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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Bugattiboy

  1. This thread is almost 20 pages and no dev response yet, this is ridiculous.

    20? It's 73 pages long. I to, agree with the 73 other pages that we should have hood toggle. At the absolute very least, an invisible helm we can easily obtain.

  2. Go with Power augments. I wouldn't use anything above green or blue for Doc.

    I've never healed before, but wouldn't Cunning be better? Most of the scoundrel healers I know are using Cunning augments.


    My point being that gearing your companion with level 61 gear seems a bit of a waste (imo), unless you never plan on leveling an alt to 50.

    For the foreseeable future I will not be leveling another character to 50. The only reason I'm leveling characters now is to get the super buff.

  3. I have completely outfitted myself in 61 mods apart from my hilts because I've yet to beat HM Kephess, but that's beside the point. The point is I now have no use for my BH comms. I was thinking maybe I gear up my Doc.


    Basically, I have 3 questions.


    How much should I gear up Doc? Like to what tier?


    How much Alacrity should I give him? Considering he doesn't have a resource to worry about.


    And, if hypothetically, I were to augment Doc's gear, what augments should I use?

  4. I'm seeing a lot of discussion and controversy over which relics are BIS for dps classes. A lot of people are saying the War Hero Relic of Boundless Ages is BIS and a lot of people are saying the on-equip Campaign relics are BIS.


    For a Watchman Sentinel like myself that does Hard/Nightmare Mode Ops, which is the better choice? When number crunched, parsed, simulated, and everything else, which relic BIS?

  5. Since 1.3 hit and the remaining items of Resilient Polyplast set were added. It's the set for sentinels/marauders in case you're wondering.


    I've been trying to find the Resilient Polyplast Boots to complete the set every since the patch when live and I've haven't found it yet, but after chatting with a synthweaver on my server that had EVERY medium armour schematic possible, EXCEPT the afore mentioned one, it's leads me to believe the the schematic and/or boots themselves are bugged.


    Am I correct? Are they bugged?

  6. I'm not sure if this the right place to post this. If it's not then can it be moved?


    Ever since 1.3 went live I've been trying to get a complete Resilient Polyplast set because it's my favourite set. All the other pieces gave me little to trouble, but the Resilient Polyplast Boots have been impossible to find. I've been checking the the GTN at least twice a day and been asking in General on my server ever day, but so far, to no avail.


    If there are any Corellian Run Republic synthweavers that I could comission to get make these boots for me I would be very grateful and appreciative.

  7. The old animation looked so much better, but it was broken. I saw it.


    So instead of BioWare doing their jobs as developers and finding out what's wrong they decide it's easier just to change the animation.


    Typical EA. Treating the symptoms instead of curing the illness.

  8. So as part of EA requiring us to make a character in all 4 classes if you want to a be self buffer I started a sage yesterday. I've heard both trees do viable PvE DPS, but which one is best for leveling?
  9. I don't want to tank with a new Assassin I'm making so I what spec should I using for max pve dps?


    I've seen other threads & guides, but I didn't know if they were relevant.


    And on top of whatever spec I should be using, what skills should I put on the 1-6 hotkeys?

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