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Everything posted by MotorCityMan

  1. Companions are so OP now that they make World PvP more a farce than it's ever been.
  2. Just what the title says. There were 6 or more pub shadow gold farmers there all night, every night, around the temple area, primarily. Was fun to kill them on my imp, but one of them was using a hack where I could target them, but none of my attacks worked. It's a matter of winning all the battles but losing the war. I could kill them, but they keep coming back and there are so many of them.
  3. Currently, during prime time Imp population on fleet is in the 50s and 30s on pub side. The rest of the time it is half that or less. 3/15 last couple of weeks it's been 20s and 30s on fleet during prime time ( 8-10pm ). I've resisted the idea of calling this a dead server, but for an mmo, that is dead, or at least on life support. 3/23 21 on Imp fleet at 7:30 server time/. EST Update: I applaud Bioware for considering the problem and offering what seems to be a very satisfactory solution http://dulfy.net/2016/02/25/swtor-bi...n-megaservers/
  4. Refusing to merge PvP servers is lame. It leaves players with a choice of going to a populated server with a rule set not of their choosing vs staying on a wasteland of a server with their preferred rule set. Of all the Bioware's fails, this is the game breaker for me. I am bitter about it. Trying to play a mmo on a dead server is miserable, but I won't be leveraged onto a pve server. Update: It seems Bioware is allowing instances of choice on each server. This is a huge step and a solution to the dilemma of many like myself, who wish to play on a pvp server but also wish there to be some population for group activities. I applaud Bioware for considering the problem and offering what seems to be a very satisfactory solution http://dulfy.net/2016/02/25/swtor-bioware-clarification-on-megaservers/
  5. The storytelling is enjoyable. But rolling both factions into one as a cost saving device is unfortunate. No new Ops or Warzones is unfortunate. Failing to tweak pvp balance is unfortunate. The pvp servers dying with no server mergers in sight is unfortunate. Thinning out the content of Cartel packs is unfortunate. Delays in Ops breaking bug fixing are unfortunate. I liked that they made pvp gear easier to obtain. Adjusting the levels to the planets and arranging the heroics and making quick travel possible is a good change. Strongholds and decos have been a big hit. There have been some quality of life improvements, not the least of which is increasing stacking capacity. I was hoping that this game was doing better financially to justify more investment into the development team. Apparently not. I am sure the team does what they can with the resources available to them. Improvements and more content are possible. I'd imagine it all comes down to money.
  6. 20 on fleet on Imp side and 10 on Fleet at pub side at 2:30pm EST today. Game is unplayable as an mmo. Update:I applaud Bioware for considering the problem and offering what seems to be a very satisfactory solution http://dulfy.net/2016/02/25/swtor-bi...n-megaservers/
  7. 2nd chance cubes should have their own packs. I don't want to buy new packs stuffed with old junk.
  8. The idea of giving all companions the same abilities regardless of gear to make them all useful and interchangeable sounds plausible, until you factor in the grind to raise influence with each one of them. So players raise influence with one or two of them as high as they can leaving the rest of the companions useless by comparison. So the net result is that we have the same situation as before. Players will have one or two companions that they can use due to their high influence with them, while the rest sit on the shelf unused gathering dust. WTG Bioware. Bottom line is, these changes were made to eliminate variety and content thereby saving money for EA, not to enhance gameplay for players.
  9. Spending $40 for a hypercrate only to end up with a handful of crystals (11 with 7 green ones!!!) and old character customizations, along with a couple of decos, some titles to old cartel packs (8 titles, 3 of them duplicates !!!) couple silver grade weapons and an old bronze armor set or two is a rip-off. Zero rares or semi rares in the entire hypercrate. I can't believe how chintzy EA is with their cartel packs. Not too long ago, you could get some nice decos, a pile of armor, a few mounts and some rares out of a hypercrate. I can't believe how severly they have cut back on the content of cartel packs. Shocking, really. Bioware says they want feedback. Mine is that I absolutely won't purchase one again unless there is some guarantee I get more value for my money. No cartel certificates? No rep? Is the cartel bazaar closing? The list of what isn't in cartel packs keeps getting longer and longer. New Cartel Packs should have new stuff. 2nd chance cubes should have their own packs. I don't want to buy new packs stuffed with old junk.
  10. The number of companions is overwhelming. I agree, there was no reason to throw so many new companions at us without any history or backstory and then present us with a huge grind to raise their usefulness. It would have been much more interesting to offer players a choice of which companions they wanted to go after and allow them to follow a storyline to obtain them. Of course that would have required Bioware to actually produce content.
  11. The last chance cubes are mostly unwanted items. They should be renamed, Grand Rip off cubes. I was buying packs for decos and some armor and gear but they have reduced the rate of those drops to a degree that I no longer am interested in buying packs from the cartel market. I am sorry to see Bioware taking advantage of their customers to this degree.
  12. Stupid low drop rate. Sorry to see that Bioware is pushing the limits of just how much they can take their players for.
  13. Many guilds are using a strategy of Ops lockouts to win Conquest pts races. This is within the rules, as far as most people understand them. 8 players do an Ops up until the last boss, then each of the 8 take turns finishing the Ops grouping with 7 new players. The net result is 64 players receiving full conquest pts for completing an Ops even though only 8 actually did all the content of the entire ops, while the remaining 56 only killed the last boss. If this strategy isn't acceptable to Bioware, the only solution is to divide conquest pts for the Ops among the bosses, so each boss gives a set amount of conquest. This would require each player to actually complete an Ops start to finish to receive full conquest pts. If this is considered an exploit, sorry for posting this, but Bioware should state that it is and take corrective action.
  14. Many guilds are using a strategy of Ops lockouts to win Conquest pts races. This is within the rules, as far as most people understand them. 8 players do an Ops up until the last boss, then each of the 8 take turns finishing the Ops grouping with 7 new players. The net result is 64 players receiving full conquest pts for completing an Ops even though only 8 actually did all the content of the entire ops, while the remaining 56 only killed the last boss. If this strategy isn't acceptable to Bioware, the only solution is to divide conquest pts for the Ops among the bosses, so each boss gives a set amount of conquest. This would require each player to actually complete an Ops start to finish to receive full conquest pts. If this is considered an exploit, sorry for posting this, but Bioware should state that it is and take corrective action.
  15. The new craftable relics are BoP? How silly.
  16. Engineering does great in PvE, because the NPCs are not programmed to run out of AoEs. For pvp, a good sniper is one who has re-rolled.
  17. The main thing about pre-mades is that they allow pre-selection. People can form groups of well geared FOTM classes. There is also peer pressure to perform for the good of the group, instead of playing selfishly. In a node centric game, communication is key, and of course they have this advantage too. I don't mind this, as it promotes team work. What is lacking is matchmaking from a large pool so that teams of similar composition and ability can be preferably matched. The algorithms for this aren't difficult, but apparently having a large pool to select from, is.
  18. So, if you call it a melee class, it must be kitable. But what if it isn't a melee class? Then does it have to be kitable? It certainly doesn't have the defensive CDs a melee class like juggs have. Is a class that isn't strictly ranged or melee allowed? Or is that against "the rules"?
  19. They have done (or not done) a terrible job of tuning these flashpoints for group finder. Tacticals, in general, are way too hard for random pug groups lvls 10-65. Some of the HMs as well. I am surprised it has gone on this long, to be honest. It doesn't bode well for the future of this game that that they are either so understaffed or so incompetent (or both) to not have addressed this by now, despite the feedback they have gotten.
  20. Used to be fun rolling on a deco here and there in flashpoints and Ops. As boring as this content is to do for the 10852948y62 time, deco drops were something to look forward to. Why the huge nerf on the drop rate? I haven't seen a deco drop in a flashpoint in forever (including HM bonus bosses) and hardly see any in Ops anymore either. Bring back the decos.
  21. They nerfed the hell outta deco drops too in both Flashpoints and Ops. What's up with that? I mean for crying out loud, afraid people are going to get too many tables or something for their 4 strongholds doing flashpoints and Ops? Come on. Restricting decos to Cartel Packs is miserly, takes some of the fun out of the game.
  22. No cross server queuing or matchmaking is the culprit.
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