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Everything posted by Damask_Rose

  1. They have stated very clearly that there are no class stories, only planet quests. So let's all hope is so amazing that we don't mind doing it over and over again!
  2. The problem is there is a lack of confidence that Bioware has any intention of using that funding for the type of projects the players want. They are too tight-lipped about what is in development. The only thing we can be confident about is more cartel fluff. Does my subscription money go into servers, staff and game development, or is the lions share going into cartel market development? If I buy cartel coins, does that really increase the funding going into the game, or just into more cartel market development? Since f2p we have seen lots of cartel market updates, but the only game ones were projects started well before f2p, and some before release. And for the love of God, could they please quit calling cartel items "content".
  3. Hoping to finish my Sorc. this weekend. Curses to working every weekend!
  4. As a predominantly solo player I'm really looking forward to the new planet quest series and the legacy achievements. (Please, please, please don't give up on Ch. 4 for our characters!)
  5. If that's the case, I think we can fairly well predict a PR **** storm.
  6. Since I don't raid, the only reason I play is for the class stories. Since Makeb wasn't originally intended to be an expansion, it doesn't bother me that it doesn't have ch. 4. I had been holding onto the hope that ch. 4 was still in the works though for the future. Ironic that the pre-Makeb publicity/hype that is supposed to get everyone excited is just making people depressed.
  7. People with only 1 or 2 characters won't miss them, anyone with more will. I don't care how 'epic' the story is, multiple play-throughs get stale. If the next expansion doesn't have class content, the game won't continue to hold my interest once my alts all finish ch. 3.
  8. Don't forget to dress up! (I highly suggest the Imperial Officer's uniform!)
  9. Saw this and thought people here would enjoy it
  10. I'm going to pick up my son from preschool and buy him new shoes. Maybe get cookies too...
  11. Yes an exploit, but they decided not to call it that so they wouldn't have to ban hundreds of accounts.
  12. They will probably be too busy making an instant level 50 item for the cartel market to make any actual content, since apparently that is what most people want.
  13. I have enjoyed my sniper more. I'm lousy at stealthing!
  14. You should be complaining about the exploiters who came to the forums boasting about how fast they were leveling. Kind of like cheating on a test then writing an article on your score and how you got it and publishing it in the school paper.
  15. Mob grinding isn't an exploit, using a quest bolster for lvl 1 characters to get the same xp. as a lvl 50 on a planet they weren't supposed to be on to begin with, in a quest they were too low level to take, is. Just be glad the powers that be decided the exploit wasn't severe enough to punish exploiters or roll back the servers.
  16. I second that! (and Ashara, and Qyzen and Jorgan!)
  17. Considering I had to work all week-end, including Friday night, I'm rather pleased with getting my Sorc. from 41-45 and a couple of levels on a few smaller alts as well.
  18. There are achievements that involve companions. I'm hoping they aren't referring to those
  19. Will this work with undershirt wearing companions like Vector?
  20. In my opinion, rep. grind is a game mechanic, and as such shouldn't be tied to cash shop. If there were already 50+ different rep. factions to grind in game with similar rewards, it wouldn't be such a bitter pill to swallow, but our rep. system is very under-developed at the moment. Very disappointing and very worrying that more cash only game mechanics are in the works.
  21. Since I've only been averaging 4 social points for finishing a flashpoint, I'd love an alternate way to get them. Even if it's just 1 point for voting for the MVP it would be nice.
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