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Everything posted by Shruk

  1. I dont agree. Just stick to your class and perform your part as good as possible. Dual spec wasnt an improvement in WoW and wont be in this game neither.
  2. Thats pathetic and egoistic to the max.
  3. I got 1-3 min waiting times in the 50 bracket and we're winning 50:50 - everything as its suppost to be. (except its 4am in the morning) That being said, I cant share your complaint.
  4. Shruk

    I'm amazing at PvP

    Finally a thread I like. I'm tired of all this meaningless whining. /signed
  5. Der singletarget Burst als Infiltration Shadow ist natürlich deutlich höher, als mit Balance. Allerdings habe ich nun schon mehrmals herumgeskillt und musste feststellen, dass der Schaden insgesamt durch Aoe und durch auf verschiednenen Zielen tickende Dots VIEL höher ist mit Balance. In Voidstar zB komme ich mit Balance ansich immer auf 350-450k Schaden und ~10 Medals, je nach dem ob Heiler dabei sind oder man alleine rumwursten muss und mehr aufpassen muss. Als Infiltration kann man zwar wunderschön einzelne Ziele zerpflücken und ist im 1:1 besser gestellt, hat aber außerdem den Nachteil dass man immer ins Getümmel muss. Sollte es mal zu heiß werden kann man als Balance zumindest auch mal auf Max Range gehen, Dotten und Trinkets anwerfen um saftige 3-4k AoE Crits mit Force in Balance rauszuhauen. Insgesamt finde ich Infiltration aber deutlich einfacher zu spielen - man hat auch viel weniger Skills die von Relevanz wären. Im Endeffekt ist es wohl eine Frage des Geschmacks, welchen Stil einem besser gefällt. Mag man es lieber direkt und rein in den Mann, ist Infiltration die Wahl. Mag man es lieber so, dass man schon im Laufen schaden macht, dafür weniger, und am ende nurnoch Exekutieren braucht, sollte man Balance nehmen. Edit: Und als Balance hält man am wenigsten aus. Man ist praktisch ein Sage, der auf Melee-Reichweite ran geht und nicht mal eine Bubble hat. Zu Kinetic: 23/0/18 habe ich nur sporadisch getestet. Verstehe das Build zwar und sehe das Potenzial, war mir insgesamt aber zu inkonsequent zu spielen. Wenn man schon die wenigen Balance Elemente hat, vermisst man auch schnell den 30 Meter Dot mit 2 Sekunden Root. Einfach Super der Skill. Full Kinetic habe ich ebenfalls nur sehr kurz getestet, bin aber schnell zum Fazit gekommen, dass man auch Tankklamotten haben sollte, um voll ausschöpfen zu können, dass man mehr aushält. Diese hatte ich aber leider nicht zur Hand. Das Stalker Champion Set ist für Infiltration und Balance hingegen gleichermaßen super. (Sorry für die englischen Skillnamen, ich spiele nicht auf einem deutschen Client)
  6. Habe mit Republik angefangen, weil ich bisher bei jedem RPG festgestellt habe, dass mich "böse" sein extrem schnell langweilt. Allerdings habe ich später dann noch einen Light Side Bountyhunter angefangen und ich finde die Umsetzung des recht neutralen, durch den höchsten Preis getriebenen Kopfgeldjäger echt gut.
  7. 11 And I've played pretty much since the end of december. Cant even image how much you must have played with 20+
  8. We will have to wait until we get to know what legacy actually 'does'. however, a second stage of leveling which would take months of non-hardcore playing to max it would be pretty great.
  9. One interesting thing I realized is that some stories of the companions seem to be interlinked. I got a Jedi Consular and a Bounty Hunter and in one of the last companion quests of Qyzen (Consular) you get to know Miko, who is a companion of the Bounty Hunter. However, I dont think that this justifies any speculation about the Legacy system and what it may or may not unlock for you.
  10. In my opinion your suggested animation wouldnt make sense regarding the damage of the actual skill. A prolonged version of project where each single projectile deals 10-15% of the original project skill just doesnt appears to be logical. Furthermore, I like the skills to have distinctive characteristics. Edit: The Assasin/Sorc has lightining all the way but you cant tell how "strong" a lightning is just by the look of it. The size of a projectile however somehow determines its impact.
  11. Go for the sage. He's a great healer and great DD, has many CC abilities and is great in PvP as well as PvE. The Shadow can be great too (I'm playing one) but only if you got at least full champ gear. Before that I found him pretty much underpowered and frustrating in PvP. In terms of PvE damage the Sage is king singlemost because he's ranged. There are many bosses out there making melees lifes harder than those of ranged.
  12. Shruk

    THIS is SO TRUE !

    I still dont get the mentality to post that you dont like a product in the products forum. To get feedback from others who dont like the game? I mean, discussing problems is just fine but just stating that you dont have fun and dont like it isnt really something you need to share, isnt it? You wouldnt post a thread in the Mercedes forum stating that you dont like their cars. Why would anyone do that?
  13. I get the feeling that 1/2 (or more) of all posts are about balancing in PvP. The interesting thing about this is that you can read about almost every class that it is said to be overpowered. Marauders/Sentinels do insane aoe crits -> OP Sorcs/Sages got a shield, dmg, heal and too many CCs -> OP Operatives/Scoundrels one shot people -> OP Mercs/Commandos tracer spam -> OP Jaggernauts + guard -> OP Assassins/Shadows deal too much burst -> OP ... You can find people whining about every single class if you just look for it. Point is, if every class can be perceived as being OP, than, to me at least, it seems that the balancing is pretty good. Concludingly, people complaining all the time are frustrated because they dont understand game mechanics or they whine from a ridiculously selfish point of view believing that their class is the one to best all others. I believe the game is well balanced to a point were you can do very well with any class when its played well and geared to a decent standard.
  14. I'm level 50 for quite a while now and in almost full champion's gear and I very much enjoyed the game so far and probably will in the future. But one thing really struck me I just now began to realize. The experience of gameplay changes from the feeling of a singleplayer while leveling to a MMO, once you're 50. - And its a harsh contrast! I dont even find the 'end game' bad but the sudden end of singleplayer-like features makes you feel like you 'played through' the game. When I hit 50 I felt similiar to having played through Skyrim or any other RPG. You discovered all places, got all your skills and progressed your story to an epic ending. Just now the real MMO character of the games comes to light, making you looking for flashpoint groups and PvP premades all day long. Independently from all problems and bugs this game may have, this was the most striking negative experiece and yet I see no way to keep this singleplayer-like feel of constant progression and exploration up, eventhough exactly that would make a MMO a really unique, longlasting and innovative product. Nonetheless I enjoy the MMO qualities of TOR, since it still feels fresh and hasnt degenerated to a endless grind.
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