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Everything posted by Flyceratops

  1. What would annoy me is if the stuff they'd be selling aesthetically would be the only available options besides something really plain in-game (for example, Perfect World's thing where you can buy mounts or wings or whatever for money). That sounds like it'd be the only major problem for me - if the gear I look at and go '...MUST. HAVE. SO. PRETTY.' is all in the cash shop, there is a problem. Since BW has stated that the cash shop won't give you a competitive edge I'll trust them on that until details become available. I can support the F2P thing if it doesn't end up with restrictions in content for subscribing players, basically. (Though I do like the idea of Legacy perks being something you have to buy from the cash shop if you're playing for free; that way the free players can get something of a positive edge for themselves without giving them anything blatantly superior to the subscribing ones.). Anyone reading this can probably tell that I am totally for plans that give subscribers awesome stuff and severely limit free players' ability to get stuff. *shrug* I figure it's best if it ends up being a plan where you can save money by subscribing instead of buying whatever you need from the cash shop (for people who spend a lot of time playing / have lots of alts / etc). Also I'm totally for things like paying extra money for character slots ($5 would be doable but I wouldn't pay more than that), but hate the idea of opening more bag space for real-life money if there isn't an alternative way to get it in-game as a subscriber. *shrug*
  2. So I just need about 1,500,000 more credits and ten more legacy levels. Hm. ... I can go for this! (I'm busy spending the money to get Rocket Boost down to a 30s CD, but y'know, if I wasn't.).
  3. The thing that annoys me as far as darkside/lightside choices is that on the Republic, the 'dark side' stuff is almost always accepting a bribe or needlessly killing someone - really dull stuff (and most of the time it's an innocent person, not even an enemy of you/the Republic!). I mean, it would be really exciting to me if a darkside Jedi could become such by gaining an attachment to specific people, ideals of justice, whatever, and slowly end up doing terrible things but justifying it for 'the greater good' (even if the greater good doesn't really apply), but as it stands a darkside Jedi is just a bribe-taking delinquent who kills people for no good reason. Also, the thing is, on the Empire side you can be a lightside Sith and still perfectly fit the Sith archetype - you're still blatantly a Sith, you're just a slightly more merciful one than usual (you can even still follow the sith code!). Whereas on the Republic side, you can't possibly be a justified (or even self-justified) darkside Jedi, which is totally lame to me.
  4. The +xp stuff is useful, as are the +30% affection on companion gifts, the 'sell junk in [30>5] seconds' thing, field respec, getting a level 50 speeder at level 40, the summonable mail droid with a one-hour cooldown (who needs to check their mail more than *that*? It's a total waste of your money to get ranks 2 and 3), black hole and capital city teleports, and the ship droid that lets you buy cores that give C2-N2/2V-R8 crafting bonuses of your choice has all been useful for me at some point in time. For example, when leveling what is now my main I got him +30% warzone xp so I could do more leveling via warzones, +30% affection for companion gifts, 30-second-sell-junk, the basic field repair droid and speeder piloting 1/2/3. These were all extremely useful things for this character and IMO they were investments well-spent. My newest alt has all of those same things (except +30% flashpoint xp instead of warzone xp), or he will when I get around to leveling him enough so they're of use.
  5. Previously a whole lot of it (at least the first two sectors, though not the Justicar Sector and I'm not sure about The Works or the Jedi Temple) was labeled 'inside' so nobody could use speeders there - a thing which drove me crazy on my Sage alt who is going through there right now. But it is fixed: Hallelujah! (I was afraid this would be seen as a hard-to-fix issue which would be on the backburner until 1.5 or something.).
  6. Imagine leveling an alt 50 levels with a guildmate who decided to roll a Wookiee. I think I'd kill him myself by the end just so I'd never have to hear GRWOWURFEUISHLLII ROOOOOOAR every five seconds.
  7. With luck I can make 1,000,000 credits a day thanks to the GTN. I adore this fact.
  8. To be fair, there is a good time for #6; for whatever reason, the tank could be low on health and that gives them some time to heal the tank. As far as #5 goes, what if the tank dies and you've used your in-combat res on the DPS? A class with tanking capabilities could pick up their aggro stance and tank for a bit. Sure, it's harder, but the win is a lot more likely if someone is tanking. I'm not sure if this applies to operations, since I haven't done them, but at least in heroics a guardian or vanguard dps can tank for a little while.
  9. What Bioware needs to do is get a more certain schedule for stuff (a realistic one) and talk about upcoming stuff on the forums, and hopefully use player ideas a bit (or a lot) more in development. Whatever they're developing now, they could use creative player suggestions, even if it's something that won't happen until an expansion or something. Have the devs answer more questions and, you know, actually answer questions in the Q&A. Seriously, it seems like whenever I read the Q&As nothing is actually ever said to us. I didn't see this so much with Georg (who I think was previously doing Q&As), but with the new guy we're not getting anything even close to interesting or useful answers that the playerbase wants and needs. Edit: Seriously. Listen to the players and what they say. Design armor based off of player suggestions (or even better, design armor like what we saw in the 'holonet' class section previews!), actually pay attention to what we're doing and asking for, give 'solo' players more stuff to do! I mean, don't get me wrong, I like the game -- I just wish it had more than operations and PvP once you get to endgame (dailies do not count as content! though they gave me Tionese-level mods so at least they're useful for gear). Not necessarily sandboxy stuff, just stuff that isn't designed to be a major grind but still requires a certain amount of skill. (So something competitive, fun and relatively casual. Wait... I think we call these mini-games! *gasp*)
  10. If I were you I'd get the flashpoint experience bonuses and the class mission experience bonuses (and maybe the space bonus stuff since that's only like 150,000 credits in total if I remember right). It's not too expensive to get pretty much everything you'd need; on my Sage alt the perks totaled 1.1 mil when I included speeder costs. (I'm planning to purchase: Speeder training I/II/III, Improved Flashpoint Experience V, Legacy of Altruism III, Legacy of Leadership I, Basic Field Repair Droid, Field Mail Droid, Improved Class Mission Experience V. Also maybe Improved Space Mission Experience V if I ever want to do those.). I make that in a day on the GTN, but it's still not too much money if you do dailies (though it'd take you a bit longer, more like 3-5 days to get one mil.).
  11. I leveled up healing in battlegrounds on my healy Commando (who I'm now gearing up for PVE), and I adore tanks. Having one or two good tanks on a team can totally kick *** and lead an otherwise awful team to a win. I mean, there are certain warzones where healers can be a big difference between success and failure (Alderaan Civil War and Void Star), but tanks can contribute to a win about that well in every warzone. I love you in a platonic way and we need you. Don't give up! <3
  12. Think of MMO like an emergency room that operates on a triage; treat the woman with the heart failure first, the dude with the cut on his finger last. Bioware's 'high priority' stuff is going to be the most important and pressing issues, and their 'low priority' is going to be little bugs like this. It drives me crazy and I wish they'd fix it, but we don't know how difficult it is to fix it and how much work they may or may not have put into it. *shrug*
  13. Why do we need exciting, story-driven dailies? The whole point of them is a grind, even the initial Ilum and Belsavis daily quests didn't really have an interesting story.. The black hole dailies are just a bit more transparent about the grind, is all. I have no problem with terminal dailies; in fact, I encourage Bioware to make them if it lets them put in more dailies, faster.
  14. Not sure if there's a credit limit, since I've never sent more than 300,000-ish credits at a time to an alt (for Legacy III Speeder Training + the cost of a rank three speeder), but I know that you can send at least that much to your alt. (I think I did, anyway. Whatever the cost of I/II/III legacy speeder was on top of 150,000. Not sure what it is anymore since that character is my main and it won't tell me the cost of stuff I've bought.).
  15. Amen to this; my healy Commando (who is now my main because I <3 healing and found a guild I liked on my server), in blue Corellia mods, and I queued for tier 1 flashpoints (and ended up getting HM Battle of Ilum). If everyone else wasn't fully geared we would've been ****ed, and as it was we died a few times because of my lack of gear. I had no idea how bad my gear was until I zoned in and the tank said 'Okay, any Aim stuff goes to Vertan because HE NEEDS IT.'
  16. Funny thing about the human brain: we have about two and a half times the level of emotional response from negative things than we do from positive things. So we automatically feel worse when bad things happen even if the good things technically outweigh the bad ones. Also, those hours of enjoyable uptime were expected smooth sailing; these minutes of downtime has been an unexpected interruption to said smooth sailing. This creates a negative reaction if you're not completely insane.
  17. Come on, I leave for ~15 mins for the sake of ice cream and I come back, ice cream finished, but no TOR? I hate you Biwoare! Now I has no TOR and no ice cream! What am I supposed to do now?! Really though, I imagine they're having some kind of difficulties and the servers will come back online soon. They've been out for what, half an hour? Server restarts don't take that long for TOR, from what I can tell, should be back soon. Assuming they won't have to push out a hotfix or something, anyway.
  18. Thankfully, the UI is extremely customizable to a point where it took me a few days to configure it how I wanted it (at least for PVE/PVP soloing, don't know if I'd want to use a different layout for ranked warzones or operations.). I really do wish they let us use the QS5 bar as a bar physically separate from QS1 though. :| Really, as I've said before, if our bars are getting so cluttered up to this kind of point, it may just point to Bioware needing to condense abilities a little bit. My Gunslinger's bars are pretty much full. :L (He's the only 50 I have that I've used for something other than dailies, though at the moment I'm not doing anything for him insofar as endgame.).
  19. I have never understood why there is so much Alacrity gear for the classes that use energy (Smuggler, Trooper, Agent and Hunter), since the more abilities you use in the same amount of time the less regen you have on your energy supply. It's pretty counterintuitive to take a class made with such a blatant focus on rhythm in times when you can do it and use it all up if everything goes to hell and say 'Hey guys, cast spells faster, I promise it can't hurt!" On all of my energy-using classes I avoid alacrity like the plague; it does absolutely nothing positive and adds something negative to energy regen (which is the last thing you need.). Though to be fair, I may just be doing something wrong.
  20. http://torhead.com/companions/ has a lot of information for every companion in the game. ^^; It's practically permanently open on Firefox whenever I'm playing TOR.
  21. I have never understood why there is so much Alacrity gear for the classes that use energy (Smuggler, Trooper, Agent and Hunter), since the more abilities you use in the same amount of time the less regen you have on your energy supply. It's pretty counterintuitive to take a class made with such a blatant focus on rhythm in times when you can do it and use it all up if everything goes to hell and say 'Hey guys, cast spells faster, I promise it can't hurt!" On all of my energy-using classes I avoid alacrity like the plague; it does absolutely nothing positive and adds something negative to energy regen (which is the last thing you need.).
  22. How long does it usually take you TOR players to complete the Belsavis, Ilum and Black Hole dailies consecutively? I've found it takes me two and a half to three and a half hours, depending on whether or not I do the heroics. I am not insane enough to do this on three characters. Hell, I did it on just two today and ... oh dear Zeus I am never getting that time back ._.
  23. For my 37 healy Commando, +30% WZ exp and +20% companion rep from gifts (didn't have the money to get him Legacy of Altruism III.). If I wasn't so lazy I'd be able to make about nine hundred thousand credits a day from dailies, but... who wants to do that many damn dailies? Edit: Corellia, Belsavis and Ilum dailies can make roughly 300,000 credits a day if you do all of them; since I've got three 50s, that's 900,000 creds. (I realized this could easily have been misinterpreted to mean that I can make 900k credits from one character's dailies per day which is insane. xD) Edit#2: Oh, and all of my 50s have the BH teleport thing.
  24. Bioware, I'm angry. Do you know what I had to do thanks to extended maintenance? I logged in to World of Warcraft. I had to actually play my Warlock because it was too weird not having companions! It was so awful. (Also, I didn't realize it until now, but WoW has such cartoony graphics - my Blood Elf looked ridiculous just by running around!). On the plus side, I now has 1.3, so... all's well that ends well!
  25. So far, I only know two things about the Escape Pod: That it is unavailable at this time and that you can actually have multiple escape pod error messages at once and fill your screen with them. http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/8169/escapepod.jpg (I got really bored. It took a while.). So, anyone have any idea about what this could do in the future? Could it have involvement in the awesome space project that Bioware has discussed (even though the only thing we know about it is that it is awesome)? I am at a loss for its possible functions.
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