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10 Good
  1. New feature: it now kicks you out of wz to the loading screen
  2. I dunno about other servers, but on TRE pvp is barely playable, ability delay is awful, rubberbanding is insane, and lots of stuttering. Its way worse than it was before the maintenance. Thank you
  3. Season 8 lasts too long: L33T playa "OMG BW, when will S8 end, I need a new title to show everyone how big my e-peen is beacuse i got my rating thanks to DvL gear bug" Rewards are announed L33T playa "OMG BW, these are crappy rewards, I cannot believe how much time and money I have wasted on this s*hit, I'm unsubbing" S9 preseason: L33T playa " OMG BW, how long will this preseason last?? I need to get some ELO to get rewards for S9" This kind of whining is present for the past few seasons, apart from the DvL thingie obviously and it will be the same in the future It's actually hilarious
  4. As long as you will be raging at them in-game and complaining on the forums, they will do it since that's their purpose. Just ignore them, they eventually will get bored
  5. Its funny when you call ppl bad whilst you use force speed with back pedal on a regular basis. Not to mention giving up, it's all in your videos
  6. I guess its typical TOFN mentallity
  7. http://imgur.com/gallery/4pp0I1y/new
  8. poweed


    1/10 troll. Nothing to see here
  9. Tbh, I dont see any difference fps-wise whether I'm on lowest or highest settings, on highest settings my cpu and gpu usage doesn't exceed 60% yet I still have crappy fps during bigger fights, the only thing that helped a bit was limiting view distance, switching off shadows(only noticeable on the fleet where there are a lot of chars) and lowering the tree/grass quality.
  10. Dalufrend covered pretty much everything but what I've noticed is that you haven't used guardian leap at all, its a really good cd, which you can use to get out of harm's way and give dmg reduction to your allies. Also when imps were capping mid, you didnt do anything to stop them instead you were busy trying to kill an op healer (which you didn't cause its a hard thing to do as a vigi guardian) and only beacuse your teammates arrived on time, the imps didnt manage to cap mid
  11. Check your power management settings, I had balanced set as default, and after switching to high performance things got significantly better
  12. If you see a double premade (which isn't happening a lot on TRE, unless you're really unlucky and BW hates you) just leave the wz and queue again. Farming defense points and offending other team for premading is neither helping you nor your team.
  13. Just beacuse you can't play it doesn't mean the class sucks. Now regarding the questions about spec and gear. Both are viable, Vengeance has some nice utilities like 4 sec stun immunity after charge, incresead dmg reduction, good sustained dmg, better AOE with dot spreading. The new rage has a really nice burst and better single target dmg. I find Rage to be more fun but Vengeance is easier to learn. As for the gear it is exactly as Dalfurend explained
  14. Hi guys, I recently rolled a Concealment Op which is lvl 45 atm. I've seen many different opinions about alacrity for Conceal PVP. Some people think it's useless and other recommend stacking it to improve GCD. Since I'm quite new to SWTOR I would like to know your view on the matter Cheers
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