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Everything posted by Verill

  1. You do know that what u've said is impossible ? Even with stims and adrenals.
  2. Verill


    True. People should learn the classes they have problem with. Or better, ask a guildie that plays the class you have issues with to go on some duels. I play a sentinel, yes. Which makes my life a breeze vs my mirror class. It's not that hard to counter, just need to react on time. Master strike ? Pacify! (or just walk away/stun/push/pull if you are not a sent/mara) Force Camo ? Count till 4-6, he will show up again, not that he can do anything during stealth CD. Guarded by the force ? Kite for 5 seconds or stun... end of story. I love to see 4 players pounding and unloading all that they have on a gbtf mara. he is practically dead, just control and 1 shot after 5 seconds. Rebuke ? control or camo. worth the 20% more damage you will do after these 6 seconds.
  3. Verill


    It's easy. Sentinels/Maras are up there in your face. You don't care if 2 ranged also targeted you while the sentinel did master/ravage.... but for the QQers, it just took you to 10% health. In my pvp guild we are making 1vs1 duels all the time to practice the knowledge of other classes. And I can tell you that duels are 99% not one sided, but ending quite close. So yea... from that you can see that things are rather balanced between the damage dealing classes. You just need good players behind the wheel.
  4. You are correct. Sadly, your thread will be closed in few minutes.
  5. Verill

    What a scam....

    This is so shady. I'm pretty sure BW (Sorry, calling em EA from now on) knew pretty well that Ranked Warzones won't make it to 1.2 when they announced 1.2 patch day. Just to make tons of people resub in fill up the bank. What a scam....
  6. You tard ! You are a customer who pays money all the time!!! They can't announce that ranked are not going live on the last minute because people already renewed their subs. This is a scam ! And if you are blind to this, you are a damn fool. Did this ever happened to Blizzard ? No. Why announce release date to cancel an important part of the content just on the last minute ? THIS IS A SCAM !
  7. I bump this because BW are too busy in making pet-enhancing features. And we don't like this.
  8. From The Exile Crystal here.... In the passing weeks.... fleet population was peaking at 25 on rep fleet and 50 on imp fleet. And the peaks are........ rare.... And the discussions currently on the general chat is about how we are going to cancel our subscription and go play some other MMO. GJ BW ! DO SOMETHING NOW !
  9. Seriously..... Give us the ability to transfer servers before anything else. So many servers are ghost towns and it is a spit in the face of the customers to expect them to roll a dupe on a high population server. SIGN THIS !
  10. The Exile's Crystal... It is practically dead in the last few weeks. You can't do anything there... Bazillion wait time for queues, No one to form groups with, Empty guilds.... And we pay for this... What do you have to say to a very unhappy customer ?
  11. I was thinking... What will rated warzones will give us in their current state ? And the answer was nothing. Appearance means nothing. Why is that ? Because no one will know the current state of rating. In WoW for instance, your PvP rating was exposed (and ranked) via the armory to the entire WoW community. So Bioware, I give you now the feature suggestion that will save your game from the obliteration you will experience after 1.2 by the PvP community. Feature name : "The Galactic Scoreboard" - The Galactic Scoreboard (GS) will be a nice terminal on each fleet's combat wing. - GS will show by defauly the current group rating of top 150 players on the... SERVER (not just faction) - GS will show player name, guild, and whatever else. - GS will have filter columns for faction/all , class, solo/group, and whatever else With this form of Ranked Warzone League... you will give players the drive to play after gear means nothing And in 1.2 it looks like gear will mean nothing after 1-2 months. Supporters.... support!
  12. bump. seen 2 dupes here today. so here is the place to comment and sign
  13. indeed. the fix isn't that complex. but they do have time to make a cooldown overhaul so you can choose the color of the shade to be pink. seriously... less cosmetics, moar core issues.
  14. Bump, because this issue isn't getting addressed.
  15. Just saw a yellow pointing a dupe thread about Tab targeting to this thread. Good!
  16. So BW.... Any comment from your side about our insights ?
  17. Good, let them search and destroy. Don't do it for them. I never played a healer, but I do recognize this is an unfair advantage to have a persistent mark on some player. And players should be able to search a name tag on their screen and target it, or watch for what the enemy is casting. And this will give a good healer the opportunity to use the environment for his advantage instead of having a huge mark that you can see from anywhere. Just remove it after death.
  18. I guess you are not that smart player. Mark should be taken off upon death. That is the only fair thing to do. I guess you are the scrub player that needs the easy mode to have a healer marked AT ALL TIMES. Use brain and situational awareness, and you might be good enough to identify that heal cast bar of the sorc near the pillar.... Jesus... some players just want easy mode and that sucks.
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