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Everything posted by djungelvraaal

  1. I'll bite. aren't you the one who happily pays your sub, to only troll the forums, since, if I remember correctly, you refuse to play the game anymore because of an animation they changed quite a while back? You must be Bioware's dream customer ,paying, but not playing, so obviously, you can't really complain about any game content at this point, nothing wrong in that, it's nice that they have dream customers;) That being said, it does make it a tad difficult to take anything you say seriously( although, I have a feeling that you might not be serious at all in any of your posts.) I haven't quite decided if I'm gonna keep playing or not, those of you who have decided to unsub, I can completely understand that, on the other hand, I can understand those of you who choose to stay aswell. And, no, you're not quite the thread killer you think you are;)
  2. Although, I think he means Xalek, he already got Khem back through the terminal I think.
  3. Exactly, something else I think they forgot to mention, was that, which someone has pointed out already, it's not capped at 10k anymore, it's 100k, and I believe someone said something about that aswell, it makes no sense to raise the cap, if the things we do in game, like crew skills, and whatnot, wouldn't affect our personal levels. Edit. still grinding my archaeology, and I get about 44 ds points for each mission( at lvl 4 mind you, I expect those numbers to go up as I get higher lvl with the crew skill)
  4. I was reading this thread as I started a new crew skill on my consular, switched to archeology, so, not like diplomacy where you get both light and dark side points from some of the missions with this dvl thing. And it made me curious as to whether my light side points would drop( was light all the way up to 65, and now with this dvl, chose dark) and yes, I'm sitting here seeing my light side points drop with every mission. Edit: Which obviously is fine by me, since I chose to align with the dark side, but I can completely see how it is annoying and then some, for people who would prefer to just progress their dark or light side through story choices.
  5. There should be an alert, named " The light triumphant" one of Theron's alerts, that being said, there's a thread going, where some people have reported having that alert bugged( meaning they don't have the alert)
  6. There should indeed be an alert, named " The light triumphant" one of Theron's alerts. I just got the alert on a character that hasn't even started the new chapters.
  7. No, you don't have to start chapter 1 of KotET to keep leveling, I did heroics on my inquisitor to lvl 68 before I started the new chapters.
  8. I'll just say the same thing here as I did in the other thread. I'm pretty sure people would have been at least a tad more understanding if it was something unintentional, they messed up, and just told people they did so, and that the achievements would be back next week, don't you think? Doing it this way, they really do just look like they don't care one little bit about the time some people put into getting all of those, which, I'm pretty sure, isn't a great solution, if you have the option to say" hey, we messed up , we're sorry, and we're gonna fix it"
  9. I believe they moved that heroic console to the combat training section on the fleet
  10. Although, I'm pretty sure people would have been at least a tad more understanding if it was something unintentional, they messed up, and just told people they did so, and that the achievements would be back next week, don't you think? Doing it this way, they really do just look like they don't care one little bit about the time some people put into getting all of those, which, I'm pretty sure, isn't a great solution, if you have the option to say" hey, we messed up , we're sorry, and we're gonna fix it"
  11. Yes, the DvL achievements have been reset.
  12. If I understood it correctly, they said that you wouldn't gain rested xp while the double xp was going on( although, I think I did on some of my toons.. or I need new glasses) but you should get rested xp now after the patch I think.
  13. Your 10 gb should be enough, I've heard somewhere between 5 and 7 gb, but don't quote me. *edit* There are threads about this already, hopefully you'll find a more definite answer there:)
  14. From another thread, and yeah, it sucks what they did. That being said, there's something in the bug forums too, some people had that issue too I think , before the patch.
  15. Sounds like you were lvl 50 on Nar Shadaa because of the double xp thing they had going on, can't remember when it started, but it ends today with 5.0
  16. /signed Personally I don't really care about achievements, but I can totally understand the people who do, and you guys got royally..well, can't use those words here, can I.
  17. Yes, you're correct, you can't get to lvl 66 and beyond until dec 2 unless you have early access.
  18. My bad, I didn't look at the date of the original post, sorry:o
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