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Everything posted by BurnedRemains

  1. Now it is saying cannot connect to the patch server. Anyone got any ideas?
  2. The game should a;ways play like this. I mean he is hurling DOUBLE lightsabers at the dudes for balls sake.1 chopped Maul in half.
  3. This. Please, QQ elsewhere poor baby Sorc.
  4. I made a suggestion about this in the Marauder sub-forum about a year ago with this almost exact idea.
  5. ...for the idea of Dual Saber Throw/TST. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not taking credit for the ORIGINAL concept, just the basis IN THIS GAME. *bows* My gloat fest is over and now I will go back to being the usual critic.
  6. Uh, info here. So did nobody see this other than me?
  7. Well if that is the case, then I suprise a name would do and I can google it.
  8. Dudes. This is clearly a photoshop. I can tell by the blurring of the fake racing and fake chase in the backgrounds. You are all being trolled into oblivion. Have a nice day.
  9. Why don't they release them prior again? Oh yeah it's to cover their asses.
  10. When are patch notes coming? Also, can't play due to computer being ****ed right now.
  11. Pfffff hahahahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh god! That was the funniest **** I've read all day.
  12. The fact that the exp would not be that huge but would still be a good way to level combined with WZ's. Other than that, it seems like this is something that is inevitable in any game where you can kill others. People trade kills for **** all the time. Notice how I did not include a comms or credit reward. This would be solely for xp and a medal list. Sure some people will boost but I'd say the vast majority won't.
  13. Here's an idea I'd like to pitch at you guys. For those of us that love PvP, I think BW should implement an experience system for killing other players. For example, if player x attacks player y who is 2 levels above player x, they would get a larger kill exp if they end up killing said person. Take that value and diminish it for players 2 levels below you. Only award exp for killing people within 2-5 levels above and below you. But it at least needs to be a viable option of leveling. Also, maybe add a medal system for it too. Kinda like a badge of honor thing. I've got a few here that I thought of. Stonewall: Enemy player attacks you first and you win. Predator: You attack first and win. Tail Between Your Legs: Successfully ran away from multiple attackers. Your general multikill-esque medals. General damage, healing and protection medal. All of this would go onto a medal sheet listing how many of each you have. It is just an expounding upon the Valor system. This would solve a lot of problems in my eyes. It would revitalize WPvP for more planets other than Ilum as truly every shared-faction planet would be a warzone. I'll expand upon this as I think of things and you all are welcome to throw in ideas and I'll give you the credit for said idea.
  14. I must have missed the part where that was at all part of my point. Yeah no, please get out of here.
  15. Like full on potato retard. Halving the miniheals that the Watchman/Annihilation spec had. Seriously BW, no one in the world was asking for this. Especially not the fools (yes we are to be playing this spec at this point) whom play the spec. Just give us back our heals.
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