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Everything posted by BurnedRemains

  1. I'm on Anchorhead or whatever that on is. Empire is no better. I checked on that character as well.
  2. I'm on Nar Shaddaa right now and the is a whopping 8 people on. Is there a reason for this? It is hard enough to find a group in this game let alone do any Heroics or Flashpoints.
  3. So, here is another question then. Can you craft gear that is better than the best drops or equal to? I would like to make white saber and a black saber with high DPS and great buffs. Possible or am I just hoping for things that won't happen?
  4. I was bombing the chat with this question earlier and someone mentioned white and black, any true to this?
  5. All I've seen is blue, green, red and yellow. Are there anymore?
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