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Everything posted by Mularky

  1. I basically explained to him how 500k+ makes me a better player than his 87k dam. I told him that number really matter.
  2. Yeah I sent him ingame mail about this, but you are right those people are the ones who make pvp suck for everyone. They just ruin the fun. He said he is going to report me for harrasment. I got this back from him http://assets.enjin.com/wall_embed_images/1366145805_Screenshot_2013-04-16_15_51_52_042200.jpg I love how he calls me a pve noob and I have the conq title and I have pvp mods in my pve shell.
  3. I know that HM EV/KP/EC drop Hazmat gear but what drops the actual token?
  4. I have chuckle's mumble if you are ever on
  5. Where have you been Creus I havent seen you in a while. I saw kangasa the other night.
  6. So I was in a hypergates and this guy named Aldritch and some other dude was guarding the node so we had two people on the node. Pretty difficult to stealth cap two people. The sin tank mezzes the other guy and Aldritch is just standing there. So you know the usual happens people start blaming each other instead of actually trying to recap the node. Then I told them at the end of the game (after we loss) that there was no excuse for being stealth capped with two people on the node. Then I got a whisper..... http://assets.enjin.com/wall_embed_images/1365974141_Screenshot_2013-04-14_16_12_04_319800.jpg I ended up doing 550k dam in that game and had most objective points and least deaths. He on the other hand ended up doing 87k dam and last place for objective points. And I am the bad one.
  7. You cannot police people to use this exploit. Its like putting a bunch of children in a room with cookies and telling them not to eat them then leaving. Someone is going to do it. Its hard to prove you actually did use it. At the same time its hard to prove that you didn't use it. I don't think the devs intended it to be used this way. Lets be serious here, does anyone actually think that the devs made a poor assumption. Therefore do you really want to use it to gain a advantage. Something that just requires you to simply type /stuck. It really just comes down to how you feel after winning that game that you had to use an exploit to win. Had you not done /stuck you would have lossed. That for you ranked team or premade has to use /stuck to win. There is nothing left for you to do to get people to that node.
  8. First off I'm not Canadian. Second this just proves to me you are not really that good at all. Like I said lets see how good you really are.
  9. Put your money where your mouth is then. See how good you actually are.
  10. I love when i see Tionese Marra I but hate when I see Tionese Sents.
  11. I'm not a role player, if I was I would most likely be on a RP server. I find it funny that you are trying to intimidate us over the internet.
  12. To answer your question no, I'm not Canadian. Well according to your post you are role playing.
  13. Thats not the issue here. I was asking if you are role playing. Its a yes or no question.
  14. It seems that these classes I have the most trouble with on my Vanguard. Currently I am 4/6/31 I have about 1340 power. First off the problem I have with sin tanks is that they negate about 2/3s of my burst. What I mean by using their force shroud. Does anyone use a specific tacit with taking them down? All my HiB are deflected too. With Smash marras I am always slowed. Is there a certain stun that i should use when they start using something? I was thinking neural surge with ravage and cryo with GTBF/UR.
  15. Mularky

    Class Changes

    its a good class in dps but other classes do better dps
  16. Mularky

    Class Changes

    Lets be honost right now. Everyone knows commandos are at the bottom of the food chain right now. In PVE and PVP. I think i am pretty good player but not incredible. I hope bioware has figured out that mandos are lacking.
  17. Mularky

    Class Changes

    I dont know why they would have a major update without class changes. I know for a fact that my commando deserves a little love.
  18. Mularky

    Class Changes

    1.5 is less than a week away and no class changes have been posted? Are we getting class changes?
  19. we could just nerf the class which would be easier.
  20. Wait its PowerReaper everyone has to stop replying to this thread or else...... He will spam us with L2P posts as for his OP sent will kill us.
  21. The class is a joke now i have to play a combat medic commando to even have a chance at surviving. I agree Gunnery can be shut down so fast its not even a joke.
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