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Everything posted by Allagash

  1. As a well known republic player on VZ, i can say that we are outnumbered by empire significantly (as im sure pretty much every other server is). We did have some world pvp in tatooine today which was a nice change of pace, and it wasnt in the den!
  2. Ive said it for years and i still cant figure out why there arent three sides to these games. Surely you could have republic, empire, and a mercenary/neutral faction in this game. It brings a unique game dynamic and it ALSO BALANCES OUT PVP. How you ask? When X side gets too strong, the underdogs can "team up" to take on the stronger side. AC had his concept and it was brilliant. You could pick a faction (you could also change but it was a week lockout) and go at it in faction vs faction. Remember planetside? Great pvp because of three sides. Seriously any pvp game made needs to have at least three factions or be completely FFA to eliminate one side being overpopulated. Why couldnt anyone figure this out by now?
  3. Just because you didnt use addons, doesnt mean the other person didnt. Does it give you an advantage? You just said the answer in your above post. Why were so many people not good at arena? There are sooo many answers to this. IE: You played a powercomp, they had supporting addons, your class sucked that season, you were high, drunk, 5 years old etc. The list goes on. Ive played arena past 1800 it came down to powercomps and flavor of the month/addons, it didnt matter how good you were you still got stomped by whomever had the better combo. I never used Arena based addons either, not because of your reasons, its because i didnt care if i made it to x benchmark. Once you log out nobody cares if you are on a 2200 + rated team. My wife never gave me a high five for being awesome at pvp but she does give me a high five (with extras!) for making dinner and doing laundry. If arena is important to you, there is a game that has it. you want to feel good by doing it, by all means thats your god given right. To come to here and toot your horn about why x sucks and why you are so awesome, probably not a good idea.
  4. I would vote against arena, open PVP is so much more enjoyable. It just needs to be fixed, IE ilum. To all of those "but Arena is the truest test of pvp skill". Because im sure you played the flavor of the patch class in wow and played a powercomp with it. 2. You HAD ADDONS which swtor does not support (and hope they never support). Try being all ****** when you cant mouseover dispell or have something flash on your screen when x character is casting something behind you. 3. You claim skiill, and im sure you are avid pvp players but realistically anyone with half a brain and the ability to put A and B together can be a pretty solid pvp player. Its all stat padding and knowing who and what you can use and when to use it. Common sense. There are bad pvp players because they are either 5 years old, drunk, high, or are just trying to be the biggest douche they can. Bottom line is we dont need arena in Swtor, WoW has it and it can stay there, i dont want another wow clone.
  5. I was going to make a post on this but decided to read around. Glad i did. when i open with shoot first the mob faces me requiring me to run behind him again and hope that i can get a backblast off before the stun wears off. Way-to-go bioware. You nerf the class then have a glitch that auto faces the opponent. While you're at it you might as well have us throw cupcakes and muffins as grenades and use rubber chickens for our blasters....
  6. One thing ive noticed and in other games as well is that there is always a red name associated with a hostile enemy. While this holds true, could we possibly get different colored nameplates for PC's on pvp servers. Ive rolled up several times on Sith thinking they were just normal mobs because thats what they look like. Could PC's potentially have an orange tag, something that doesnt mimic npc mobs in the game? Just a suggestion. Everything seems to blend together when looking at nameplates.
  7. Shoot to Thrill by AC/DC Cant think of any better song for my smuggler Captain Utah Bohannan
  8. Tldr version. Hardcore gamers: wahhhh wahhhhh Casual gamers: (crickets chirping) Hardcore gamers: no real social life outside of the game, utilizes feeling godly in game from fighting Internet space monsters as a milestone in life. Potentially because they lack elsewhere. They could be good at other things but this is easier, mindset of lazy people. Casual gamers: work hard because mom or disability checks dont pay the bills, college is long over. Family is more important than the computer desk. Promotions and life events like having children and social outings are valued. casual gamers make the world go round. Without them you would have no game. So be thankful of us casual gamers you hardcore folk, you need us but we surely do not need you! Or your complaining elitist attitudes!
  9. Level 32 scoundrel here. I've yet to crit for over 2.5k scrap spec. I can kill pretty much any class 1v1 that's close to my level. 40s are luck with Frits and all cool downs get blown. All this hate on smugglers/operatives when I've seen the sith equivalent of sentinel just wreck people in wzs. Not to mention the heals through crits, permanent hots. Every class ha it's strength and weakness. Ops are strong openers but if the sequence is broken, you win. Learn to use your stun break. On CDs, me too! Pointless complaining. If anything needs nerfed it's biochem
  10. The one and only Captain Utah Bohannon Scruffy looking scoundrel and swindler of women. Its a pleasure.
  11. I had the time of my life and I've never felt this way before. Yes I swear. This is true and I owe it all to you. Dirty kick!
  12. Anyone using the high end def/tank pvp set or is mostly everyone using the dps version. Would like to hear from anyone using the def set and if they notice a difference. I know spec will play a partial role, just curious.
  13. I see your points about leveling fast, indeed leveling is moving along quite nicely. What i was trying to propose is there are things for level 50's to do, unlike other games 3 weeks into launch had none. To the person that said they fell off the grid. Two weeks is hardly something to complain about. Several other games have had server outages for several days at a time. At least you got to play. The game isnt going to be finished, its meant to be playable and its exactly that. In a few months im sure you will have content patches, hell im sure its already made their just waiting to implement it.
  14. Ive been reading across the forums and all i see is people complaining/whining about the game. Some guy in the crew skills forum said he cancelled his sub because of the slicing nerf. Seriously? Ive been playing MMO's for over 10 years now, i have been around for several game launches. Not one of them has gone as smooth as biowares launch of ToR. Just because most of you are spoiled because of a game being out 5+ years and loads of content doesnt make it a comparison for a game thats been out all of 3 weeks. I think they have done a fine job at the game, granted their are a few bugs and i'm sure in time they will get ironed out. WoW had major server problems for weeks on launch. AC2 had a tremendous amount of bugs and gltches, way more than this game. Shadowbane was even worse, it was fun to pvp but there was no content for months! I wont even get into to Warhammer, which was a giant mess. I saw someone complaining about high end content. Well good for you hitting 50 in 3 days, most of the world doesnt sit by a computer for 18 hours a day playing Tor to hit 50 in 3 days and then complain about the endgame content. They have a few raids and high end instances, again the game is 3 WEEKS OLD. What other game on launch had over two raids and several high end content? WoW had MC but it wasnt accessable or completeable for months after launch. LOTRO had ONE raid and ONE high end instance. Shadowbane had no content. AC2 had no content at launch. Seriously people this game isnt perfect but its a far cry better than anything else ive played at launch. Be patient, give it time. Bioware are humans just like you and me. Fixes take time and effort. Go get some fresh air in the meantime. This isnt WoW, this isnt DAOC, this is Star Wars the Old Republic and they have done a fine job and providing you with a playable game with loads of content upon launch and have addressed some concerns within a 3 week window. Give them some credit.
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