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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Bugattiboy

  1. I just bought some [Augmented] sabers from the GTN and I want to know what the best build for sabers would be. Like what the best mod, enhancement, and augment.


    What would be the best for PvE? And what would be the best for PvP?


    Watchman build in case you're wondering.

  2. Lastly, would it be helpful if I included an askmrrobot.com armory profile for each advanced class to demonstrate the concepts that I'm trying to convey here? Perhaps even they could be used as templates? If I can get some feedback on this, I'll add them tomorrow. I hope that I've answered your questions. Thank you for reading!

    Sure. It couldn't hurt. Knowledge is power, and I like power.

  3. They are now able to deal out extreme damage with Master Strikes while being absolutely invulnerable. .

    You are mistaken. You are uninterruptable not invulnerable. Even though you can't use interrupts on Master Strike and Ravage there are many ways to interrupt it.


    Stuns, Mezs, Pushbacks, or just plain walking away.

  4. Just read this. It was pretty good read. I need some help on some things though.


    I prefer to stack enhancements with +40 Endurance, Critical Rating, and Accuracy/Alacrity;

    You have this in your write-up, yet the enhancements link you below have no such setup. The 2 enhancements on your page that do +40 END have power and not crit rating.



    This part where it has links to mods for the classes, are you saying each respective class should one of mods listed in every single piece of gear?

  5. Yeah. I fail to see any point to Awe. It's a 6s stun that breaks on damage given an to advanced class that's only role is damage. Why even have it? Either remove the damage break or remove it entirely because in it's current state it's doing nothing.


    This is probably the only stun in the game where "damage causes this effect to end prematurely".


    Oh, and on top of the already uselessness it has a minute cooldown.

  6. Seriously BioWare, why do you continue to buff skills that are already OP? The skills that were buffed in 1.2.1 were already OP and now you want to INCREASE their damage?


    You did this before with operatives as well. Their Backstab (or whatever the hell it's called) was already OP yet you buffed it's damage by 10% in the 1.2


    I really don't get why you like to buff OP skills.

  7. swtor is just a badly designed pvp game. Any game that prevents you from playing through lock outs, glass doors, timers on speeders, and chain cc is just poorly designed and will frustrate those of us who want to fight but are stuck "waiting".

    They can pass out as many free months as they want, but this game is a joke to most of the best pvpers that i know.



    Exactly what I was thinking.

  8. You wanna talk the most OP classes?


    Sorcerer. When you spec it right Lightning costs nothing, has no cooldown, and there is a slow on top of everything.


    Same with any class that uses cover. It absorbs almost all damage, makes you uninterpretable, and no one can leap at you.

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