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Everything posted by ChewyYui

  1. That's pretty scummy. Perhaps EA are the last boss in Scum and Villainy
  2. Because, believe it or not (I am shocked by this)... Some people think it's too hard! D: It's pants, needed to be scaled to 55 AND made harder, if nothing else, to troll the 55's that couldn't do it at 50. It's a shame really, cause this, along with Kaon, were the only flashpoint I actually enjoyed doing, and Lost Island the only one the posed a minor challenge
  3. Kolto Bomb is trainable by all Commandos at level 20 in 2.0
  4. This should be the petition to remove ALL trooper back-packs. They're hideous. End of.
  5. Terrible idea, you want re-usables, pick biochem. Like someone said above me, it'll kill the consumables market. Why buy say, 10 medpacks, when you can just buy one re-usable for ever. And you don't need to work your *** of to craft them either.
  6. Thanks to both of you, certainly given me some tips and ideas! Much appreciated, and glad to hear that having expensive stuff wont make a great impact. I just hope the learning curve isn't too steep for me! I'd love to quote and reply to each section from both of you, but I fear the post would be too long! Thanks again! EDIT: This looks like something that could come in handy for me, after hearing that you find it usefull coming from a console gaming background also. I find looking at that, looks a lot less daunting than a keyboard, especially with binding in mind
  7. If they're doing that, then something needs to be done! I doubt they are, so OP, stop complaining, you don't have to go and do TfB NiM
  8. They're a rare item in cartel packs, which means there aren't hundreds of them about, the rarer the item, the more expensive it is. You clearly only want the crystal for the stats to boost a lower level character, so buy one of the other cartel colour crystals, they sell about 100k-ish on my server. No one is forcing you to buy that crystal at over a million, so stop complaining. Revan masks sell for 2mil+ and that's a level 1 item.
  9. Who's that? lol I wasn't a "bad" noob, I was competent and considerate of others.
  10. I heard some of the stuff for 2.0 came out last/this week, if its true or not, idk, but if so, next Tuesday's download shouldn't be so big.
  11. Great idea, if you don't mind chopping your arm off the first time you try to hit something.
  12. I have played the Imp side, my first 50 was a Sniper, so I agree with some of the things you are saying. Maybe after 2.0 hits, I'll start to level up my Assassin and gear them up on the Imp side. Even if it was a troll, that sort of stuff happens (maybe not in such an extreme way), and It wouldn't surprise me if it happened just as the post said. I imagine the Imp side has it's share of PvP noobs, but they aren't in the cross faction games. I don't actually do WZ much, because I know I am not amazing, but I'm not terrible either lol. I understand what you are saying, and I don't know if a lot of it was directed at me, but I don't believe it's correct if it was. Firstly, I wouldn't say I am one the the "leets" who'd not play with people who can't do everything perfectly, or unless they have god-tier gear. That isn't what I am saying in my Original Post, and If it came across like that, I am sorry, I didn't mean it to. I understand and respect the fact not everyone has done content before, nor will they have the highest tier of gear because of it. My gear isn't all dread guard (Its BH/Campain, but that's irrelevant), nor have I done everything in the game enough where I know it like the back of my hand. What I am trying to say both now and in OP, is that people shouldn't be attempting content that they are undergeared for. The Elder Game section on this website has a gearing bracket, they could look at that, or they could simply ask in general chat. If I do group finder ops, I go in expecting some people not to know the bosses, usually they say when we load up, or me/someone will ask if everyone has done it before. If they haven't, I or someone else will try their best to explain to the people who haven't done it before. I said before about people doing stupid things in flashpoints and stuff. What bothers me is when they do it over and over, not listening to the advice people are giving on how they can avoid the mistake, then they quit. I make mistakes sometimes, be it falling of a bridge or agroing trash, so It would be hypocritical of me to shun everyone for the tinniest error, which I don't do.
  13. Just... Amazing! Listened to the score in your opening post, the tracks, they transition perfectly! Great work!
  14. Hello all! I have played the game on and off since last January, and coming from a console gaming background, I found myself confused by the amount of abilities I have to use. This lead me to using my mouse to click abilities. I now want to move away from this, onto the glorious method of Keybinding. My main concern however, it is very alien to me, and I have the habit to click ( I didn't know binding was a thing until a few months after launch, by which time I became used to clicking), so I don't really know how to start on the path of bindings. Switching I think, will improve my performance in elder game content, especially PvP. A few questions/concerns I have: 1: Will this impair my moving around? I use WASD to move, which is slower to turn and such, but also means I can back peddle and use abilities etc. which I can't do with a mouse, as I'd have to turn around and run. 2: What are the best keys to use to bind abilities? And how will this affect playing different classes? 3: Will I have to buy a better keyboard and mouse? I don't want to have to spend £200+ for amazing keyboard and mouse, just for them to not help at all. Is there any tips or pointers anyone can give to starting off with key binds, without a steep learning curve (I do well in PvE ops and such clicking, and I don't want to impact this too much). I'd be very appreciative of constructive help! I play a shadow tank, so my rotation isn't terribly complex.
  15. What bothers me more is (often times) not being able to complete content because of the half-wits. I have patience, only a limited amount. I am not saying those who don't shouldn't, I am saying be considerate of others and take the extra time to become familiar with essential mechanics and concepts of the stuff you are trying to do. It isn't rocket science to know that you aren't familiar with things and that because of this, others content will be hindered. It doesn't bother me so much if you aren't good at something, cause granted, the game can be difficult. Not being good at something because you are clueless to everything is the issue. I joined TOR last January, so I basically grew with everyone else. I'd consider myself more competent than the people I am complaining about. That makes you a noob too HAHA NOOB! jk I find it hard to write, without writing a lot. Sorry for the lengthy reply.
  16. If you are genuinely not trolling, and someone thinks you are trolling them, did you just troll them?
  17. Firstly, I have to say I'm not one for QQ'ing on the forums, but I NEED to vent this. I am growing increasingly sick of the Republic side on my Server. Firstly, we get such an influx of noobs, its un-believable. The fact that players are new, isn't an issue, I consider myself patient most the time, but what is annoying about it, is they come and ruin content for me, and other players. People are joining Hardmode flashpoints queues, including Lost Island, with sub-par gear, usually having lvl 41ish greens and blues. They agro trash mobs when other skip it, (they stay close, but still stray off to agro) causing them to die repeatedly, then they go and agro a new set of mobs, and die again. Sure, everyone learns, but then they go and blame someone in the group, or just quit. Ok, I haven't played Empire side in a long time, so I dont know what the PUG state is for them, but judging from PvP (which I will rage about next), I very much doubt it. Secondly, noobs in PvP is unbearable. On my server at least, Imperials tend to win ALOT of their games, because they have more competent players, more PvP guilds etc. Also because we have a bunch of morons that play Republic PvP. I wouldn't say I am a great PvPer, but I wouldn't say I was bad either. I tend to stay away from PvP for a few reasons; I prefer PvE, my computer doesn't give super-high fps in Warzones, and I'm not amazing. The times I do play PvP, especially in the 50 bracket, frequently our teams are plagued with noobs, that don't call out objectives, do stupid things, and worst of all, fresh 50's rock up in there trashy no-expertised gear, and get confused when people tell them to leave because they're bringing the team down. Empire side CLEARLY doesn't have this problem, else we wouldn't get blitzed almost every game we play. Pre-50 matches aren't much better either. So if you have read up to this point, you're probably saying "Shut up" or "Go role an Imp toon". Well, why should I have to? Simply because our faction gets the half-wits? I don't want to have to re-level up to 50 (soon 55), re-gear my PvE and PvP sets to my current ones, re-collect all the datacrons etc. I have a guild which I am happy in on the Republic side, we do regular ops, and I enjoy it. I also have a few friends, and people I talk to/have to call me for back-up, on the server, and those are the reasons I haven't up and left for the Empire (which is 20% cooler with everything) Tho, If the situation doesn't improve (which I doubt it will), I'll have the daunting task to level a Sin Tank to level cap, re-gear, make new friends, join a new guild etc. which I don't want to do. I regret not rolling my main on the Empire to start with. So much. Final word: I don't consider myself an Elitist, nor do I wish to be overly selfish about the game. Everyone who plays has equal rights to the content they pay for, but consider other players when you want to be a half-witted idiot (Like I do when I avoid PvPing alot) and learn something about the game you want to play, instead of ruining the content for others - Everyone has the right to enjoy content, so don't ruin it for those who are (unlucky enough to be) playing with you. TL;DR - Republic side is full of Noobs. I'm mad because we loose PvP. Won't re-roll Empire cause I'm lazy, I know a few nice people Republic side
  18. Bioware didn't say "You can't go on raids any more, because your class isn't as good as it used to be". Sure, they're the ones who made the changes to his class, but it's his raid/guild leader who is choosing not to take him along. OP: Like many other people are saying, find a new guild. You play the game to play the game, so you go where you CAN play the game, that is evidently not at your current guild at this time. Make a new character for ops, or bide your time to see if Assassin/Shadow gets fixed. I'm sure there are plenty of great guilds on your server that would take you along for ops, and at a pace where you still get what you want out of the game
  19. Sounds more like the fault of your guild leader, or whoever chooses who goes on raids.
  20. Maybe they didn't want to do it today (the 1st) because some people may have thought it was some weird April Fools joke
  21. Just like the good old days! Really tho, the amount of times I have played with people on flashpoints that don't even use their Tionese gear, instead using lvl 48ish gear is stupid. Recently, it's been "But I don't like the way the gear looks, so I'm not going to use it". My opinion is, fresh 50's are getting too much help, that many of them are refusing, so I am sorta glad they are removing this.
  22. Buy them, put the mods into an Orange shell you like. Get the Survivor gear, that's the tanking set.
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