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Everything posted by Mularky

  1. If they are on parr with all the other classes then how come they are 400 dps behind every spec. Explain that to me. There is no way that they are o n parr with that much of a difference. That is not bws goal of within five percent of eachother. You are lieing
  2. All bioware has to do to fix pyro is revert all the changes made to CGC and TD and everyone would be happy. Everyone and their mother go burst. We got ours taken away. I'm interested on the thought process for that .
  3. Yeah thats what I mean it cant kill anything.
  4. I mean assault can put up high numbers in PVP (have not tried PVE) but it can't kill anything.
  5. So is there no reason to argue buffs for this class anymore? I know the class can do damage but it really cant kill anything in assault spec. I still don't understand the reason we were nerfed. I don't want to wait a year like the commandos did for BW to fix them. So the final question is....Should we give up on asking to fix the class.
  6. I just logged on, I was not able to copy over any of my toons. I had my previous toons from the 2.0 test server that I was able to play.
  7. [quote=Carlenux;6347315 SNIPER MarksManship Expertise:: 9 Video : Tip: MM is all about doing quick+strong hits, with decent dmg going in between cast (Corrosive Dart)... you should always try to prioritize F.through /SoS / Ambush with snipe as Filler + ambush Stack... Start (boss fight no shatter shot): try to use laze target before starting fight (save CD) Orbital + C.dart + cover instant snipe + FT + SoS + FT + ""IMPORTANT TRICK"" move out of cover (1 step) get in cover again (instant snipe proc every 6 secs = 3 attacks or 4 GCD) this is for your Ambush stacks + Snipers Volley + Ambush + FT + SoS + FT + Dart again, repeat. MM trick: always prioritize 1 Dart (if dot is over) over a snipe, dont use Sniper + instant Sniper if you are under 75 energy if u want to do FT + another attack later, or you will be starving energy.... Orbital on CD try to start the cast when you are between 75-80 energy... if you are at 85-90 its good to have a FT enabled to cast right after OS cast followed by some rifle shots OR long ambush Cast. Hope it Can Be Helpful.. Another good rotation that Daelek had told me is: Orbital - Corrisive dart - SoS - FT - Snipervolley - SoS - FT - Snipe x2 - FT - Ambush - FT - corrisve dart - repeat....remember to use orbital strike off cooldown.
  8. Your mm vid is the your hybrid vid and your hybrid vid is named your mm vid. you named your vids wrong (:
  9. What I want to know is why it took them a year and a half to nerf a "op" class. I don't think we werer ever op. That was how the class played. We were a glass cannon that really did melt ppl. If you catch us without our shield or any cooldowns we were done. People say a dot class should not have burst. If that was true all the dot classes would be the same.
  10. I know that they said that they will ever revert changes for a class but I don't think there is any other way to fix assualt spec.
  11. It looks like you did not read the assault patch notes. They cut CGC/PC damage by 50% we lost 15% of our armor pen to RS/HiB and they nerfed TD/AP to a dot that does nothing. The crit nerf did not matter at all to me.
  12. That is funny b/c all the other classes got burst added to them and vanguards did not get anything. The Vanguard class has become a dot class of being able to pull high numbers but not actually kill anyone. There is no hard class in this game. You can't just rate a class on how many buttons they press. If you think that is true you are basing skill upon how fast your hands can move. If you wanted to be a bad vanguard you could do 2 buttons, but if you wanted to be a good vanguard you would use an assortment of your skills. Right now a Commando is a 4 button class and you can get away with it being a 2 button.
  13. Smash will be op for about the next 6 months then it will be nerfed into the ground like vangaurds/powertechs. I agree the class is stupid. They have more DCDs than some tanks. They have an auto-crit aoe. In 1.7 smash was easier to play than a vanguard.
  14. http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/006/707/nothing-to-do-here-template.jpg.scaled500.jpg
  15. I actually do not we are struggling with that one.
  16. i know right, I am in the one of the best raiding guilds in the world and they happen to be on the imp side.
  17. Okay thats your opinion what do you want me to do about it.
  18. Deadweight is now Adroit, there is also covenant. It is usaully the time of day for each side. Republic has better players but imps have more decent players.
  19. 552992 protection http://i677.photobucket.com/albums/vv135/xFTx_xFTx_xFTx/Screenshot_2013-05-03_14_10_33_565200.jpg
  20. Now every other class can kill you in just about 3 GCD's Except for powertechs. Now I play my commando b/c I can get away with Grav Round Spam
  21. You are right about being easy to play, but I do not think there is another class in this game that is not easy to play. VG/PT defensive cooldown was their burst. On a PVE POV you only brought a VG/PT to a raid group or progression group b/c of their high dps number they have no group utility. The reason i loved my vanguard so much was how mobile it was that was my favorite part. I do agree with you on the roll backs and I do not want to wait a year for some changes like the commandos had to wait these changes need happen asap.
  22. /signed That was the Vanguards DC their burst. Now we have no burst and have poor Dam reduction
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