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Everything posted by Damask_Rose

  1. The lvl 20 & 40 pvp sets didn't and don't have expertise.
  2. I hope before they add any more revealing clothing, that they fix companions so they all can wear it. I'd like to see sleeveless robes, but not if 1/4 of my companions would have undershirts poking out of the sleeve holes Why didn't Jorgan get updated when the Cathar came out? Surely they have Cathar chest skins now that they could use for him? Qyzen would so rock in the relaxed jumpsuit, but nooo, he looks like a cross-dressing robot instead (And by hot pants, he is referring to skin tight short shorts. Ixum has done some male versions in his skimp'd thread, so they would work equally well for they guys as well as girls!)
  3. There might have been a lot of grumbling, but there was also a lot of spending. (I know I forked over a silly amount to share pets, emotes and titles among my alt army!) This is from the Dallas cantina tour. http://ootinicast.com/2013/05/correspondents-report-community-cantina-dallas/ 15) How successful was the Cathar? Damion Schubert: Cathar was a very big day for them. Also because of Dye Packs and the ability to change your look. So successful that they’re actively paying attention for more ideas in the future for all of this. They’re closely watching the boards for feedback on the Cathar and body customization and how it will relate to the future content they implement.
  4. I wish they would re-think gating most of the rewards behind group content. Pretty much a non-event for me
  5. Having lots of people in a persistent world.
  6. Beefing up endgame will only help part of the gaming population. There are many people, like myself, who don't do endgame. We play alts and we level. Class stores are the core and joy of leveling in SWtoR, and Makeb has shown that "faction" stories are not a good compromise.
  7. I re-rolled a low level smuggler as a Cathar. I probably won't do any cosmetic changes until my Chiss can get long hair.
  8. I'm with Samy. If the next expansion doesn't include class quests, I'm not going to bother buying it. RotHC was originally designed to be a patch, not an expansion. I figure it gave them a grace period to get things sorted out during the shift to f2p. The next expansion will be the one to see where they really plan on going with the game. In the mean time, I have a lot of alts left to get to 50.
  9. I'm aware that the Makeb planet arc is called ch. 4, which is why I specified the class quest portion of ch. 4. I would be thrilled to have an expansion that only had class quests! Planet arcs have very little repeat interest and I'm an altaholic. By the third or fourth play-though, I usually try to skip planet quests when possible, and Makeb is no exception. I'm having trouble getting up the enthusiasm for even a second character right now. Stories need character development, which RoTHC is sorely lacking. The classes don't even have much in the way of individual flavor.
  10. Ch. 4 of the class stories with companion quests!
  11. I really like this idea, it would put crafted armor & weapons on more equal footing with the CM! (and the cynical part of me thinks this is why it would never happen.)
  12. I'd like to see that top skimped for the ladies too. I might actually wear it if it didn't have a turtleneck
  13. I think the hardest one to get off of the GTN is the Section X access. Other than that, the artifact authorization for the account can be pricey. Most of the others are usually fairly easy to pick up for reasonable amounts (and for less than your credit cap if you don't have the credits to get them all now.)
  14. I'm expecting there to be new unlocks every time they do a cartel market update. The human hair, but for cyborgs etc. So eventually my poor Chiss can get her beautiful long hair! (And I really do like that long hair, I just don't have a human that needs a new style!)
  15. They have been listing the cycle as 6-8. 2.1 was 4 weeks after 2.0. They have stated that 2.2 will be in 4 weeks and will be an actual content update. Let's hope it's a good one!
  16. I hope that isn't really the case. I have a Chiss that really needs long hair!
  17. I like the idea of the achievements, and I keep them in the back of my mind while playing, but I haven't been going out of my way (much) to get them yet. I will be a much more dedicated achievement hunter when some of the worst bugs are fixed, and hopefully they will polish the system a bit (move open world pvp to the pvp section!). As it stands, if I'm on a planet I'll poke around for missing explorations and swap my companions around so less played ones get some kill counts too. I've also been pushing myself do do more group content since I hate looking at all of those zeros
  18. I was able to get the Best Buy one from their dlc terminal. The employee didn't know it was in there, so I had to ask. This was just a couple of days ago.
  19. I'd rather see it as an item for my ship! We need more stuff for our ships anyway, and this wouldn't be an item you'd need out in the field very often...
  20. Thank you for addressing my concerns. Since you took the time to communicate, I happily went to Best Buy and bought cartel coins. It was going to be my Mother's Day present, but then my husband wanted some too. Then he decided we should get some for his mother too.
  21. 2-3 million credits and you can have pretty much any unlock unlocked on a preferred account. So the question is, is the faster leveling and lack of credit cap worth $10 a month or do you feel you would get more for that money by buying cartel coins instead? I'm on the fence on that one myself. (I'm factoring in the 500cc a month as a $5 dollar value)
  22. It's coming with 2.1, you just have to spend extra CC for each item you want legacy wide. (In the form of copying items for alts rather than transferring.) I think the quote was 60-600 per item depending on the rarity.
  23. I was going to make a male Knight, but I got tired of waiting and made a Zabrak instead since I didn't have a Republic side Zabrak yet. So I'm going to make a Smuggler. My current male smuggler is only lvl 15, so I'm just going to re-roll him rather than spend the 800cc to use the kiosk for a species change.
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