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Everything posted by BurnedRemains

  1. I've got something else that hangs well past my knee OT this happens to me as well.
  2. Please god, let me play as a Togruta! And let me change all my characters to that race!!
  3. You just do Xeno HM with m about an hour ago? I saw someone get that same ****.
  4. It is useless to have 2 comps on one character when I should be able to send them to the next that needs those two for whatever. Please rectify this. It would alleviate all of the problems with it.
  5. I making this list and I will update it with in game screenshots for each glitch/bug. If you have a bug please post it with a screenie so we can help BW make this game less buggy. The only names that are posted are of people that do not care if they are posted. In this case, my names. The description of the glitches is on the photo description on my photobucket. 1: Character sheet overlay of other players gear. 2: Double bladed sabers only showing one length of the blade. (someone get me a recent picture to upload.) Please contribute and I will update the top post so that it stays not only relevant but so that it can stay fresh in BW's bug department's mind.
  6. And where would you forum cops have him post?
  7. Thanks for he reply brah. Once 1.7.2 date is posted, I will plan accordingly.
  8. That will be the straw that breaks the camel's back if that is the case for me. I am NOT waiting that long to get legacy sabers after having to this long already post the Chevin event.
  9. I tend to have a life that I do not base around this game. That being said, a schedule would nice so that I can plan accordingly.
  10. So I can plan accordingly, I sure as **** don't want to see it 3 months from now. I want it sooner. I'd like to get my sabers and can't until such date which is more of a put off than almost everything I've encountered thus far.
  11. Hey OP: you should learn to: use colons: properly: like me:.
  12. I'd be interested. My guild died recently. Got a Mara and a Jugg. Mara is Burned if you want to inv. We can work from there.
  13. It is not a "bat" helm. It is a design following the head shape of a Kowakian Monkey-Lizard. Look what all this stuff is coming out with. Makeb aka Hutt Cartel items. These armor sets are intended to make you look as if you were in the cartel and honestly, I think they did a good job with these. Some look a little crazy but Hutts look normal?
  14. So minor fluff and rep was 1.7. I think not my good sir.
  15. Eh I see it the other way around. But whateves. To each his own. Also, what is the respawn timer of the WBs?
  16. Yeah. That was what 1.7 was. Without it we are just playing 1.6.
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