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Everything posted by DaWaffle

  1. As of now, all player made chat channels are server-wide.
  2. Perhaps Khem Val has some kind of force technique that lets people understand him? That's my best guess.
  3. Now that you mention it... Dear God I cannot wait to see all the QQing on release.
  4. Just because the order would not exist, does not mean force sensitivity would not exist. Force users would still be there, and without any knowledge of how to avoid falling to the Dark Side, they would.
  5. The EA Louse? Really? Didn't they get debunked ages ago? If you would kindly remember SW:TOR's pre-launch, nearly exclusively good things were said about it too. I have no doubt that when GW2 does come out, people will be whining in droves
  6. From what I can gather, they have far superior stats to all other gear of their level.
  7. Probably to make it more vague, so that it can represent the Republic as a whole rather than just Alderaan.
  8. No. Just no. To do so would completely defy the very point of having a Dark Side. The DS is like drugs. It's incredibly useful and wonderful and perfect at first, and you think "silly authority figures, they don't know what they're missing out on". But then it becomes less so the more you use it. It slowly drains at your very being, forcing you to use it more and more. Eventually you end up a pathetic being obsessed with it, and only it.
  9. You do realise that combined with Watchman's close range Force Leap, this means someone can NEVER get away from you?
  10. Well, each planet gives you a level you should be on at the end of it, as well as the start of it. So just keep that in mind when you're on the planet.
  11. I noticed it was there halfway through the Esseles...
  12. "In your book" What on Earth does someone have to do to be a Master? I mean, on my Knight, I... Did Yarael Poof ever do that?
  13. Galen. Probably through an over-the-top QTE.
  14. I'd rather they didn't, but knowing the state of modern capitalism... Probably. My reason for not wanting another movie is not due to the prequels, but due to the massive retcons that would most likely take place.
  15. GL has done both wonderful and terrible things with Star Wars. So has the EU. I suppose I'll have to say GL, simply because at least he managed to be relatively consistent with the lore. YOU CAN NOT USE THE DARK SIDE ON A REGULAR BASIS WITHOUT FALLING TO IT, NO MATTER HOW AWESOME YOU ARE. A-chem. Sorry. Needed to get that out of my system.
  16. Why not roll on a RP-PVP server?
  17. Or just, you know, get infected? It's not that big a deal.
  18. I'm quite frankly amazed it hasn't been added yet. /signed
  19. Take notes BW, this is what we mean by wanting to have gear design equality. Absoloutely love the designs, very official-looking.
  20. Please read the full article as I quietly laugh in the corner.
  21. This was a change made in 1.2, the manual is a guide for 1.0. it doesn't lie, it is merely behind the times.
  22. Hmm, I hate using the 1-10 scale simply because of how innacurately it's always used. I'll give it a 3.5 out of 5. Act 1 felt more like an extended prologue than anything else, but I did enjoy the recognition for The ending of Act 2 was masterful, but I felt Act 3 was underwhelming and the ending was ridiculously predictable.
  23. Well, it's 1-10 for Smugglers and Troopers. The JK quest there is of course lv 20ish.
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