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Everything posted by ApotheosisLanyx

  1. Well first of all you aren't annihilation. Last of all you aren't annihilation.
  2. My issue with bads getting gear is this: It's just annoying because it'll take that much longer to roll through them when I'd rather the game just end at the very start with the win so that I can get into a diff match that is hopefully against some skilled players so I can actually have some FUN which is why I play the game. To have FUN which is only possible when I'm fighting competitive players. Edit: The problem is that I'm willing to bet that the highest rated pvpers WON'T be the skilled players, just the players who play the most. Really doubt they'll handle the rating system right, messed up a lot of things in swtor so far, epic fail for the me3 ending.. Just don't have a lot of faith in them right now. :/
  3. yeah rofl I don't understand why people ever even called Ilum open world pvp? What???
  4. Yeah gearing up takes no time at all. You are competitve in cent and can dominate any gear-level opponent if you are a better player than they are. On like a 15 game winning streak tonight (solo queue)
  5. lol. I DON'T believe all the people talking about opening 30 bm bags and not getting a single token. I CAN'T believe all the people talking about not getting champ pieces out of the champ COMMENDATION bags. sigh -_-
  6. Yeeeeeep... Like I've posted in several threads, it's just baddies crying.
  7. read like 1/2 the post. thought i'd post this. saw "be a free hk" Awesome.
  8. It's funny cause the people who say this system is worse than the old clearly just hit 50 and didn't even get a small taste of the old. It's also funny cause oh wait it's a little disgusting and depressing that these are the people I have to share warzones with until rated warzones come out
  9. Yeeeeaaaah. Every single person who shares this complaint is just lazy and wants everything handed to them on a platter. When I hit 50 on my second toon (decided to switch mains) I spent probably 800k credits on 50 arti gear off the gtm, and this helped me quite a bit in terms of damage but I was still very lacking when it came to survivability. I didn't have 6 bags or anything saved, but I went from like 13.5k hp to 15.5k hp in less than two days. It's been about two weeks later and I'm sitting at 17k unbuffed. This game is already carebear-y enough, and I'm sick of games being ruined because people suck, get dominated, run to the forums, cry about how hard this ezmode game is, and get what they want because bioware is scared of losing their subby-wubs
  10. Just poked my head in here for the first time finally.. I'm saying this in an attempt (probably a hopeless one) to help the republic community not be so bad at pvp, but yeah. This is an awful guide if you are trying to get better at pvp.
  11. 1. Scoundrels are still OP. L2P. 2. Ehh maybe. 3. lol. 4. Roots/snares could use some kind of dr maybe. Resolve is fine. 5. Obviously never played a sorc. 6. KBs are annoying but not unplayable 7. Changes asked for on forums are retarded 99% of the time. Much like this thread. It is like the baddie's wishlist edit: And the sad part is probably a third of it will be realized
  12. This is hilarious. How could anyone possibly defend them getting in a warning for ganking? Pretty sure I read this somewhere "griefing does not constitute anything that can be resolved through pvp" in the rulebook. Rep should have been better and killed them and handled the boss. You guys wouldn't have lasted for two seconds on Valon Zek. Pathetic
  13. lol do you know how to read? I have no gear
  14. it's funny cause he actually said that
  15. just thought i'd post an update. couple days later and i'm in 4 cent, 1 champ, 1 columi, burning force relic, still 124 modded mh, blue implant and modded gloves, 3 49/50 arti pieces bought off ah. i've gone from 12.5k hp to 14.5k hp. obviously after warming up a bit i've figured out how to play better and i'm averaging 250k damage per match now, solo queue usually no heals etc. i think the issue here is a user end error, you guys are just bad players, not really sure how else to put it tbh. roll a sorc?
  16. rofl.. you guys obviously didn't hang around the forums before/at launch. that is all any sent ever did
  17. well i'm a scoundrel and i destroy basically everything i run across.. maybe.. try harder?
  18. rofl what? I crit light armor for 4k-4.5k medium slightly less and tanks for 2.5k-3k. I'm in 2 rakata 1 columi 4 champ the rest cent. You guys should start looking at the screen when you play
  19. i love how ignorant 99% of posters on these forums are. oh wait i hate it.
  20. 100k-170k WITH a pocket healer? You just need to change classes or something buddy I just started pvping with my sent (first char I got to 50 was sent, rolled an alt to 50 ended up gearing him first). I have ONE cent piece, offland lightsaber and a bunch of 49/50 artis I bought off the gtm and I average at LEAST 200k per match without a healer at all. Roll a sorc bro edit: Yeah seriously, the people complaining about sent just aren't good enough to play one it's that simple. I have very little gear and I contend with anyone in terms of damage
  21. For scrapper scoundrels at least, 2 piece rakata is definitely worth it. 15% increase back blast crit
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