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Posts posted by Irenicus_Jon

  1. Sniper damage is more burst. Sniper has better AoE on call, merc has better AoE on cooldown. Sniper can hunker down in a spot and defend it (via entrench). Merc has more movement options (and things to do while moving). Also merc has the ability to hide and heal. Merc has better CC on an engaged target (target taking damage), sniper has better CC on a non-engaged target (because of flash grenade). Sniper has the better tree for internal/elemental damage. Merc has better survival skills. Sniper has leg shot.
  2. Lol...to be fair it is at 7:45 am...and anyone with a life (aka work / school or at least games as night owl like most people) would not be playing...But still only 1 person (and on the imp fleet to boot) is pretty sad I'll admit...


    Yea back on the other thread the challenge was to break the record (it was republic fleet with 8 people on the entire server pub side), which is why I took the screenshot in the morning. I'm not sure if I can grab one that is lower than this (6 people is pretty low) but my dream is to get that screenshot where I am the only one online on the server (at least on empire). I don't think it'll happen before my sub runs out though.

  3. 3 characters at level 50. One with complete Rakata gear and some BH gear. The other with complete Columni, third with daily commendation gear. 1 character at level 49 (finished storyline). About 5 characters at levels 20-30. One level 50 with rakata/columni gear in another server.


    11 days of play time remaining on my subscription. Haven't played for a week.

  4. There is the possibility that they haven't been able to work out all the technicalities involved (I would suspect this would be due to legacy system). The problem here is that by now many people have left the game due to various reasons including low population on their servers, it is not certain these people will come back once they allow transfers.


    I'm one of those people btw and I'm not coming back.

  5. Dragon Age 2

    Mass Effect 3



    No, I will not be trusting Bioware again. Tbh I compare what RPGs I used to play (like Planescape: Torment) and what these guys have been churning out lately and I have to say I can't believe how far we have sunk as a gaming community.

  6. 3 people on imperial fleet, 38 people on empire (everywhere) on Chuundar (Europe server).


    Kinda makes my decision to unsub a sound one.


    Do you believe even if they released server transfers this week we would be coming back? The majority of people who unsubbed have moved on.

  7. Just cancelled my subscription:


    -My server is dead. 5 people on imperial fleet prime time. Biggest problem for me since this is an MMO and I can't do any end-game without other players.


    That's about it really. I don't like the fact that they introduce tons of bugs with every patch and they are extremely late in fixing them (if they fix them at all) but those are minor compared to the population problem.

  8. If transfers are introduced with any of these conditions:


    -Only from high pop to lo pop server.

    -Any kind of payment required.

    -Cannot transfer either credits/all character/legacy/etc..


    I'm not coming back to the game. In fact, if after they introduce their population fix (whatever it is) my entire roster on Chuundar is not sitting on a fat server with 150+ on fleet on prime time, I'll call this a fail and leave again.

  9. Something really puzzles me.


    They said they are NOT going to do server merges. They are just going to do transfers.


    So why do you people keep asking for mergers? They aren't going to happen.


    Be happy with the transfers.


    Because there are server with populations that don't actually justify having a server. Or rather, if they were to allow free server transfer right now, there are servers that would have 0 population after the dust cleared.

  10. If you are on Chuundar and just started leveling a toon up to 50, listen to my advice:


    Get out as fast as you can.


    At level 50, you will have NOTHING to do. You will not be able to do HM flashpoints, you will not find a guild to do operations with, and PvP queues will be long.


    Get out when you haven't invested much on this server. It's dead.

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