content which made things more dull. Even when skipping 90% of the group content and not even trying to level. That doesn't mean you're lying ofcourse, so here are a few pointers that I hope help you. Bonus objectives. While doing quests you often have them and it's a good idea to complete them if you want to reap additional xp rewards. Area objectives. Entering specific areas also unlocks missions, they often aren't very far off the beaten path either. In fact I'd say they are pretty much all on my personal default beaten path. You'll find most if you try to explore the entire map, but note that some take place inside Heroic areas. Exploring. I already touched this by trying to explore the entire map, but doing so also grants a little XP bonus, especially if you explore entire maps. Space missions. Lets start by saying that every ship you blow up likes to give you xp, then there are bonus objectives in here, and the missions to do the space missions. They like to give a lot of xp. PvP. Doing PvP warzones gives a lot of xp, especially if you also take the PvP missions. Companions. Talk to them for a little bonus xp, you may need to get their affection high enough, but then you get events that give even more xp.
  7. Not all of it, there's still plenty of OOC, but mainly the /say channel is used for IC. By default that channel uses the same colour as general and trade, etc. So I advise changing the colour to draw attention to said stuff.
  8. Roleplay in the server type refers to in-characterness... Roleplay outside of the scripted story, so while interacting with other players. In SWTOR this actually takes place, but at times you may have to try and innitiate it.
  9. Haven't tried, but I think there's orange gear that has a level requirement without having mods in it. So I think it depends on wether or not the devs made the pre-modded oranges have a base level or not. My guess, there's a level restriction on them... why? Low level gear looks very basic, not much to write home about, but some still very nice. Medium level gear, starts looking impressive. "End-game" gear turns over the top rather fast, probably cause they think the kiddies want that sort of stuff (and everyone I hear taking agrees those look like crap, except maybe very few exceptions). So the bigger the "better" the higher requirements.
  10. Probably related to the anti-aliasing. In the begining: With it at maximum I used to get screen flickerings which ended with a distorted cursor (until system reboot). I played with the settings until it stayed normal (which caused holograms to disappear). Eventually I got everything working and every patch things improved so I could gradually return to maximum settings. Today: But now I was notified of new display drivers (AMD/ATI), which I would better have ignored... I logged in with weird visuals on the character screen and I saw a small moon (or rather an incomplete death star with how distorted it was) in the middle of the space station when facing one of the hangers. Went away when I switched to low anti-aliasing.
  11. I get at least 50% Huttball now, with not many useful skills to use. No rushing, no pulling, etc. At least I have stealth (which the enemy seems to ignore, while I can't do anything against other stealthed characters for some reason). But I can support the team in other ways and try to get commendations for the better gear. Except in non-peak times, then I don't even get Huttball. Just spend over 2 hours queued up, no match. Maybe with fully random teams I would have gotten some action at least.
  12. It's not bad, but it could be better. It ranks under Alderaan for me until teams are assembled as advertised, RANDOMLY. Would be a lot better if you could be partied with the other faction, not only would it be more interesting... But if it doesn't look at factions that can only mean queue times can be reduced by a lot. if there are 9 republic and 7 imperial players queued (non peak times obviously), they won't make a warzone ever. But Huttball can be the answer by actually making the random parties at advertised. It's a game in neutral territory afterall. I feel divided on the specific warzones. Maybe a preference order is better (I hear from most people they like Voidstar most, myself included). Otherwise we might have unused warzones at some point.
  13. Must've missed it going to how it was advertised, fully random teams. Only seen (Imp or Rep) vs. (Imp or Rep). Having fully mixed/random teams is the only thing that can make Huttball rank higher on my personal top three. I feel it's the worst warzone right now, Voidstar being the unquestionable top score. With fully mixed/random teams I'll soon call it #2.
  14. I think that would remove a lot of tactics. I agree that some may look cheaty at times, but that is just because the team may or may not work towards a common goal. Most of the lost matches are due to a lack of teamwork on one side, often due to people just going for kills (you may get a lot of medals, but it doesn't make you the most valuable player). If everyone agrees to go left, you'll still see people going right. Then the people that should be going right run into unneeded opposition because someone thinks he or she needs to draw attention to the other side. - But in Huttball that can be a good thing, I distracted 4 enemy players at once in Huttball on several occasions, but if your teammates don't play then you're still losing. I prefer if they fix the objective scores first, before thinking of an overhaul of something that isn't broken. The objective score often shows 0 for me while I solo'ed 90% of the attack phase on the Voidstar. That doesn't give a realistic impression (at least players saw and gave me 4 MVPs). Try discussing tactics before a match, I often tell people my intentions and suggest alternatives. When I see time and again that people just hunt for kills I tell the purpose of the match and what should be focussed on (and get a few "Duh" responses on occasion). EDIT: Actually, I can only think of one thing that is broken in Huttball... Teams are not as random as advertised. The best thing about Huttball is that you could be teamed up with the other faction. If that was actually the case it would be a lot more interesting to play Huttball. Huttball is my least favourite Warzone (Voidstar is my #1 at least until 1.2). Think of what you could learn of playing with your enemies.
  15. Actual lightsabers are equipped at the waist, in off mode. So no accidental de-lekku-ing.
  16. I have the same problem, especially in space mission. So bonus missions like to give credits, but you have to look during the mission or probably lose it between the 5/7xp gain spam and 1 legacy XP spam. And then you need to close the box again or it messes with actually doing the mission half the time. I don't find it too spammy during regular play, most of the time not at least. But space missions just make it rediculous. I am curious to how much credits a single mission gets me, including the bonus objectives. That way I can estimate my net crafting cost (or gain) when combining it with space missions. It becomes slightly less annoying when you reach level 50. I don't really care that much to keep track of the Legacy experience either, especially not since for the time being it's useless. There should be a setting in the options to specifically disable XP gain system messages, at least for kills (including space combat kills obviously). At least that'd give people a choice.
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