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Everything posted by Aetideus

  1. Nice reading during spawn time against 4 merc preds.
  2. Their reading comprehension was fine on other nerfs, like Operatives and Assins. They removed inexplicably the throw down effect of Assin and Operative opening after cries and qq. Regarding the Merc plague in pvp they nerf pve.
  3. Just move Up to 70% Kolto Οverload to PTs and everyone would be happy. Reduce 3 lives of Mercs to 2 and make PT viable in yolo.
  4. I play Elite W merc from 2012. That plague of merc rerolling is bad for dedicated mercs as well. It is prohibiting to even play IO anymore. It is pointless.
  5. Exactly. The "nerfr" is just a joke. They prove they never play. They cannot even identify the merc icon in 4 vs 4 mercs.
  6. That is what they propose, and not even a nerf for PvP.
  7. No other word would characterize those. They are bad for PvE and PvP. They will have no effect on mass rerolling Merc and 4 mercs vs 4 mercs in yolo. The application of current dcds in WZ are prohibiting any focusing on the spec (while the rest 3 hitting) while the ridiculous dps reduction still allows for globaling. Instead of changing the massive dcds application they penalize pve... Try playing WZs BW for 2hrs for once.
  8. The best asset of PT Tank is the large AoE dps. With a healer is devastating. As for a previous post, gearing must take in account several features and may take time.
  9. Yep, the 70% Kolto. PT has Shield cd reduction already.
  10. Concealment is 1 v 1, Lethality makes perfect synergies.
  11. Yeah, I would like some more range too, no complete revert though. Well, 70% kolto may let the PT get an opponent first. AP Pt has 30% dr on stun. eg 100% dr on stun. 70% kolto for Pyro is 100% dr. So it is "leave me alone".
  12. I hope they remove 70% hp kolto and give it to PTs. Just that.
  13. The trouble is for people to understand how Lethality works, like Annihilation, once setup the effects are devastating. There is no problem is regs. Spec can output high dps. The Late burst mechanics inefficiency in Solo is waged with different gameplay (off-heals).
  14. It is not as useless as you think http://imgur.com/a/7I5OH
  15. it is largely misunderstood. It is more difficult than Conc, but in 5.0 has increased burst. It is a late burst, but I propose to give it a try. Conc is still better in duels. Pvp is not just 1vs1. Certainly Dec has better burst than anything. What kind of skill is needed to apply it among Snipers and Mercs?
  16. I attack with my merc before the tank. What can they do to it? Nothing. I can kite in 10m like PT <5.0, but no need to retreat when speed ends.
  17. Assin Dec requires much more skill and experience to be viable currently than Conc/Leth. Phase walk removal was a strong hit. Against Merc/ Snip Leth is better, since its range is 4-30m and can stay away easier. Conc always better in 1vs1.
  18. 1. I use all power. 2. Some say 1 ench, I use none. 3. 3 enh ~ 6,5% at least, 1500 crit at least 4. Power 5. Afterburners, Torque boosters, Kolto surge.
  19. PT and Jugg have no escape ability. Like merc before 5.0. Even Maras get invisible and h2f.
  20. I think the nerf of 8 mercs in arena is coming and class changes as well. No need for inflated theories.
  21. Agreed to most. 70% Kolto should be on PTs. No need for any other nerf.
  22. Currently PT dps (and tank sometimes) is first target in RWZ. Merc has Kolto Overload to 70% with double heals. This should be on PT. That would help AP, but immensely Pyro which is not viable in RWZ.
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