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Posts posted by Irenicus_Jon

  1. It's time?


    It's way past time.


    Come over to my server, less than 20 people on imperial fleet prime time. No, they are not doing operations or PvP. It's empty. It's been more than a month since I last saw someone asking for any HM flashpoint.


    Diablo 3 is coming.. Tuesday?

  2. Spammed sniper on my Sniper, didn't see the bug (both with and without fist sniper going into cover instant talent). Sniper was doing normal damage with normal cast time.


    Tried spamming ambush as well, did not work (CD and all).


    As far as being this new bug that suddenly gives slingers and snipers massive damage, I'm not convinced.

  3. My guild has downed the first boss in HM and we're trying 2nd boss, I need advice on both bosses from snipers experienced with them.


    The first boss extremely annoying, and not because you have to move and switch every time a jump occurs. The problem I'm having is "phantom damage reflection" after the jump. When playing MM, if I have a shot that is in the air (but hasn't hit the boss) when the jump occurs I'll get damage reflection. When playing lethality if my corrosive grenade is in the air during the jump I'll die because the grenade dot ticks will reflect for 6k (even though I've switched to other boss).


    I can't use orbital strike at all since if a jump occurs right after it I'll die to reflected damage. Also, MM seems impossible on this boss since during the spike phase the animation delay of standing up from cover to move means I can't move out of the spike fast enough.


    On the second boss (the tanks) I'm on the one to the left and since the defensive systems shield comes down randomly I can't move under it fast enough when it appears somewhere behind the boss. Other classes have speed boosters and charge to take care of it but I have to leg it normally and sometimes it's not enough.

  4. This time next week my server will have less than 20 people on fleet prime time because of Diablo 3. If the server merge/transfer supposed to come before summer does not land me on a server with 200+ people on fleet at prime time I'm cancelling my sub and putting my time entirely on Diablo.


    I don't think I'm the only one.


    This is the cold hard truth the game is facing right now. If you don't offer your players massive multiplayer on an MMO you are losing them. Doesn't matter how much you balance PvP or how much new content you introduce. I have played on an extremely high population server as well, at level 50 doing operations and PvP, it's an entirely different game.


    They should not be balancing classes, fixing PvP, introducing new content, introducing sound bugs, bug-deleting matrix cubes, or anything else. Every person employed at Bioware that is working on SWTOR should have on their desk a big sign that reads "WHAT DID YOU DO TO FIX SERVER POPULATION TODAY?"

  5. It has been proven time and again that Lethality has better DPS (regardless of situation) compared to MM. This was evident before combat logs when we used spreadsheets and is verified after combat logs by people doing self tests oon the dummies. As of yet (even with the 5% improvement to the "generally MM tree") Lethality is at least 100 DPS ahead of MM at the Columni gear and beyond.
  6. Hi, sniper here. I've been going over my skills and trying to find this so called defensive cooldown equivalent to undying rage, can someone help? All I've dug out is a shield that breaks in 1 hit and 3 seconds of white damage immunity.


    You're also looking at this from a 1v1 situation perspective, where undying rage is arguably at its worst. 5 seconds of "survive any number of attacks from any number of people" means 5 seconds where you can interrupt other people from capping objectives (to say the least).

  7. My server has 18 people on imperial fleet right now (prime time for us). By the time the third installment of "you-know-that-game" comes out I'm expecting that will drop to somewhere below 10.


    Mid summer you say? This solution will not work if it were implemented two weeks ago, let alone tomorrow.

  8. Knowing their publisher they'll probably only merge very low population servers and charge money for transfers to actual high population servers. So a server like mine will have 40 people on fleet at prime time instead of 20 and will not have anything close to 200 like high populated servers have.


    What should have happened 2 months ago for free will happen about 4 months late and they'll probably charge for it.

  9. I am on one of the least populated servers in EU. It wasn't always like this, after launch we were in the top five. Nowadays we'll have 20ish people in the fleet at peak times. It's the same on both Republic and Empire.


    I tried re-rolling on a populated server and have a level 50 on it. The difference is staggering, but on my original server I'm almost legacy level 40 with nifty buffs and legacy abilities all unlocked. Not to mention that my main is quite geared. If we didn't have 1.2 changes and the legacy system I'd probably abandon my original server, but ironically since I've already unlocked so much, I'd rather quit instead of playing without the legacy rewards (I know it is not the most rational idea).


    I am sure I'm not alone in such a position, when do we get server merges or transfers?

  10. I have switched back to MM. I know it is still slightly less DPS compared to Lethality, but Lethality is slow and clunky in PvP. Lethality needs too much time to setup and has trouble switching targets in my opinion.


    What I want to know is whether this buff keeps us "within 5%" of other ranged DPS.

  11. Setup shop on the high rafters. Fire in the middle (and the rafter on the other side). Move to the sides if action switches there. Try to spot other people to to your position from 15m away so you can opo entrench before they knock you down.


    With a MM you will get LoS issues, try to open up with intants (instant snipe and fllowthrough) and then use legshot, explosive probe and ambush so your target doesn't get the chance to move.

  12. Move behind a wall every now and then.


    In response to:



    Since so many people are crying oceans, I figured I'd save you the trouble of actually researching this and just give it up. If for no other reason that to shut the kiddies up.


    Marauder and it's mirror have several very key, and very easy to exploit, weaknesses. Understand that knowing this is not going to save you if the circumstances are not right. If the dual wielder, as i'll refer to us, is smart then they'll be playing in a manner designed to minimize these weaknesses but it is impossible to eliminate them completely.


    1. Never, EVER fill a Dual Wielder's Resolve.


    This is because one of the most glaring weaknesses is our need to be in Melee range. CC of most any kind allows one to move outside this range, effectively negating our presence. This point is probably, more than anything, the Achilles heel of the Dual Wielder. It's also the hardest one to do correctly as lots of us have tamed the urge to instantly smack the CC break. This is even harder against a Carnage/Combat Dual Wielder due to the Camo talent we all take. How you avoid filling a Dual Wielder's resolve is simple: DO NOT CC UNTIL THEY ARE BELOW AT LEAST 30%. CC needs to be saved for the END of the fight, when we start popping the really heavy defensive cooldowns like Undying Rage. Stunning us through that will negate it.


    2. Avoid 1 vs 1 fights


    This is fairly hard, as most of us try to create 1 vs 1 situations. But remember, running isn't a *****-move. It's playing smart. If you escape a Dual Wielder, you've still won because then you can go get help. Or go hang out next to help, either way. Against a Carnage/Combat Dual Wielder, you're more or less up a creek in this department. It can still be done though, if you FOCUS on ESCAPING. This is about denying the Dual Wielder THEIR fight, you want to face them on your terms. Which, preferrably, includes some backup. If for no other reason than at least one of you will kill the guy.


    3. NEVER KB as soon as the Marauder attacks you, unless you can position them in such a way as to knock them off a ledge or something


    This one is pretty self-explanatory. A smart Dual Wielder will try to position themselves in a way that will cause your KB to be ineffectual. This is the ONE and ONLY scenario in which I would advocate CC'ing right off. You'll buy yourself JUST enough time to knock the Dual Wielder into the pit, or off of the bridge. If you don't think you can do it in time, or the Dual Wielder stupidly blows their CC break to avoid the incoming KB, then you need to save it. The reason is that if you waste it, most of us have learned by now to sit on Force Charge for when we get KB'd so that we can instantly re-engage. Also, if you DO manage to knock them into, say, the pit, then you need to MOVE AWAY FROM THAT SPOT so that the Dual Wielder can't just wait for Force Charge to come back up.


    4. (If the DW is Ataru specc'ed, ignore this one) Move away from them/Interrupt when they start Ravage


    Ravage is stupidly easy to spot, and the only hit that really hurts is the last one. If you can interrupt it, do so. If you can't, run away. Simple as that, and it will make them lost a VERY significant bit of damage.


    5. (If Shii-Cho specc'ed and you DON'T do this, then you're stupid) Kite like a mofo


    Do I even need to explain this one?


    Other Important Notes: If your a PT/Vanguard or a Sniper/Gunslinger and you get blinded (Obsfucate/I forget the Sentinel version's name), ONLY use Tech attacks. Your abilities should be labeled in the book. Ranged and Melee attacks more or less all miss while obsfucated. If you happen to be a Dual Wielder and you're fighting another Dual Wielder, you need to blind them ASAP. The blind isn't terribly effective against any other classes.


    Really, at the end of the day, it's all about keeping us outside Melee range and about never letting a Dual Wielder get you by yourself. This isn't that hard if you don't waste your CC or your KB.


    To clear up any confusion about which ability is which, please refer to the list below for which ability is which and what it does.


    Undying Rage/<Insert Sentinel Version>: This ability gives 99% damage reduction at the cost of 50% HP for 5 seconds. When it's popped, the Dual Wielder (Depending on faction) will either turn black with a red aura or black with a blue aura. They need to be INSTANTLY stunned upon using this and THIS is why it's so critical to NOT fill their resolve bar.


    Cloak of Pain/<Insert Sentinel Verison>: This ability gives 20% damage reduction and inflicts a tiny amount of damage whenever the Dual Wielder is attacked. This can only happen 15 times MAX while the ability is up. The damage will be around 200 - 300 per tick making the maximum amount of damage that can be inflicted by it something to the tune of 4.5k. HOWEVER, this is ONLY if that person IS being attacked. The damage is 100% dependent upon someone attacking that person and it will ONLY affect the person who threw the attack. This will wrap the user in a red/blue aura depending on faction. It will look kinda like fire, but not NEARLY as distinct as Bloodthirst.


    Saber Ward/<Insert Sentinel Version>: This ability gives a melee and ranged damage reduction of 50% and a Force and Tech damage reduction of 25%. This ability surrounds the user with an "bubble", either blue or red depending upon faction. This lasts for 12 seconds.


    Saber Ward and Cloak Of Pain are almost always used in conjunction.


    That about all I can think of.



  13. No, if you are dumped into an ongoing match and it's the losing side (doesn't matter how much time has elapsed) you should quit, wait a little while (depends on server population), and requeue. This is how PvP is intended to work in 1.2
  14. I think all the players on the losing side should have their account banned for an hour (because they are such bad players). This should increase exponentially for consecutive losses. There should also be a daily quest where if you lose X number of matches in a day, a SWAT team kicks through your door and shoots you in the face.


    Seriously, they changed the operative/scoundrel because they had the potential to kill someone in a stun. They didn't want people to experience even that kind of disappointment for fear they would unsubscribe due to the experience.


    Does anyone, for even a tiny fraction of a moment, believe they will let things stay as they are now?

  15. They told everyone to spend those comms before 1.2

    I guess you missed that note. =/


    Telling everyone would be having an in-game messege pop up some time before (and not simply 2 hours or 2 days) reminding people certain commendations will become obsolete and need to be spent. That is why they have a launcher show casing new stuff about the game everytime you start it up: to display news.


    Posting things in PTS forums or on the website is not telling everyone.


    Granted I didn't get burned by this but I can see OP's point of view.

  16. Get into Huttball.

    Stay near your own goal line.

    Kill their ball carrier while he is running to your goal line (he has to be somewhere down the ramp).

    Instant shower of multiple medals.


    Think it gives 4-5 medals at the moment. Almost every role has a few (2-3) quick medals to get 8.

  17. Nope, current PvP system is not as dreamy as people make it to be.


    On a low population server if one side is winning (capture more objectives in the first 30 secs or plant the first bomb etc) people will try to farm their medals (not necessarily related to objectives) so they can get the magic number 8. After that they will usually lie down and let the other side win. Sometimes the game is close (in terms of gear/skill/whatever) and people will actually duke it out during the whole match.


    On a high population server if one side is winning the losing side will start quitting in numbers since they know some other unfortunate victim is there to replace them anyway and they have a chance to get into a winning game. This results in losing side having 2-5 players on a constant cycle of entering and leaving.


    I currently play on two servers (highest and 2nd lowest in Europe in terms of population) so I have experienced both sides.


    At the moment PvP in my opinion is worthless and I'll need to wait till they fix it (again).

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