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Everything posted by TheTurniipKing

  1. It's probably a matter of practicality, or leaving space for future features or something.
  2. Not really. There are a lot of legends about Revan. The Jedi didn't have a lot of official documentation about Revan in the first place because of his controversial life, and after the destruction of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and the scattering of the order lost most of what they did have. Most recent recovered historical records consider him to have been male, now, but for a while there it was very difficult to find solid information on him and his life at all.
  3. It's not the exact same technology. It just looks similar. I mean, cars today are completely different internally than Ford's Model T, but they don't look THAT different.
  4. He knew what he was doing. He obviously thought he might win, or he knew the sacrafice was required. Either way, the risk was justified.
  5. I think it might. Non-vocal communication is very limited in the game. Talking to other players via speech bubbles would feel very backwards and inconsistent after the fully voiced conversations with NPCs. But talking to other players is a large part of the lifeblood of an MMORPG, especially after the level treadmill is finished.
  6. Yeah, Darth Maul was the Sith's pre-eminent master of "letting a padawan cut him in two with a lightsaber while doing absolutely nothing, a legendary Sith technique, sadly now gone to dust with it's master.
  7. Also, there's the issue of "what happens to my app if I reinstall or update my Androids OS"? Amazon currently thinks I have 5 android devices because of the number of times I've reinstalled the Kindle app! I don't want, and I don't think Bioware/EA want, to be tying up their customer support revalidating my security app!
  8. Actually Emergency Travel is fine: They just need to get the normal fleet passes out of the security key vendors hands and into normal vendors. Yes, I understand that they want people to tie a security key to their account, but this isn't the way to do it. (I'd be quite happy to have a security key, but I'm not using the app version, because I'm not sure what'll happen if I reformat/update my phone OS). Letting everyone use these fleet passes is a much better option - it's not only a quick travel, it's an effective money-sink.
  9. All I've gotta say about the final fight in ROTS, that the high ground did absolutely nothing for Darth Maul.
  10. Actually, as a slight aside, I'd like to say that I'm reasonably impressed that this topic hasn't just been locked. Good work, guys! We've apparently made a constructive topic in Bioware's eyes.
  11. The optimal solution involves selecting your destination as early as possible. If the game knows your next intended destination, it can begin loading and caching the next area in the background while you're still running around the current planet surface.
  12. Exactly. The movies implied the passage of time. it didn't subject you to every second of it. It's actually implied in a few places in the dialogue that shuttles aren't immediate: The first Flashpoint, for example: The NPC notes that the shuttle takes a few days, but that you have priority transport on the Flashpoint vessel. You can apply the same reasoning to your ships hyperspace travel: The actual travel time is much longer than a few seconds, but quite rationally the game doesn't keep you standing around for however many ingame days it would take. All we ask for is that this same logic is extended to other parts of the game. Or perhaps the spaceport interiors could be given a little more life, a few more quests and NPCs to help distinguish them from each other. And I don't think we're expecting anything ridiculous or unnessecary.
  13. jump into a few PVP fights, or run a few space missions. You should make it right up.
  14. Rejig the travel system, and potentially they can hide some of that loading time. You can be loading all that time you'd be running pointlessly though the spaceport, because the game already knows your intended destination.
  15. But wait, haven't we heard -repeatedly- that there are two processes? http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=swtor+two+processes&meta=#q=swtor+two+processes&hl=en&safe=off&prmd=imvnsfd&tbm=dsc&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=aw4dT4HSDYOL8gPKrrzGCw&ved=0CC0QmAcwAA&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=2eed1bce8804930e&biw=972&bih=535
  16. It's not meant for this style of gameplay, plain and simple. Though, I grant the hero engine isn't exactly knocking it out of the park at the moment either. But seriously, re-engineering the core of a game probably isn't the solution to SWTOR's issues.
  17. Dude, just... no. You're basically talking about a complete rebuilt to an engine that doesn't support Massive gameplay from the ground up.
  18. (I tend to imagine it's your droid. T7 could more or less fly the Ebon Hawk by himself. Or your other companions, if the droid is your current companion). Basically, when you signal for the shuttle, you also tell your crew where you're going and that you'll meet them there.
  19. I see: And what precisely would qualify as a better PC? Because we've seen people add hard drives, SSD's, faster processors and better graphics cards all to no avail. There seems to be no silver bullet which can slay the loading times, sadly.
  20. Somewhat ironic then, that it is having exactly the opposite effect.
  21. I would disagree. Many of the planets are not that big. What the player is, is very very SLOW. S.L.O.W.
  22. I believe the approproate phrase is "your mileage may vary", depending on what you're doing and who you're doing it with.
  23. Where is the *difficulty* in running through the hangar? There is none. It is dead air. White space in a game which already has plenty.
  24. It's not even any more or less simplified than it already is. You're still just clicking on a map to choose your destination. But among other things, the game would now already know where you want to go. Possibly it could even be zoning in the background while it's playing the transition cutscenes, apparently reducing zone-loading time. (maybe not though. I don't know the specifics of the engine).
  25. StarStorm 1, go republic. It's not balanced yet, but it never will be if players don't start picking the "other" side.
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