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Everything posted by Sacull

  1. in the beginning I did it to save credits. Now I don't really need it. And I don't PvE a lot. And since it is useless in PvP there is no reason for me to get it. Also as a tank spec it really doesn't fit in my PvE rotation anyways. It doesn't work against half the mobs in an instance/hardmode and it only takes me but a few seconds to kill a strong/normal/weak group as it is. So again... no point for me to get it now. And since I never would use it anyways there is no reason for me to waste the couple thousand credits on something I don't need. If I want to waste some credits on something I don't need I will buy the interrogation droid. Or the sandcrawler. Or the slave dancer outfit for Nadia.
  2. /love it. You could even do this similar to Episode 5 when Darth Vader was throwing things from all around the room. Things could come flying from all sides of the screen.
  3. Might have already been answered (or mentioned) but this is what I do. If I am in the middle of an all out scrum I will hit resistance + force cloak + force speed. This will take care of most everything except bleeding and fire. You have to watch and see when you are on fire. Even IF you are bleeding or on fire USUALLY you can still get away if you use the environment and the distractions to your advantage. Also DON'T GO THE WAY THEY THINK YOU WILL. Go one way and once you disappear go a different direction. Seriously.
  4. The PvP ones are actually pretty good and much better than the epic crafted one. More HP and it has Willpower!
  5. 2 pieces survivor and rest stalker. Change out the definsive mods for offensive ones and have fun. That is what I did.
  6. I buy 2 pieces of Survivor's gear and the rest Stalkers. Remod the Survivor gear with offensive enhancements and mods. But the first thing you should save up your champ commendations for is to buy your Champ Lightsaber. Oh and look and see which 3 pieces of Stalker gear that you want. Then buy the survivor's gear version of the 2 other pieces of armor. Dont forget to get your ilum dailies which will give you a GREAT lightsabder hilt and good enhancements for your gear until you get better stuff.
  7. Depends on your spec. If you are full Infiltration Clairvoyant Strikes actually make it hit harder... and in the Kenetic Tree your Projects hit very hard and proc Harnessed Shadows which makes TT VERY strong. So Project in the later levels really works out and hits VERY hard. Like a ton of rocks.
  8. I also forgot to mention that Elusiveness is so undervalued... I LOVE IT.
  9. I was a very successful WoW rogue. And Witch Hunter in WaR. I am Kenetic spec but with all DPS gear and my damage is very nice. You can play Kenetic offensively. I play it just like I played my rogue and WH. It is a play style and gear thing... not a tank thing. However that is not the question. Having also played Infil I will ask this question... what do you spam more. I already know that answer so I will say this... do you want the increased CS damage and Armor Pen from Kenetic or do you want the 45% upheaval proc from balance. I have always felt that the 10 points in Kenetic will do more damage overall. But as you said with no combat log can't be 100% sure. But here is another thing to think about... I personally have always preferred sure damage (such as the extra 6% damage and 9% armor pen for CS and the increased technique damage) over a percent chance like upheaval.
  10. Yea. When they finally put dual spec in my secondary spec will be balance for teh lols. 1v1 it will be a mean spec. I think it will also be good for PvE in raids and such.
  11. Project hits like a ton of rock once you get up your main tree filled. I am kenetic and project is a large chunk of my damage. Shadow strike is only useful if you are going up the infiltration tree. I don't even use it any more. At the higher levels Project is definitely a rock solid damage ability. At the early levels Project is good if you are chasing someone. Otherwise don't use it until you have talents enhancing it. TT also only good in very VERY specific situations. I honestly NEVER used it from levels 10-50 until I changed to a full Kenetic build (Harnessed Shadows GO!) after they changed Mind Crush instant proc from being able to be used in Kenetic. Shadow Strike I used in the early days when you could more viably hybrid spec. With the talents associated with it I regularly got 3.5k+ crits on people... but damn it was a force hog. And even then it was really only useful if your target was incapacitated. And if it didn't crit it wasn't worth the force power spent.
  12. if I ever respec out of kenetic (31/0/10) I think I will try out a full Balance build. Seems like it could be annoying fun.
  13. Your problem most likely is your gear and your survivability (a lot which is your gear). Kenetic will help you survivability until you get better gear. I am 31/0/10 but I gear pretty much as if I am DPS. However, because of the way Kenetic works the +Power stuff on the Stalker gear really benefits them. I have 0 Defense Rating, nor do I have any absorb or shield chance. I also use a focus. But that is because I rely a Shadows spells more than his melee. Project, TT, Slow Time etc, and I double strike for filler or to proc a Project. However if you like your melee a little more I would check out the 27/0/14 build for the increased crit damage on double strike. EDIT: as mentioned below i would save up for your lightsaber first. It is the SINGLE most important item for DPS increase. Period.
  14. Go Kenetic until you have better gear. Also the Stalker Armor actually works well for the Kenetic build (+power). I like to get 2 pieces of the Survivor and rest Stalker.
  15. Offtank isn't an exact science but what several of my guildies and I do is we are 31/0/10, gearing with mostly dps gear, and a focus. What this allows us to be is basically Tanky DPS. From there you can be a second tank (or even main tank) in PvE by just putting on your shield, using Kenetic Ward, and perhaps swapping a few items out for more defensive items. This allows for a lot of flexibilty transitioning from PvP to PvE and back again.
  16. Luckily I found out this early enough to not even bother buying the skill. To this day it is the only skill I do not own. Just saved those credits.
  17. http://www.swtor-spy.com/datacrons/ This is the best one I have found.
  18. Battlemaster (the highest PvP) robes are also mostly white.
  19. Mind Crush is not in my rotation... however against other stealthers I will use it on them. Why? To DoT them so when they hit their panic button and disappear I just have to wait a second before they reappear and finish them off. And it is not that hard to get off either if you time it correctly. It is even easier to get off in group situations. But it is only to be used against other stealthers. Or you could do the alternative... just hope to get lucky and hit them while they are stealthed and running away cackling. I prefer to be the one chuckling. As far as the FiB vs ST... ultimately it will come down to a person's play style and how comfortable they are with either ability. Everyone will have their own opinion on it. But I highly suggest that each person try out both of them for themselves and come to a decision for themselves.
  20. true... but also you can DoT a stealther for 6 secs to prevent him from staying stealthed. Also if you are good at guessing where they will go you have whirling blade and force wave to find them as well. But I just usually wait for them to unstealth from that tick of damage Mind Blast will do and kill them from there. You generally want to cast it right after a stun or knockdown... harder for them to interrupt it and many times it will make them panic.
  21. My experience is I had PvE gear (all orange moddable) stuff modded to the best I could. Purple nods etc. That is how I had to survive PvP for a while due to my horrible luck with bags pre1.2. I would suggest saving your commendations for you weapon. Seriously. It is the SINGLE most important DPS increase you can have. Also I would suggest being Kenetic if you are not already... it will help your survivability. After your weapon and since you already have 2 pieces of the survive set then I would go through and update what needs it most. I would then save your champ commendations for you next weapon upgrade. By the time you get it you should have had a few pieces drop. If nothing else you will have all PvP Centurion gear. Always do your dailies and your weeklies. Once you have all your centurian gear I would actually suggest using your leftover commendations to buy pieces of armor to take the mods out and remod your gear the way you want. I personally got rid of all my defensive mods.
  22. Move in a direction they least expect if you think you have been spotted. And force speed! I rarely have problems from distance.
  23. with 27 in kenetic you can have 2 points in harnessed shadows. Something like this= http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rcRokrskrZ0MZf0cMb.1 I ran a similar spec for a while 29/0/12 and liked it. But I swapped to 31/0/10 and havent looked back.
  24. I keep a shield only for when I know I will be probably going 1v1 vs someone with a lot of white damage.... but I haven't used it in 2 days and really haven't missed it.
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