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Everything posted by mulzii

  1. You must play some very bad ops. When i play my op healer, if i see anyone try to 1v1 me, i can usually keep myself alive AND at least 1 of teammate or 2. No way 1 dps shuts me down completely. Yeah, i may have to heal myself for a bit and neglect the team, but they still wont kill me. In fact, i cannot remember the last time i died where it wasnt a 4v1 type of thing on my op. And i suck as a healer, but i know how to kite, as scrapper is my forte so to speak. But i can say this: when playing my healing sorc, i always have to worry about interupts, ccs, energy and dmg aganst. On my OP, i can eliminate the interupts and energy completely and not worry at all about them. I never, ever watch my energy bar since 2.0 and there's only really one thing to interupt, and most people cant nail it if i pop it intelligently anyway. So as an op, i just worry about ccs, which there are only a few and i have stealth, purge, anti-cc to deal with many of them. And i have my own cc's to counter any over foolishness. Now granted, in regular WZs, i've seen some ops that are still learning how to kite, and they make 'easy kills'. Some stand around thinking they can tank, etc. But a true op healer, who played scrapper at some point and was force to learn to kite and kite good to do anything pre-2.0, will be next to impossible to kill 1v1....
  2. personally, i don't want to see them nerfed into the ground, but i would like to see something, anything, that gives a dps something to interupt to give us a fighting chance. And to have the op have to use energy. When fighting the other healing classes, its a tough battle if they are good, but at least a combination of cc's and interupts at least give a fighting chance to kill them eventually. Against an OP, they immediately negate all your interupts, as there is nothing to interupt. so you have to rely completely on cc's. Against that, ops have all their cc's, stealth, healths, def cooldowns, etc. I'd like to have something to interupt to give a chance to finish them off. Thats what makes to other healers at least semi balanced. If they doubled/tripled the energy cost on the roll, and increased the enrgy needed for all instant casts, maybe that would balance it out without effecting scrappers and other healers much..
  3. nah. I wouldnt prevent premades from joining. I'd just make solo queuers earn x3 as much comms/gold, etc then the current values which would be the baseline. Then folks can decided if they want to roflstomp in their little premade and earn their basic comms/money they get now, or queue solo and make more money/comms/etc per wz. I hear you about the 7-man thing, seen that a bit this morning myself, though most did get backfilled eventually. the algorithm for backfilling may need an adjustment when a person queues but does not join at the onset of the match,
  4. it could be coincidental, but since last week, almost any WZ i join, pre-55 or 55, seems to contain at least one 3-4 man premade. Sometimes I get on the premade side, sometimes not. But the matches have been ridiculusly unbalanced. Either i'm on the team that gets steamrolled, or we do the steamrolling. Maybe 2 matches out of 20 are close/competitive/fun. There does not seem to be any fun, competitive games anymore. I'm hoping its just a temporary trend with the holiday week and double-xp. I do not have anything against the leavers. Until something is done to either balance out the premade advantage or compensate( more comms/money as rewards for finishing the wz if you solo queue perhaps?) the pugger for putting up with that disadvantage , i wont fault anyone for leaving to not waste their time in the current state of WZs..
  5. mulzii

    PvP reputation

    a better use of valor is to have people earn more money per WZ the more valor they have. Its expensive min-maxing nowadays, with ~100k+ for each the mk-9 and the aug, not to mention ripping mods/armorings/enhancements out to get better looking gear.
  6. the irony here is, that the fools that make these kinds of threads are usually the ones that think they are something special, get in the WZ, and then get their butts handed to them and have to blame everyone else but themselves. Perhaps before you wannabe elite folks solo queue, you should get your 7 little buddies and go put your eliteness to work in the ranked queue, where everyone is assured they pass the iq test to join...But then again, most of these fools probably could not get on a ranked team, which leads back to perhaps they are not so elite as they thought..
  7. thats the problem though. When I'm in a premade, or at least in an out-of-game voice communication with someone, its easy to take down anyone, as you can speak to each other, and use cc's/interupts in an orderly fashion. Now in a pug, people do not have that advantage, so cc's/interupts are overlapped/wasted, etc. So 2v1 against an OP is not so easy. It has nothing to too with l2p, but having communication. And you cannot expect the entire pvp population to have a premade backing them up. This is the reason OPs are seemingly impossible to kill in normal WZs, as there are less premades in regulars. The folks on here that state they can 2v1 OPs easily are the the ones that neglect to state that the are either in a premade or have voice comm with their partner to do so. They want everyone to thing that their 'elite' for doing so, when they are really doing is just taking advantage of the out-of-game communication alot of people do not have access to.
  8. yep, BW will tweak it with their sledgehammer. I'm not sure what a good balance would be for tweaking, as i've parked mine for a bit (plays too much like a tank nowdays), though i think adding more energy requirements on their heals they can cast while moving may be all that is needed. They need something added/tweaked to make OPs look at their energy and manage it. As it is now, i don't even look at the energy bar, i am always 75-100 full, heh..
  9. so your saying that people who solo queue should be at a disadvantage against folks who are in a premade (eg. out of game communication)? its MUCH easier for a premade to call/focus targets in voice than it is to type. You can have 4+ people focusing the healer, calling out cc's, etc to burn folks down in voice. See, i think most people like you who argue in favor of premades vs pugs are the baddies. They are the ones that are making excuses like 'all puggers are baddies so i have to premade' when in fact THEY cannot compete alone and need people to carry them and advantages like voice chat that puggers dont have. Again, i'm not against premades. I just think that since the obvious advantages of pre-configuring team classes and out-of game communication cannot be 'resolved' by bioware, it only stands to reason that these premade folks be matched against other premade folks, to provide an equal match for both teams, rather than roflstomping puggers with those same advantages. Isnt that what the rank queue is all about? But few teams queue for ranked. Why is that? Because there are a few teams that are roflstomping everyone, and regular 'premades', after getting stomped for a bit, resort back to the regular wzs to get some sort of advantage to make them feel like they are elite again. And for the person that will say 'i cannot get 8 folks to play ranked', my question to that excuse is: whats the difference between telling a pugger he has to make 4 friends to join a premade in a regular queue, and for the 4-man premade to make 4 more friends so they can join the ranked queue with 8?
  10. the problem is, thats what the ranked queue is for. people are not complaining that premades shouldnt exist. people are complaining that premades should fight premades. Folks that defend the premade in the pug queue just want easy wins...
  11. mores the pity. With bolster in place, i only could dream BW would give us a toggle to not gain xp now. all pre-55 WZs are infinitely more fun than the crap that is lvl55 pvp. Back on topic, all classes are easy to pvp with, but the sorc, sniper and merc and sin are all really powerful from lvl 11 upwards. They get most of their hardest hitting dps really early, whereas classes like mara/jug do not really begin shine until the 30's when they unlock skills like gore, shockwave, etc.
  12. i've never noticed a huge difference, all things considered. I've pvp'd every class, and my lvl 11 toons do alright against the 29s, and my 30's do okay against the 54's. Only difference is that the 54's take a bit more skill to bring down on my lower toons, as their full skillset gives them more survivability. But its not a rofl stomp by any means, just keeps me on my toes a bit more.
  13. Its really just a personal preference. i have a vengy jugg, a carn mara and a smashing jk. Damagewise, the carn mara is slightly ahead of the veng jugg, though both each have their own utility that makes it interesting. I can take out healers with both solo, and each can 1v1 just about anyone. the carn mara has the super pred which is nice, but the jugg has taunts which is just as useful. To me it goes with my mood. Carn is chaotic and unpredictable, fun to play when you want to throw caution to the wind and play suicidal. Big disadvatnage with carn mara is that i seem like i'm stunned/cc'd all the time. The vengy jugg is more predictable, and to me more fluid in playability in terms of how the abiltiies sync and flow. and the immunity after leaps is a godsend at times. the carn mara seems to have 'filler' times in there rotation, and mine always seems to be rage starved. The smashing spec is fun when you are impaired, or just want a lol for a few matches. but it gets boring real quick, and you while you put up huge numbers, its tough to pressure healers unless you get clumps of folks alot in wzs. I like them all, but the carnage marauder doesnt flow enough now to play in long spurts before before a 'chore' and frustrating (from being cc'd all the time). The smasher is in the same boat, its just a boring spec to me. The veng jugg i can play forever, as it just feels more fluid, at least to me, with great damage and great survivability and very good utility (taunts). Plus a hard counter to sniper after they kb you and load for the big hit, heh...
  14. agreed. BUT, thats what the ranked queue is for. And if this is what the premades really want, then they should all be pushing for a non-ranked premade queue. But most premade folks don't want competetion, they want their out-of-game communication advantage (which is huge) and rofl-stomping to pump their stats up...
  15. no, healers are OP in the survivability department. Its next to impossible to take one down 1v1 nowadays. It has nothing to do with l2p. The operative healer needs to have energy factored back into their skillset...right now an OP never, ever runs out of energy unless they are rolling too much. sorcs are in a decent place, though that instant self heal should be toned down a bit. commandos need a buff, or something...they are decent, but no where near the other two in performance...
  16. all they need to do is just put a delay when respecing and drop all buffs/stances/stealth/healing dots, etc (but not debuffs) while in this delay. Make the delay 10-15 seconds or more. And if someone takes damage while in this delay, the respec immediately fails. boom, case closed. people can still respec at the rez point at the start (or if they die), and crafty ones can respec while in the zone if they find a safe place where no one is looking for them or comes across them. If they want to get nasty about it, make the respec that all but 1% of their total health as well. That with the removal of the buffs and the delay, should remove in-combat 1-sec-macro-respecing idiots...
  17. thats kinda silly to make it valor 80. By the time you get to that level, there really isnt a need for money, as you should already be decked out, even with the pittance of credits received to get to that level. The money issue is for lower-level pvpers to be able to aug/gear up. no need to base it on a valor level. You cant based a bonus on objective points, way too many ways to exploit that. They could implement a bonus per healing/protection/dmg done, but that too can be exploited. I'd rather see more pvp quests, like a weekly for each WZ (10 played matches each, 5 wins each) that would earn 50k credits. Then have a weekly bounty/achievement like: kill 50 troopers/bhs in a wz for the week, get 25k. Something else fun would be a world pvp bounty: when you travel to a planet you are given a bounty to kill 25 unique players (eg. cannot kill same person over and over to get credit) of the opposite faction that are within 3 levels of you on that planet, for a reward of 25k. or something to that effect..
  18. this will probably be the hardiest fight for a sentinel/marauder. You cannot snare them, as they will pop HTL. Most good ones will hit you with EN then knock you back and use unload. EN will prevent you from leaping and unload with put a slow on you. Wjile you slowly walk to them while slowed (and taking dmg from EN), they most likely will pop TO+PG+GR+DR. This series of events will most likely put you on deaths door or kill you outright. If you happen to pop undying and get to them, their KB is off CD and away you go again, you should be able to leap now, but they'll pop HTL again (its a low cd) and your dead. All this without using their freeze which they could use if things get close. I didnt even mention diversion or bubble. a sent gets too close and starts their dmg, they can pop diversion to save them from last tick of ravage or super smash or whatever. As a sent/marauder, here's what i do, but it still requires a bit of luck: when then knock you back, pop cloak (if they got en on you) +invis, this will purge the slow/non leap from EN and prevent you getting hit with unload. Then leap to them, and start your dmg (i'm carnage, so i go for throw for heal debuff, then go to town). If they start kiting, they proably popped HTL, so immediately force choke. hold it until HTL finishes if you can, then crippling into gore+ravage. save anti-cc for their freeze as they will proably start to panic. use the aoe-cc when they get htl off and choke is on cd, but don't break it. Let it run the full duration to let HTL expire on them. In WZ, that is very fluid, but its a rough outline. That outline should give you an anticipation on what they will proably do, and things you can do to counter them to keep them off balance. Best advice i can give aside from advice above is to buy the field respec and if you start having issues with a bunch of troopers in wz, respec to rage for that wz. This will give you a couple of leaps, one which can be used while rooted. But i'm stubborn and stay carnage nowadays. When on my trooper, i have no issues with sents/marauders 1v1, theres just too many tools to counter them. Good sents/marauders that 'get me' usually do something i didnt anticipate, but i'll adapt to that for the next time. The ones that are sneaky and get the jump on me while i'm fighting something else, or have my defenses on cd are really their only chance in the present envirnoment.
  19. normally i'd agreed with you. But Bioware would make it so you have to be in a guild and do some stupid FP to get anything, which locks out solo folks (like hk). Hard and long i'd like. But not depended on a group to get it would be nice.
  20. its more for pros nowadays. If anything, 2.0 whittled out all the fotm folks that just used the class to stunlock folks to get easy kills. Now that the burst wont let them do that in 2.0 they are clueless on what to do when their target doesnt die in their opening stun-lock rotation, and with effective kiting beyond them, many went racing to the next fotm (snipers/sins).
  21. read Hallow's guide on conceal ops. That still applies. Aot of people ditched the dps OP after 2.0 because they cannot stun-lock people into death anymore, and dont know how to kite to stay alive/deal damage.
  22. no bolster in out of wzs fights, so gear is a big big factor. Also, are you referring to the static bubble or the 51 skill iumun to everything bubble? If he does that, just sit there and let it finish, then throw slow on him. 99% of all sorcs i've seen try to force speed when that immun bubble ends. a quick low slash or force slow then finish them off.
  23. I agree. You dont get the execute until the late 40s. The mid-level skills are paramount for any spec. Carnage is useless (or extremely frustrating) before getting gore. Rage is lackluster until getting the auto-crit on smash and the shockwave buildup skills. Your main cc you dont get until mid levels (either late 20s or 30s, i forget) Now once you get gore/massacre (carnage), anniliate (anni) or force crush (rage) your on par with other classes, but by then your creeping into the 55-terrirtory where bolster +gear imbalances + premades cause a whole new line of frustration for pvp... Compare that to the sniper and sin, who get their big hitters and cc at a ridciulus low level, and its borderline frustrating. even low level pvp on a jugg/pt/healer isnt as bad, as they can at least heal or taunt to at least be a functional member of a pvp team (and wrack up medals if thats your thing). A marauder only has damage, and their cupboard is pretty empty until the mid 30s and not really good until mid 40's.. just my opnion though. I leveled up both a marader and sent recently (pvp almost exclusively), and no other classes get me more frustrated pvping than this subclass at lower levels.
  24. this argument is like windows versus linux. there's no real winner. All i know is that pvp is not fun right now, at least most of the time. And the fun i do have is when, in a pug, you have different team compositions/skill and you have to think, adapt, etc. When fighting premades, even in the premade v premade argument, its downright boring and ALWAYS the same. 2 op healers, couple of smash monkeys (maraduers/sents usually), sniper, etc. And no one dies. Sure in a premade i'll get 1mil+ dmg on my dps, 1mil+ healing on my op healer, etc. But no one dies, no objectives can be captured, etc. Its basically just a big ************ where everyone stands around and whacks each other but no one dies. Send 4+ people at one of the enemy op healer? the other one (and sometimes a sorc healer too) cross heals. The other team sends dps at your healers, everyone peels/backs off, no pressure on healers, and healers regardless of what people say, are kings of wzs nowadays. Yeah you get some inexperienced folks in pugs, but its at least unpredictable, challenging and somewhat fun. This premade stuff is like a rotation and hope the hell you out gear the other team, or they have less healers than you...
  25. this has got to be a joke post. snipers counter everything except stealths (And even that is debatable). I cannot remember the last time i was killed by a leaper (jugg/marauder) or PT....A jugg has not shot, none, nada, zip, zilch of killing me if i'm awake and paying attention to whats doing on and watch when they pop reflect. A marauder slightly less so, as most changed from carnage to rage, and i hate those smash monkeys alive. A good carnage one can get me if i'm fighting someone else and they get to me, but i'm usually on the lookout after that first time and it wont happen again in that wz. I usually go after healers, though i will attempt to pick off a tank that has a guard up on a healer if we cannot burn that healer down.
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