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Posts posted by Irenicus_Jon

  1. I ignore sniper volley on my MM build. Any talent that dictates me to use a specific attack (that is one of the worst attacks to begin with) repeatedly better have some good utility or damage. Sniper volley has neither. I'd rather have cd reduction on leg shot, at least that has uses.
  2. -Some sort of accuracy boost specific to channelled shots as skills in marksman tree.

    -LoS should not break a shot if it's started channelling (similar to running out of range, yes I mean a shot should go through a wall if it has to, this is a game where lightsabers remain switched on when thrown and turn back to the user, I'm sure a shot from a high powered sniper rifle penetrating a wall is not going to break the suspension of disbelief).


    About cover:

    I think it's working fine when it's not bugging, what I want to know is whether this is intended to create a delay for snipers or not. Are we supposed to be delayed by 0.5-1 secs before using our cover only abilities? If yes, things seem to be working as intended, if no:

    -Make cover-only abilities automatically force you into cover when you try to use them (less button smash).

    -Make "when you enter cover" skills "every x seconds you remain in cover". I'm talking about things like snapshot and ballistic dampers. If "but you didn't waste time getting up and going down again" is a problem, make x longer. If entrench is a problem, make it so they don't refresh during entrench.



    I have a somewhat radical idea about entrench but it's not a serious suggestion, just something I wish that could be tried and tested. Make it so that snipers do not leave cover while cc'ed and make entrench a passive that activates while in cover and makes your resolve bar fill up x times faster. Snipers lose the initiative but at least this version does not punish the sniper for repositioning after using entrench.

  3. Depends on play style, either can be made to work in PvP. Marksman requires you take up a good point to setup (ideally without too many LoS zones) and shoot from afar. Lethality is somewhat closer to the action, generally performs well while out of cover but has less of a burst. Most lethality snipers embrace mobility completely and never go into cover (or rarely do so).
  4. Engineering is more durable and better at controlling objectives because of ticking AoE (that doesn't go away when you die) and theoratically constant slow. Marksman damage being migitated through deflect/absorb/etc is a somewhat inflated argument since marksman does tons of single target damage (a lot higher than other trees in my opinion) so it can afford the occasional negation. It is noticable because marksman snipers usually end up using channelled shots (no matter how you spec) and seeing a big fat DODGE after casting for 1.5 seconds is extremely annoying.


    In conclusion, both builds contribute to PvP through the fact that "they kill everything". Marksman does more "they kill everything" compared to engineer, which has more utility and durability.

  5. I have a lvl 50 sniper and I've partly stalled his PvP career. Majority of my PvP matches were losses and I thought the problem was me (I was doing everything I can, protecting my ball carrier, punishing their ball carrier, attacking together with team mates instead of blindly charging in, picking squishier targets to eliminate first, etc).


    It wasn't until I started PvP with my lvl 19 alt that I realised I was hitting a constant wall of premades with my sniper. On my alt my win lose ratio is closer to 50/50 (perhaps wins are a bit higher, haven't played enough games to tell). Now I just hope premades do not find out about 1-49 bracket.

  6. If you want both PvP and PvE effectiveness, go marksman. You're going to have to learn where to setup your cover in PvP, but the alternative (lethality) is extremely energy hungry (whici s problematic in PvE). Lethality has extreme mobility though (if you go to the top you'll probably stop using cover) so the PvE problems might outweigh the PvP benefits. Engineering doesn't seem to be popular but there are people using it out there.


    Ultimately you have to try them out yourself and see how they work for you. I've had to change my spec a lot before I found myself something useful. I ended up with marksman because I find it extremely good PvE and great in PvP as well (most people think lethality is better, but I just couldn't work with it).

  7. At 1700 cunning and 200 expertise, I haven't seen 5k crits from my sniper either. I'm close (4700ish) but haven't reached that point to be honest. I'm marksman btw.


    Someone also posted that pure dps classes are not pure dps and they have secondary roles as well? They even had the audacity to say sniper has a support role?


    I'm sorry but the only thing we can do is dps.

  8. My main is a sniper, rank 38 (has about 200 expertise). What I end up doing is mostly dps support. Flashbang is lacluster (it'll be broken immediately most of the time) but leg shot is quite useful. Orbital strike is surprisingly useful because sometimes people cannot move the fight from under it. I don't think we excel at killing sages/sorcs but we can put them on the defensive and/or have them on the run extremely fast (a few shots and most of the time they have to bubble/LoS/heal etc). I know our damage is cut short against higher armor and tanky types but if I'm left alone, I can still wreak havoc on their hp pool. Going 1on1 with any class is almost always a waste of my resources, everything is much, much better if I rain down punishment without being disturbed (while this is true for most classes, I think it's more evident with a sniper).
  9. If I'm going to hit a single target for a long time:

    Laze, cover, instant snipe, followthrough, shattershot (if target is high armor), trinket/adrenal, series of shots, rapid fire, series of shots, ambush (assuming rapid fire is triggered), followthrough.


    I don't have sniper volley so after that what I do varies.

  10. It is getting funny tho, I don't know whether the sorc/sage class is OP or not, but the last huttball I played I was the only one without a "sith" in their class name and 5 of those were sorcs.
  11. Greetings, I play a sniper on a server where the empire seems to outnumber the republic by at least 3 to 1. This usually leads to the situation where the empire controls all the points on the map and the republic base exits are camped. This degenerates into both sides launching long range aoe at the edges of each group, and occasionally someone will get lucky with a pull or someone will charge the other side and we have kills for either side.


    I am not having much difficulty doing my daily in this situation but how do melee classes cope? If they charge into the other group they are killed during the disable, they don't have any ranged aoe that I know of to tag targets for kills. What are they supposed to do?

  12. Nope.


    Hunter was my main char in WoW, sniper is here in TOR. PvE I feel a hunter felt like it had more range and better range dump. Hunter was also quite boring (spam the same rotation), sniper seems to allow for you to mix things up more. PvP they play a lot different as well. Hunter could lay traps, counter stealth and had an easier time kiting. Sniper has counters against melee but there's nothing inherent to the class that allows kiting. Both are supposedly "cloth eater" classes, it's just that the cloth in TOR is much harder to swallow.


    I think the similarity ends with both being called ranged DPS.

  13. What I use:



    I am still a mobile lethality sniper, I usually pop corrosive grenade and dart, followed by cull, then I'll go into cover (assuming the fight is stationary) to pop off an instant snipe (and maybe explosive drone). I lose a shot on the run (weakening blast) but I do not feel my damage is downgraded too much. I feel that unless I purposefully try to burn it all (empty out, adrenaline probe, empty out again) I don't actually have to resort to auto-attack.


    The trouble with this build is choosing when to enter cover, your mind wants to enter cover whenever possible, but if you do that you lose the mobility afforded by lethality. I usually enter cover when I'm firing into a stationary fight (defending a turret for example) and I am in a defensible, hard to reach (or not desirable to reach) location. Popping into cover for an instant snipe coupled with a short defense buff is also an option.

  14. I am so tempted to reply with something like this:

    We are Sith. We are legion. We smell your fear.


    On a more serious note, population imbalance hurts both sides in open PvP. On my server in Ilum, we controlled the entire map and had the republic trapped in their base (not camping their spawn point) so it turned into a mexican stand-off as neither side wanted to engage the other (we didn't have the manpower to spawn camp them admist their respawning turrets of doom, they couldn't step out because they'd be slaughtered in seconds). End result: nobody had any fun or gained much valor so instead we enjoyed the 5 fps lagfest.

  15. Hi, I'm a level 50 sniper. I get pound into mush if I'm caught by an operative/scoundrel. I am not geared (expertise is below 100), if I get ambushed by a geared one I'll drop before I can use my escape+cc, if I'm against a similarly geared one I'll die on the run. I'm especially vulnerable (and thus a juicy target) since I have to stay on the sidelines of the main fight (so I don't get slaughtered by melee or collateral AoE) and I need to be stationary to exact my DPS (both of these make me a prime target for a stealth assasin). I've had games where I was repeatedly/specifically targetted by operatives/scoundrels because I was such an easy kill for them.


    I don't mind.


    You guys are doing your job.


    If we didn't have you, I would sit on the edge of the battle all day and never die (who's going to engage me, that melee with huge "FLASH THEN LEGSHOT ME PLEASE" letters over his head who is already busy being pounded on by my guys?). I can actually see a point where enough of a gear difference makes surviving the initial blast easy and thus removes a lot of the threat from operatives/scoundrels (not necessarily within the limits of the current game).

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