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Posts posted by Irenicus_Jon

  1. Originally from Chuundar server (where I had 3 level 50 character on empire with many other alts), I rerolled on Tomb of Freedon Nadd about two weeks ago (European player).


    At launch Chuundar was 200ish on prime time I think. Last few days before 1.2 prime time fleet population usually didn't make it over 30, even on a Tuesday. After 1.2 last night I hear the population was 70 something.


    This is all on Empire side. Before the server died (I consider it a dead server now) we outnumbered republics three to one. I do not know if their current numbers reflect that ratio (if they do they'd have 10 people on fleet during prime time, lol)


    Yea, there are DEAD servers out there.

  2. I have a vanguard that is tactics specced (the middle tree that most people do not use). Pretty much my only attacks are ion pulse, fire pulse (15 sec cd) and pulse cannon (15 sec cd). It is actually better to avoid gut and high impact bolt because it reduces your DPS (and high impact bolt actually needs you to gear accuracy).


    Does this mean vanguard tactics should change too?

  3. The system veers people toward acting/playing in a certain way. If there is no incentive to play a losing game because you will get nothing (or bare minimum compared to winning) people will leave losing games. Before the new patch quitting was not this much before losers still got benefits for staying in the fight.


    I am stopping PvP for a long time. More than half their design decision have made things worse (both Ilum and warzones).

  4. I think I will go play another high quality game from Bioware like Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3 while I wait for the gem of all their games SWTOR to un**** itself.


    You might be pleasantly surprised seeing how much worse they are.

  5. Last night in KP during final boss I had every animated graphic glitch out and become invisible at certain camera angles. I had to wiggle around trying to get a camera angle where I could see what's happening (the only things visible were projectiles like blaster shots and explosions).


    Has this happened to anyone else or in other parts of the game? We are planning to do EV with my guild tonight, I don't think I can pull of invisible play if Soa is involved.

  6. I had to reroll on another server because mine died due to lack of population. If things stay as they are I'm probably going to put off trying to get PvP gear for my new main and start rolling alts since I cannot justify playing for 15 mins and getting nothing in return.


    In a PvE environment you may wipe for hours on end during an operation (has never happened to me in TOR btw) but you are learning in the process. There's nothing gained when you are getting 2-3 shotted in 1 stun.

  7. Stacks are not slowing. Don't know about immunity to interrupt. Damage is not easy to tell especially if we are only looking at PvP environment.


    I have experienced instances where I felt I caught one (or more) people in the blast only to have them take no damage.


    Somehow middle tree feels worse than it did 1.2.

  8. I play a vanguard and this is ridiculous. Before the patch tanking classes had an unfair advantage because they could rack up medals extremely fast (especially in the beginning of a match). With the new patch they made it so that:


    Getting a bare minimum of 4 medals (or smt) is extremely important (esp if you are losing) - a tanking class can get 3 medals in the first 30 secs of the game.

    Medals can go up to 8 (DPS had a hard time getting this to begin wtih).

    Games can finish in a shorter amount of time (DPS and healers on losing side gets shafted since they need time to catch up to the initial advantage of tanking classes, time they no longer have)


    All of this spells disaster IN THEORY, let alone in actual practice. I feel sorry for healers and DPS now and give my MVP to them since I'm probably 3 medals ahead of them to begin with.

  9. Novare Coast doesn't count for Ilum.

    Losing a match gives 1/3 of the rewards compared to winning.

    The second one side gets ahead in the match (capture 2nd turret etc) the "losing" side goes into a recycling phase where at least 3 people leave (and new ones join) all the time.

    Full BM people are killing me even faster and not getting scratched now (had to reroll since my old server died).

  10. There are certain places where even if you are standing the game registers you as still moving. An example of this would be the ramps of the top balcony in Huttball. You can tell because when you open up your map it's transparent. These places will also produce unknown effect result when you try to take cover in them.
  11. For someone who knows stuff about the military, this is a glaring error. For someone who doesn't, it feels like a nice touch of attention to detail. Unfortunately the latter group is larger than the former, so I do not think this would ever be taken in any other direction.
  12. I am going to post a tactics builds (in contrast to what people above have said) and explain the rotation (if it can be called that).




    You ignore high impact bolt, unload, and actually ignore gut as well (perhaps use it when you want to put a dot on something). The rotation is ion pulse, fire pulse, stock strike, then either pulse cannon or build 5 stacks from ion pulse and then pulse cannon. It is probably the simplest rotation of any dps (even simpler than gravround/tracermissile).


    Gearwise, you ignore accuracy like the plague (all of your attacks are tech, which can only be resisted, so accuracy need is minimal), get a high amount of crit and surge if possible. The only important thing with the build is that it needs positioning, because one of your most ammo efficient attacks (pulse cannon) is a channel ability that hits in ac one in front of you. So you need a stationary target and you need to watch out you are not hitting something you don't want to.

  13. You should put talents in flash grenade cooldown reduction as well as AoE damage improvement (so your first 10 points or so will be in the engineering tree). After that you can go either tree in terms of leveling, but going lethality will give you more damage over time effects, these help with kiting and/or staying in cover when facing strong ranged opponents (just put up dots and hide behind cover).
  14. -You want your surge rating to be 200ish and crit rating to be 300ish.

    -You should get some accuracy rating (a little less than 200 is enough to get 108% on tech attacks with the MM talent).

    -The rest should be power.


    Try to get the highest cunning possible, but there's one kind of mod that has a lower cunning but much better total of cunning+power. Try to use the one with higher power.

  15. My main is a sniper, and I have a lvl50 mercenary as well. My sniper is much better geared than my mercenary (sniper has full rakata except weapon, mercenary is mish-mash of tier 1 and tier 2 pve gear and tier 2 pvp gear). I enjoy pvp with both classes and perform reasonably well with either of them, the decision which one I play usually boils down to how I want to PvP that night. The sniper is MM while the mercenary is pyrotech.


    Damage/kilss: In terms of overall damage and kills, they seem equivalent (or at least, comparable). Sniper is a bit more bursty whereas mercenary tends to wear a target down. The two classes have very similar core rotations, sniper is snipe/ambush+followthrough, mercenary is powershot/unload+railshot. Despite this sniper feels more clunky and more vulnerable to LoS. The clunkiness comes from having to go into cover all the time. There's also another factor, with the sniper I feel I need to stay as far away from the actual fight as possible, whereas with the merc I feel I can get much close (and actually do). Another difference is their AoEs, with the mercenary, I burn death from above every chance I get, even if it will target a single person. With the sniper I save orbital strike for defensive purposes (to throw on top of myself) or when I'm sure it will affect many targets for the full duration. In constrast sniper has a semi-spammable frag grenade.


    Survivabilty: This is much better with the merc and I can only achieve this on my sniper by staying far away from the fight. The mercenary has a better defensive cooldown in the form of energy shield, a small regen on a cooldown (made shorter with the pyrotech tree), slightly higher damage reduction, and the ability to cast a no heat instant heal (if you burn two long cooldowns on it). Small things like this add up to allow the mercenary position at places where it would be dangerous for a sniper. They also make it possible to carry the ball in huttball.


    Utility: By far the best utility of sniper (and one I sorely miss while playing the merc) is legshot. Stops people from carrying the ball, running away, running to the objective, etc. Rest of sniper's utility is lackluster at best. Flash grenade is excellent for a crowd but has terrible duration/resolve ratio. Debilitate is melee only for a class that wants to stay as far away from melee as possible (not saying it doesn't have its uses). Cover pulse is actually good, but almost an exercise in humiliation if you want to use offensively (you need to legshot any half-decent player since you can't use it on the move). On the mercenary the knockback can be used on the move (one of the most shocking features the first time I experienced it, I knew other classes had instant knockbacks but still it is such a thrill when you do it yourself). Concussion missile is a ranged fire-and-forget cc that you can throw at someone who is not engaged in the melee. Electro dart is an extremely useful instant stun. And you can heal. The ability to throw a heal, even if you are inefficient at it and even if you over-heat, is extremely useful, in PvP and PvE.


    To sum up, if I want to see big numbers pop up (or watch how quickly enemy health degenerates) without worrying too much about objectives, I play my sniper. If I want to actually play the warzones for the objectives and to win, I switch to my mercenary.

  16. The recipe is sold from the crew trainer, it requires 3 pieces of biometric crystal alloy to craft. Assuming they are adding more orange rifles in the 1.2 patch (they said so themselves), there is the possibility that they will add easier to craft oranges as well. Might as well wait before trying to crit this one since 3 per try is kinda harsh.
  17. You should be getting a tech accuracy of 108%. Higher does not hurt in PvP but you end up sacrificing too much damage in my opinion.


    When it comes to Rakata you want to replace enhancements with ones from columni gear. Around 300 crit rating and surge rating should be gained through enhancements (more is getting hit hard with diminishing returns), you should also check out columni pieces from other classes (bounty hunter and sith warrior especially) to get required combinations (we have one of the best as power/surge, but they have low endurance crit/surge as well). This would put your crit chance at 40% and surge at 75%.


    I would also suggest replacing mods with the low cunning high power ones found in rakata helm and gloves (so take out the 61 cunning 11 whatever ones). They lower your cunning but increase your dps through a higher total of cunning+power.


    Finally, depending on your preference you may not care much about set bonuses, in which case I suggest you pick the piece with highest cunning in the armoring mod (which means you will have some enforcer pieces on you).

  18. In PvE we are a highly dependable DPS. In PvP:


    You need to know where to set up shop, a safe distance from the actual fight but close enough to target squishies. And need to know when to reposition.

    You need to be mostly left alone and not pestered by a stealth/melee 24/7.

    Your front-line teammates (the ones actually doing most of the close-range fighting) should not melt away in seconds.


    If the above conditions are met a sniper is usually unstoppable.

  19. On the council fight your dps will suffer because of only 1 armor reduction (shattershot) and lack of any real armor penetration (ambush only has 20%). Arsenal mercs and gore marauders can ignore armor comfortably and do not suffer as much from lack of armor debuffs. If you want to come ahead in the council fight spec Lethality/Engineer to get better explosive probe and internal damage.


    For your Rakata gear try to get the piece with the highest cunning in their armoring slot (ignore what set piece they are). Also, try to use the modding that has lower cunning but higher power (47 cunning 38 power) because it provides better DPS.

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