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Everything posted by AboB

  1. You would lose that bet. A surprising number of people would fall on the "meh" part of the spectrum.
  2. AboB

    Mini Games

    Pazaak, Swoop Races, AOE-A-Mole... Pazaak. . .um, Pazaak.
  3. SotG #2: Meh. Pretty uninformative. But it did ignite the community some! I'll give them that!
  4. You misspelled Pazaak.
  5. From North America to APAC: Ouch. Here's to hoping the SW:TOR team will listen to it's playerbase in 2013.
  6. Thank you both for educating us on the finer aspects of memes. Now could you explain to all of us what exactly a "sense of humor" is? To the OP: hah, those were actually pretty funny. I like the additions that are trickling in as we speak...
  7. Next time, if that doesn't work, blow in the cartridge. Maybe hit your computer.
  8. What needs to be added is another thread just like this.
  9. haha, they have those, silly. It's just not entirely legal, is all... Personally, I would buy the option to place the search bar function somewhere in the thread creating process. That alone is worth all of the $5 investment I am willing to put into this game at the moment. Aw, heck. I'd maybe even spend $10 on it.
  10. Like the Imperial Agent, I was simply there for the paycheck, until I had all of these "ideologies" thrown at me. I am pretty neutral by nature, and if it's really obvious that a certain ideology is prevalent, I will either silently slip away, or downplay the importance of my own allegiances. However, I am not above instigating when there something dear to me is in jeopardy(like my sanity, for instance). In game, I was a bit of a d*ck, but I feel that, for the most part, the self-serving "lone wolf" nature of the IA fits me best. Furthermore, it (life) does, at times, feel like there is an overreaching conspiracy underlining it all, but at the moment, I don't have enough information to confirm whether I am right or wrong. I also don't mind having superiors, so long as it's apparent that those superiors have superiors and are put in their places occasionally... NOTE: ANY RESPONSES TO THIS COMMENT WILL BE DOCUMENTED IN MY CONSPIRACY BOOK.
  11. AboB

    The Daily Warzone

    Whoa. This just got serious. I did not expect to have a heart-to-heart with another forum user today. I.... will have to think on this, long, and hard.
  12. AboB

    The Daily Warzone

    Haha. I only queue PuG. I don't even have a guild. I can deal with being beat occasionally when the odds are 50% at the onset. How about you? Before you answer, remember that our comments now say more about us, than the video. Right now we are representing the state of pvp in the forums.
  13. AboB

    The Daily Warzone

    Oh, I get it. You don't like losing to his premade! Oh well. I guess I was wrong in defending the notion of bringing in new players for you to queue with. I honestly couldn't care less for the video provided, I just thought it was interesting that people would vilify someone for trying to improve the TOR community base. But at least now I know why. Good day to you sir. Enjoy your censorship and grim outlook on life.
  14. AboB

    The Daily Warzone

    God, everyone on the internet is a critic. Youtube, and our forums, are content venues for players of all levels. Not everyone is going to be as LEETZ as you, the viewer. So relax a bit when watching these videos, because these are the people who are driving traffic into this game, adding potential players to the queuebase! Did you really need to call this player crap? This isn't a nerf thread or E-Peen thread, this is a "here, take a look at this thing" thread. Your comments say more about you, than the video. And comments like yours perfectly outline the state of pvp in the forums.
  15. Has the industry not learned from Lionhead Studios' mistake? I was going to post more, but someone else beat me to the punch:
  16. HIIIPSTEEEERRRS INNNN SPAAAAACCCEEE.... coming soon to a computer near you
  17. ...aw, but I got to this thread before the shouting started....
  18. I think I got the gist of what you are saying: You want them to give us content that changes the game (like Gods and Kings did for civilization) instead of getting shoehorned in as close as possible to the original game (like Shivering Isles did for Oblivion) ? If so, I fully agree. Although,I think that we're going to get a Shivering Isles type deal, with the information provided by BW. if subs weren't charged for it, there would be a lot less kerfuffle over the expansion, and people would stop treating it like the Armored Horse (which is clearly the better simile for the Cartel Market). Am I getting what you are saying here?
  19. Or at least put the idea forward without naming the dead horse/zombie. Whenever I see that name come up, I think "Oh horray, another person trying to siphon people from TOR into SWGemu.... greaatt....:rolleyes:" Could you guys be any less discreet about it?
  20. This comprehensive effort is commendable. BUMPED for justice Additional SWTOR-related comment.
  21. You do have some good points, but I just had the thought of Jedis in straw hats and overalls as I was reading your post. TBH, I was just passing through. I didn't have any flame-bait or constructive tools handy, so I panicked!
  22. Click on the user's name under their avatar (if they have one), and once you hit their profile, click on the 'statistics' tab. Click on the "find all posts by x" link. If you scroll to the bottom, it will tell you "15 of x" results. As each result is a post, "x" effectively is the number of non-deleted posts.
  23. Disregard into the new year!!
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