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Everything posted by Bolo_Yeung

  1. Hello. A while ago, I posted a video with a player apparently multiboxing in GSF match, The thread was removed and I got a warning. Today, I have seen the same behavior. People openly admitted that they are 'farming' and asked us to leave (possibly to end the match faster). Then 4 of them they began to selfdestruct repeatedly. If you protect the cheaters, they will go bolder and bolder, as it can be seen; honest players have a clear disadvantage. Unless you want it this way, and let the 'cunning' win. But if it is the case, please state so clearly so people will know what to expect. Regards. B.
  2. I am not sure if the last kill was mine (scoreboard popped up before my target was blown up)... also enemy scored a kill a split second later So it was either someone's else kill or the match was practically a tie
  3. As far as I know, you get medals separately for each ship. If you got the medal for 1st ship then switched - you get it for 2nd ship as well. That counts for 'Medal of Bravery' objective, so theoretically you can get 20+ medals increase in TDM.
  4. Please dont posta anything at this thread, I have just received a warning for this. Looks like cheaters are protected better than actual players.| Now I really have no words...
  5. Moving and turning - you can use vectored thrust of main engine. Stationary turning - you use only position thrusters. Though ofc Star Wars physics arent compatible with real life
  6. Laughed hard about 'gunship should do more damage'... Gunship has the same lightweight armor and distortion field components that 'OP scouts' have. Mobility - only slightly less... the damage is about 1760 / 1600 + 15% chance for 2400 from 15 km range. A bit of advice - instead of expecting duck shooting, pay attention to minimap and to the sounds around you. If you hear someone slowing down near you, and Targetting Telemetry / Blaster overcharge sound, IT IS TIME TO MOVE. Press Tab, to see who is it - there are few true scout 'aces' so yoiu should know the names - and boost away,try to get your pursuer into the range of friendly ships. This is PvP . You have to learn , adapt, counter enemy tactics. Everyone wants to win, everyone should do their best to win. Not sit and shoot. And again, try to learn flying scouts - it will help, the more ships you know how to fly, the more ability to help your team you have. Well, hater "nerf scouts, boost MY gunships because I cant kill everyone and someone DARES to shoot back " gets what he deserves.
  7. I was taking precautions in case someone would tell 'you fly scouts, so you say gunshi*s are OP' Sorry for not stating it at start for those who don't understand
  8. If you want to prove how OP a scout is - fly in one. Record an ingame movie and show how do you own other ships. I can do it for a gunship. Can you put something behind your statements 'scout is OP' except words? Also, notice that most higher level TDMs are just a GS + bomber balls against each other with ocassional scout. And the scout pilots won't get highest score when teams are equal...
  9. It were different incidents, one in Denon, one in Lost Shipyards. After our posts they suddenly stopped this tactic.
  10. Surprisingly, nothing about nerfing railguns. Slug, with armor iugnore and shield piercing. Ion, leaving target ship a sitting duck... Nothing about nerfing interdiction mines, lasting for 20 seconds and slowing ship to a crawl.... Guess what ships author of the topic is flying
  11. Posted it once, will post again here My prsonal best in 'closest match' and 'best last second save':
  12. Looks like it is back to 'let's make a premade and make sure pugs wont que again'.
  13. Would be nice, For server selection, I'd suggest either West Coast or Europe servers (Myself, I have 70 latency on European, 130+ on West Coast, 200-300+ on East Coast; if I recall Drakolich had about 100 on European. The problem is -that by massively premading, this guild could kill other players' GSF activity (for solo quers pop would take forever, and if they would face 8-man premades, playing would be a nightmare.... Could be possibly corected by massive solo queuing instead of grouping (solo quers would get in, and tehy would have a chance to get on winning side.
  14. Still your firstdamage/warning to kill time gets considerably longer. That changes perception of your victim.Someone just exploding in 0,5sec will be more discouraged than someone that was destroyed after 2-3 seconds of constant damage... Your ion rail hits will drain less energy, and won't leave ships as a sitting duck. etc. etc. Personally, when I see a bunch of people doing a lamerball against team of newbs... well I suppose swearing isnt; allowed on this forum. Maybe they just want GSF to die from lack of fresh blood... Of course some people won't make new chars (because they like the opportunity of improving their beloved statistics). Some others wo't do it because they don't want to be farmed (and before you will say that skill > gear,.. flying in a stock ship against mastered ship will end only one way when both pilots are 'good'...).
  15. A small correction Strafing does not break sniper mode when flying gunship, so you can charge railgun behind an obstacle then come out just for firing a fully charged shot... also, you can use it to fine-tune tick bomber position near a sat. In those situations it is VERY effective...
  16. Sorry for the absence :/ Couldnt make it either, just came home from sudden extra work
  17. Well, since my guild practically stopped playing GSF and I rarely see the other, the tide has turned - at this moment it is Empire domination. After two years...
  18. Pretty good games. Maybe a little ubalanced when we were Impside but it was fun. Thanks for organizing the event, looking forward to next ones though... could tehy go on East Coast servers? :/ Lagbringer and 300+ latency is really a pain.
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