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Everything posted by SmokingGoose

  1. Bugs are not a good argument and beeing with your daughter is more important and warrants a 15 minute debuff dont you think?
  2. Why would you grind all the way to BM to not play when you have BM gear? This is thet mentality of the average mmo player nowadays and its so sad. They need a carrot on a stick to keep playing. I love pvp and i play because i love it. Not because i can keep gaining something from it. I am farming gear so i can own moar in pvp. Not so i can keep farming gear infinitly.
  3. yeah centurion is alot worse ...
  4. The besy answer i can give you is im a recent 50 and i go into WZ's with 12500hp. People with battlemaster and full champion gear have 16500-18000. That is not a 10% advantage. And that is only talking about the hp difference.
  5. You probably dont remember that in wow you had to travel to your main city every two levels to buy your new skills. Catching the zeppelin etc. It was *********** horrible.
  6. The dark side is stronger. Âs my sith warrior would say: " As it should be "
  7. Working for gear is not the same as RNG but i guess a person with 0 IQ would think they are the same.
  8. Yep the turret was their insta kill but they messed up and didnt expect a badgillion ppl going into the base .
  9. What do you mean welfare? So this game is based on Rng is a better system? Do you think RNG makes a game more challenging? No it doesn't Einstein....
  10. Why should people be punished?
  11. What do you mean there is no grind? This game is the grind in terms of pvp gear. It takes 3 hours to get a champion bag ( yes alot of ppl ahve done the math and its about 2.5-3). Then when you get the bag 90% of the times it has 3 commendations. If a chest piece of centurion is now 39 commendations that means it takes 39 hours game time to get one piece of gear. Centurion ! Which is the worst kind. 39 hours of game times even if you hardcore and play 6 hours a day which is alot will still take you almost a week to get. TLDR- this new systtem means you take a week to get a piece of gear if you play 6 hours a day.
  12. Are you serious or is this just plain hate towards BW? Anyone who knows anything about games knows kotor 1 is infinitly superior to kotor 2.
  13. IS this clock of pain a doomsday device like the death clock ?
  14. A pvp stat is a way of differenciating those who pve from those who pvp. To avoid having hardcore pve'rs come to WZ's and smash the faces of those hardcore pvp'rs because pve gear is always better . PVE stopped beeing better than pvp gear for pvp when these stats were introduced in to games and thank god they did.
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