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Everything posted by MotorCityMan

  1. ***Bump I receive new weekly POs on todays reset (7/6) and I CAN"T advance the new weekly POs. I still have this bug. It has been weeks now. You have posted that there has been a fix. So why am I STILL bugged? And more to the point, what about me not being able to advance the weekly POs for WEEKS?
  2. I still have this bug. What fix? I have had this bug on and off for weeks now. Again after this mornings reset 7/6 I received new weekly POs and I CAN'T ADVANCE THEM. And guess what, as of today I can't advance the daily PO defeat Alderaan Insectoids. !!! Come on guys. Don't tell me there has been a fix deployed and thank you very much because I have had the same bugs with PO missions for weeks on and off and STILL they exist. So what is the fix? What is the work around?
  3. Winner take all leads to players flocking to where the "win" is. On every server there is a super guild who wins the various conqueror titles for weeks, months, even years on end. It's about sharing benefits with a variety of guilds and players. Right now all a title really means is you parked an alt in a super guild for awhile and made conquest that week. That is not something so exclusive that it has to be protected. When the conquest system began, only the winning guild got the title and the loot rewards. But players complained they weren't winning loot, and after server mergers, to allow more players access, they set a baseline for rewards and now many different guilds and their members can enjoy the loot rewards. But people also want the Conqueror titles and achievements that go along with it. Bioware could easily do the same thing as they did with the loot rewards, and award the Conqueror title and achievements to all guilds who met a baseline conquest pts requirement. No one should have to place a character in a super guild to win a title. They should be comfortable to play in their chosen guild. Titles and achievements could be made available on the same basis that conquest loot is available. It is entirely reasonable that players petition Bioware for this.
  4. This fix did not work for me. I still have the same problem of weekly missions not advancing and not able to be tracked
  5. My legacy has two weekly missions. Seat of the Empire Flashpoints and Seat of the Empire Operations. Neither show up in tracking menu when I check the box on the mission page, and the check disappears also when I close the Mission window and reopen it. I have done the missions, but do not get credit for them either. Also, I don't have the one time option to switch to a new weekly mission. I can't advance the missions and I can't select for new ones.
  6. Many on the forums are wrestling with concepts of "monetization". I can recommend the book "The Attention Merchants: The Epic Scramble to Get Inside Our Heads". https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28503628-the-attention-merchants PS I am not involved in any way in writing or publishing of the book, and do not receive any "monetization" or consideration for someone using the link or purchasing the book.
  7. I would recommend to players who dislike PvP or GSI matches simply not play them. Their bad attitudes are infecting the matches, the forums, guilds, gen chat, and overall moral. I think players who are complaining so bitterly here on forums need to take a time out. If they spend their time playing an activity that they don't like, and they do it repeatedly, I think they need to have a talk with themselves and not come on the forums and cry to others about it..
  8. Galactic Seasons is a great new addition. I do some of the activities, most of which I normally enjoy as part of conquest and playing the game anyways, and I get some new stuffs. Great ! WTG Devs.
  9. Avoid the drama. Certainly a few players take advantage of player interaction in pvp to behave badly. But the OP is also just falling into a hapless victim role Solutions. 1) Take control of your communication lines. Play the matches and ignore players that are offensive. Report them if you think they have violated TOS. Also in chat options you can select not to have gen chat and also you can delete mail from senders you do not recognize as friends. 2) Group with a friend or friends for GSI and PvP. Matches are more enjoyable when shared with others. Tip:: Many guilds have GSI and PvP players who are willing to group. 3) Just don't play GSI or PvP. It's unrealistic to expect the game to set participation activities that only meet your requirements. The game offers a variety of activities. Choose the ones you want, don't do the rest. Simple.
  10. I know they want to steer people into group content. But I have never played gsf and never will play gsf. Because, I don't want to. And yet, here we are in the first week of Galactic seasons, and what do we have? GSF as a weekly and twice already as a daily. No, just NO.
  11. Spoils of War vendor is walled off, presumably until the vendor fixes are patched.
  12. no WB in three instances, including pvp, for 30 mins so far.
  13. After 10 chars, 5 light side and 5 dark side, that have alternately supported Duuba and Gaboorga I have not managed to get either achievement or title? I clearly supported one and then on another char supported the other, and still don't have the achievements. The game tells me I got the titles in Big block orange letters when I complete the convos, but I don't have the titles and I don't have the achievements. What am I doing wrong or is this bugged?
  14. Hope its an easy fix. Maybe switch to a new WB in the rotation.
  15. Can't get the ingredients on the grill. I pick them up, the green arrow appears, i click on the grill, carefully center it on the center bar in the middle of the grill and click. Nothing happens. Move around, same thing, nothing, Over and over, moving around, trying different places to stand, different places to click, nothing. I have gotten it to work with difficulty a couple of times. When I asked in gen chat if it was bugged, the reply was that it was "finicky". I wasn't able to complete missions. The Challenge Dish I fail to be able to get the ingredient on the grill in a couple of clicks and I fail the mission.
  16. So there is a new augment. If you want it, then go get them. If you don't want to do what's required, then don't. Buy the mats or aug, or don't.
  17. Hard to blame this on EA bean counters although I bet this gets their attention. This level of incompetency costs them player retention and that hurts the bottom line. Welcome players to Swtor Steam and our buggy game.
  18. The majority of pvp players just jump in and tunnel and they will continue to do so. The win traders will still win trade. The premades will still farm the pugs. The only thing that will change is that now even fewer players will bother with pvp. If someone wants to try and learn pvp, or just have fun doing their best even though they are not a skilled player, Bioware has set it up so they can spend their time losing match after match with nothing to show for their efforts. These changes to rewards shuts out newer and all but the most skillful players. Original Post says it all. Fail to fix what needs fixing and Make something worse that didn't need to be made worse. Shame on you yet again EA Bioware.
  19. Now that summer is here, and a lot of us can't go to the beaches, how about a beach themed sale? All the beach decos, beach wear, beach emotes, beach ball. Come up with a bundle and let's go to the beach !
  20. Bring back world bosses as a conquest objective-mission. They are fun to do. But players are not motivated to do them unless their is a conquest reward (since the loot drops are vendor trash). World bosses are not getting down now and it is near impossible to form a group to do them.
  21. I disagree. PvP is part of the game and since you only have to do the pvp to gain Pierce as a companion on a non warrior I think it is fair that you are willing to be tested in the fires of pvp battle. If the chat seems toxic, it is an easy matter to ignore players or eliminate gen chat entirely. And also I don't agree with the negative characterization of pvp as a toxic waste dump.
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