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Everything posted by Kon_man

  1. Don't worry that little head. Bioware doesn't read any of these. They only come around every once and awhile and close silly post that complain about their silly game. Though GL at fixing que times with out implementing cross server warzones. Not sure how that one will work. Maybe you could take the que limit off and it can be like a tiny arena version of hutt ball.. 2 newbs vs 4 50s.
  2. I like the fact their is no LFD/LFR in this game and would love to try more content. Yet when your one of 10 level 40s to 50 on at the moment it is hard. Level 50s don't want to do anything other than max level FPs and Ops. A good bit of the 40s only want to do pvp and the rest is a mix match of dps. It has so far been impossible to get a group at night unless you want to do Hammer Station. Half the time I am kicked from warzones back to the character select screen the other half I lagg so bad less than 14 fps that I can barely move. This is sad when I can run Max settings 50+ fps every where else.
  3. I agree, the death penalty for this like wow is stupid at its current state, if I am in a area and I need to go back to turn a quest in and don't feel like traveling. /dismiss companion, /find big mob, /dance, death and respawn at med center..
  4. I am one of those who have already unsubbed and have been waiting the forums in a chance to see some type of communication from Bioware other than "Herp Derp Thread Closed". Some of the issues I had are the same as others yet since I am a late night player on a East coast server I hardly ever see anyone on the planet I am on. I am a level 43 empire player and all the planets past Balmora have maybe 10-12 people empire side at most. Not only this, but gg trying to get anything going other than Huttball late night. From what I have seen is Empire out weighs Republic on my server by a huge amount and when the highest number of players on a planet is maybe 40-60 well that is just sad.. Not only do we have long warzone ques, but my Sith Assassin does what I call the ability fake.. It is when my character pretty much does the shuffle while trying to use one instant cast ability. That or the person I am chasing is lagging/i am lagging to the point where they are flying across the map. I do not mind the gear system as of yet, I am not 50, but I do have a champion bag plenty of merc/warzone comms those do not seem to be the issue if assassin just put on Dark Charge throw a bubble on someone get 3+ protector medals then switch back to surging charge and go kill some people. That alone I end of with 8+ medals a warzone. Another thing this should be renamed to "Star Wars: The old load screen".. Load screens plus instanced everything, makes immersion very hard. Not only that I haven't done a FP since Black Talon due to the fact no one ever A. wants to do them or B. Is not high enough. There are plenty of other issues, including UI bugs/guild page bugs. My game freezing. Huge fps drop rate(30 fps+) in Warzones. Also no I am not re rolling republic the whole point of having your own character is to play what you want. No I am not switching servers don't want to level another character this soon (I hate alts). The one huge factor many people saying "LOLOLOLOLOL Leave I don't care" is that. 1. Bioware has made no money off this game as of yet and 2. many people myself included who got the game for Christmas as a gift or bought it and are unsubbing is that we talk to other people.. Marketing not only counts on your ability to sell your product, but also on your Good Name. I love ME and other Bioware games, but this has been a let down and when asked by people what I think I tell them. Many of my friends did not purchase it due to people including myself saying they don't like it. Not everyone reads IGN or meta-critic reviews. I will continue to check back and when they update/fix maybe I will come back maybe not. To all the fan boys I am glad you don't care as I don't care about you. I will continue to give my opinion to people I know which as of now it is a bad opinion and I will continue to not-recommend this to anyone that ask me. Maybe you don't care and no I am not a expert, yet the people who ask me care.
  5. Ughh, I play enough hutt ball on Empire side as it is. Also that is way longer than I normally have time to play. I would never get anything done.
  6. I feel SWTOR is the new China with the male female ratio... 22 Male Mississippi
  7. I would much rather a guild of 8 stomp me while in a pug, than go through another Huttball with 4 guildies on one side and 4 on the other with the gm. I can't tell you how many times I have watched a player stand 10 feet from capping the ball in huttball just to wait for a guildie on the other team to run up from across the map and kill him and take it..
  8. Maybe it is just my server which has a standard pop, but I did over 10 today with at least half having the "Warzone will close in XX secs, due to too few player" within the first min of the match. Sometimes I get a instant que some times I get a 10 min que. I don't care how long the debuff would be or if they just took away Valor or Comms it wouldn't matter to me as long as I could actually finish half the matches I get in.
  9. Nope, wrong I am only a level 34...
  10. The point I am trying to make is it seems after Dromund Kaas there is no one. I can go there and it will be 150+ people. I go to Alderaan or Taris there are like 10-20. So we are always going to be out leveled it seems and people que and leave just makes it unplayable.
  11. The point is not that a few people will leave. It is when almost everyone leaves every match. Most republic teams out level us and most of our teams are 10-25. The problem is as soon as one leaves it seems everyone jumps ship. After this happening over and over and the warfront been closed on you multiple times in a row you don't even want to wait on the que. I have been in multiple ones where we only get 4 people on our team just for it to clsoe right after. Then the next one we have a full team just for them to leave after one hutt ball cap, if this is the only way for me to get valor then I might as well not play the game.
  12. I agree the door thing needs to go, but not even been able to play a warfront longer than 3 mins completely defeats the purpose of any kind of goal in a game. They should just make it a 3 min Death match on my server and be done. Maybe it is different at night, but as I work nights it is hard for me to say.
  13. I agree, most of the time my stealth fails due to lag or a missile chasing me into it and bam no more stealth. I have also ha huge issue with chasing the ball carrier on Hutt Ball down off ramps just to watch them fly right back to the top one and cap the ball. Maybe it will be fixed like many other bugs in this game maybe not. I doubt will be around to find out.
  14. I don't know about many other servers, but I do know that on mine (PvE) that during the day warfront ques are long. Well to make this worse is the fact that when someone thinks they are going to lose they immediately leave the game. Now this might not seem like a problem till most of the team leaves and the warfront closes due to having too few players... This is why there should be some short of negative effect for leaving too many Warfronts. What is the point of even trying when half the time the match last a min or two..
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