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Everything posted by TheTurniipKing

  1. I'm still yet to see a compelling reason why this is an MMO in the first place.
  2. Can't you just use the quick travel to the fleet? Real short walk from the fleet to your ship. I do question getting dumped outside a flashpoint after a wipe, though - it seems a hell of a lot of effort to wait for outside the flashpoint to load, and then immediately have to run back into the flashpoint and get another loading screen.
  3. He was a beta player. That's why most fights have a timed rage attack these days if you take too long.
  4. The client size isn't exactly conducive to free-to-play trials. I for one wouldn't download a game the size of TOR just to give it a quick bash.
  5. Honestly? Go try Ultima Online. In many ways it's still the best MMO i've ever played. It's also old enough that it actually feels quite distinctive compared to modern MMOS.
  6. I think the point is you're supposed to go out into the field adventuring and possibly grabing other crafting materials, while your companion crafts.
  7. Nar Shadda. Or at least, that was the first time I saw a Repulic player... though it was on Hutt controlled neutral ground, and I had stuff to be getting on with anyway.
  8. Which is just great for those of us who work night-shift.
  9. What I want to know is why this game even HAS servers in this day and age. I mean, Eve Online has had a single universe forever, and Cryptic's MMO engine thing (which they've used for Champions Online and Star Trek Online) just treats every server instance equally, so you can hop to the instance with your friends in with impunity. The worst thing is, The Old Republic WILL create seperate instances of highly populated areas already, so once again, I have to wonder why we aren't just all in the same world. Of all the things to copy from World of Warcraft, the shard setup is definately one of the worst.
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