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Everything posted by MotorCityMan

  1. They probably want new raids because all the old ones have broken fights.
  2. Companions are massively OP now. Can solo heroics. But Ops and Flashpoints didn't get balanced with the level reset in 4.0 and all have broken fights. Easy? Most of the tactical you can't complete without a healer, and some of the HM flashpoints not even then. Completely broken content. The few guys left at Bioware just can't keep up. Game is becoming a joke.
  3. It's obvious that when they rescaled Ops and Flashpoints in 4.0 they did it without sufficient testing. So many of these encounters are not scaled correctly. Many of the players in our guild just consider them broken and are so tired of waiting for Bioware to make adjustments they have quit.
  4. There is no imps or pubs, light or dark, there is only the cheapest one story line possible.
  5. It seems EA has got this game in a strangle hold financially and just won't hire enough quality developers to be able to fix bugs and produce new content at a rate that can keep players. Oh well. lots of other games out there.
  6. No, the mini map toggle doesn't work regularly. You get a loading screen, and the toggle changes from pve to pvp (or vice versus) but most of the time you end up back in the same instance, sometimes at the spaceport or a random med center. This feature is easy enough to test. Shame on Bioware for making it live while it is broken and buggy.
  7. Bioware listened to their customers and provided more hooks for the guild ship. Well done. The guild UI is better organized and is more useful. Well done on that. I am a bit skeptical about the new rule set changes. I think it addresses some of the problems that some pve'rs were having getting tricked into becoming flagged on pve servers, but officially ends open world pvp and republic vs imperial conflict on pvp servers. A bit sad to see that dynamic fade from the game, but pvp servers were so low population anyways that doesn't make much difference. I like the new warzone. I like that there are strategic choices to be made. Variety is a plus. I think Bioware has responsive developers. The quality of life changes in the last couple of patches have been on track. When people rage at the "devs", I think who they really mean are the EA bean counters who keep Bioware devs on a tight budget. They can only do so much with the resources they are given.
  8. Negative speculation is just an exercise for trolls.
  9. They have all become ghost lands anyways, but it is a sad comment on the state of pvp in this game that it can't inspire and support a pvp only server. The only players that will choose the new pvp instances are stealth most likely. Should be exciting. Bunch of players running around invisible to each other.
  10. I have win 7 64 bit old intel 960 chip, Ti 560 vid card and run on high and ultra setting, never get less than 60+. unless there are 40+ in a large open pvp battle. Even then I can turn friendly nameplates off and get 30. Sounds like you have an internet issue or have created other issues with the overclocking.
  11. One can only hope that those who think there is no point to playing unless they can stealth and sap cap, or that aren't getting their fill of derp because they haven't bothered to even read a guide to the new warzone yet, will quit pvp like they promise to.
  12. New map is fine. Those players that play warzones to mindlessly derp might be annoyed there are some objectives and some strategic choices in this new map. Ya know what players I am referring to. The ones that haven't even bothered to read a guide for this wz yet. Those that always leave defending to someone else. The ones that can't or won't focus target, that always go for the 3 cap, and are unaware of anything around them. Good, glad they hate the map and are going to quit. Sooner the better.
  13. Combining the republic and imperial story lines into one. Going through a maze killing 3 mobs over and over again hardly qualifies as "content". The story is nice, but it's not repeatable content. If you don't offer your customers anything, they aren't gonna stick around. Not really the devs fault. If corporate (EA) doesn't wanna spend the money, then they can only do so much.
  14. My prediction is that dps will continue to play stupid, ignoring objectives, not marking or focusing healers, continue to be unable to focus target, and find something else to QQ about.
  15. The internet has shown that when there is anonymity and no accountability too large a percentage of players behave badly. At least enough to ruin things for everyone else, so no: while it seems like a good idea, I just wouldn't trust my fellow players to respect one another or themselves enough to prevent it from degenerating into a troll fest.
  16. I would listen to all this QQ about healers except for the fact I can go into wz after wz and no one, NO ONE, marks the healers, let alone focuses them and interrupts them, pays attention to resolve bars, and generally does what it takes to win a match. So no, most of the so called healer problem is derp dps that tunnels whoever hits them or whoever they come across. I have watched matches where there is two healers and one of them is guarded and the dps doesn't focus a healer or if they do they focus the one that is guarded and not the off healer. And then they come here and QQQQ that Bioware doesn't nerf everything into the ground so they can play stupid. Not to mention how many matches are lost (or won) because dps would rather derp than defend or is so busy tunneling their target that they ignore objectives. From what I can see, dps is QQ because they can't just mindlessly tunnel derp and be rewarded with kills and a win.
  17. I like a tiny bit of accuracy, the rest crit enhancements and then all power augs Zero alacrity. IMO Alacrity is a waste in warzones because they consist of short fights followed by lulls or death where your CDs can come back in plenty of time. Better to hit as hard as you can while you have the chance.
  18. I have 0 alacrity, 1 acc enhancement, the rest of the enhancements are crit. All power augs. Snipers lack effective defensive CDs, but you can't gear for that.
  19. Right, because you are superhuman and can differentiate events by a few milliseconds. When you talk to someone on the phone, you can tell how far they are away from you? That is like a X-Man ability. Better watch out, you might get "recruited" by a government. PS, Here is a more "real" discussion of lag, for those interested:http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/guides/how-to-get-rid-of-lag-guide#1
  20. No, we should retain the option to flag on the portrait.
  21. Blizzard cancelled their so called "Titan" project a year or so ago. It was to be their new, next gen premier MMO title. After 5 years of development and 10s of millions of dollars they just shut it down. One of the reasons they referenced is that the number of players that play mmos has declined over the last few years, and is projected to keep declining. People are so busy, and there are so many different game platforms now, that keeping a AAA title mmo afloat is a tall order.
  22. I am not against premades. Playing with friends is fun. The fault lies with Bioware. Certain classes and mechanisms are more powerful and effective in pvp than others. As an example, currently sorc healers are well off. Combine their survivability with the tank guard ability, and they become Overpowering. Add to that, that currently a jugg can be immortal and provide the guard while having dps gear and also do outstanding damage with off the charts survivability. It is easy to see this. There are 50 jugg/guard tanks for every 1 PT/Vangaurd tank. A premade is able to preselect OP classes for a warzone, chosing tanks, healers, stealth, the best dps. in order to stack the deck. Player skill is not so important as to what classes are chosen and combined. Along with VOIP communication, most pugs are at a distinct disadvantage. Cross server queuing and match making would help but is never going to happen. It is what it is. Get with a guild that does pvp and premade. If not, expect some drubbings and fewer victories as a pug.
  23. Bioware has done a great job in telling the story of the Eternal Kingdom so far. I have enjoyed it. But content that can be beaten and seen once or twice through is no replacement for new instanced content that players have to progress through. The drop in population seems to reflect that. Players drop in, do the new chapter on a couple of toons, and then it's cya in a couple of months (or more) and back to playing division or whatever else is out there. I suppose EA knows what they are doing by offereing us this sort of expansion, but I wonder.
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