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Everything posted by Thebigkabooa

  1. Quoted for truth. "Why can't I sell my amazingly awesome relics to everyone else? Only Artificers get it this bad!" You know that door to door salesman that you just close the door on? That's Armstech. Armstech: "Hey, I'm here to tell you about this amazing DT-12 Blaster-" Dat Guy: "Not interested, I got the moddable from Dromund Kaas." Armstech: "Well you're in luck, you see, I have these barrels-" Dat Guy: "Commendations." Armstech: "I see you're a gunslinger with discerning taste, very well, I have these epic barr-" Dat guy: "I'll outlevel them in, like, an hour." Armstech: "But what about level 50-" Dat guy: "I hear Illum offers better quality for only 20 minutes of my time."
  2. I am almost 100% certain that MM pvp specs take the Instant Snipe / Snipe in Any Situation talents. Meaning they aren't as immobile as these forums seem to indicate.
  3. The funny thing about grenades is you can grenade the same person from multiple people, but you can't medpack the same person from multiple people.
  4. And then you hit level 50, do one day of dailies, and can buy a Mod that completely screws over any use you claim these crafted mods have. The problem isn't what they can ~do~, it is the availability of all the alternatives that are just as good, if not better. Modifiable weapons and armor completely removes crafters from the picture ~except for that one recipe that people might feel the need to spend money on that they really don't have to spend money on~. Crafted gear isn't required to do Hardmode Flashpoints, which is an issue when logically the progression path is Crafted > Flashpoints > Operations. If you do dailies, if you have modifiable items, you can just ignore the gear based professions and be on equal, if not better, footing than those who took it. Armstech was useful while leveling. Yes. This is true. I had an epic barrel ready for me every 6 levels (About the time when a green barrel is 'just as good'). Woo, yay, Armstech is awesome. And then you hit the point where you'll spend a majority of your time on that character; Level 50. Suddenly, that prospect of being able to epic barrel all your guns isn't the brightest star in the galaxy. I can't speak for Artificing, Synthweaving, or Armormech personally, but I do know that I'm having trouble finding a reason to keep Armstech. There's very little incentive. If I didn't gather the materials myself personally and hunt for deals on the GTN, I'd be nowhere close to breaking even on all the materials and time invested into it.
  5. I don't think there's a single Armstech recipe that would guarantee 60k sales every day. total.
  6. Because a Belt with an augment slot =/= 3000ish damage grenades. Or those medpacks/stims. Those items have a far larger impact than augment slots will, because they're very big, very sudden effects. This was also a nerf most likely targeted at PvP.
  7. Questionable. While it certainly is nice, you then have to ask yourself; Are you not going to do the dailies anymore? Credits are credits, and the heroics offer mods. Good mods. Like, essentially, you don't ever have to rely on crafters unless they get some pretty awesome mod Recipes from Ops. And frankly, that's sort of the problem with crafting right now, especially with Armstech. It offers nothing that you cannot get elsewhere for less effort, or less out-of-the-way effort. I appreciate that Bioware has crafted a game where dependency on other players is limited; You ~always~ have someone who can compliment your class through companions. Equipment is readily available through quests, and the quests that have nothing you need offer commendations that you can trade for stuff you do need. You can still have independence without removing the option for luxury, and part of the frustation is not only do other people not need us that much, we barely have a need for ourselves added to that. I refuse the buy the Cunning Barrel from Daily Commendations out of principle. This if my rifle! There are many others like it but this one is mine!
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