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Everything posted by Tipkaee

  1. If it is only useable outside of combat on a 15 min cd and if it supplies a modest 50% speed increase that would still make it incredibly broken for the opening parts of Alderan and Hutball. Claiming an objective before others have the opportunity to arrive is incredibly imbalanced. Im sure many of you have had those games, where the ball transfers over very few times, and 1 bad pass can set the enemy up for 3+ scores in a row. I don't want to participate in a game where wealth, or non-reasonable time commitments (legacy 20 for a pure pvp player will take weeks of in game time, i am valor 63 and legacy 10 atm, by some sketchy math I can expect legacy 20 around valor 75-80) play a heavy role in a team's WZ success. I hope we see this perk implemented into the game, but it has no place in WZ's.
  2. That is simply not true, buffs can be used in WZ and endgame content, so you dont have to take the super weak class anymore just for their buff. The skills that can not be used in end game affairs are tied directly to heroic moment, this skill is not. Therefor declaring it is, or is not use-able in WZ's, is pure speculation.
  3. You taunt and the healer takes 30% less damage from the enemy, that is a peel in the sense that you reduce the damage a healer takes. As to the OP, are you really posting a video from 3 months ago and claiming that a class is op because some fresh 50's and 30's who don't know their class cant kill a BM commando? Also has it taken you 3 months to figure out that heavy armor reduces physical and kinetic damage? Yes commandos have some innate tankyness to them, but they don't have the utility or healing output that sages have, if i ever see a commando heal for 1.2 million in a WZ (aside from 1-2 turret alderran stall-games) against competent dps ill gladly attest that something is wrong. As it is currently tho commandos are balanced around their use of heavy armor with the skill-set they are given. (commando AOE is not spammable, affects 3 people. We rely heavily on hardcasted spells to do the majority of our healing, etc etc)
  4. I was wrong, according to http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19982-guild-summit-patch-1-2-hands-on-highlights its "Rocket Boost – Short duration speed increase. Unlockable for 5 million credits, legacy level 20" so if the boost are useable in pvp be ready to dish out 5 million to be on an equal footing.
  5. Something that would require 500+ hours of gameplay is not avaible to everyone, I think at the guild summit they mentioned around legacy 35 you would unlock this perk. Also you must not be familiar with the advantages of reaching the hut-ball or nodes first. If this is only useable outside of combat they still play a huge role in determining the winner of a WZ. I don't want this excluded from the game, I want cool additions like this, I just don't want advantages awarded that are unreasonable for the majority to easily obtain. I am all for this perk being added, just have it disabled for WZ's.
  6. Yep exactly what i saw. The post implies no advantage is to be gained by the legacy system, but its possible this may have been overlooked or deemed acceptable. Clarification could be helpful so I could know now if I need to start doing alts and PVE content to gain legacy levels faster.
  7. Any proof on that? Iv seen BW say one thing and do the opposite many times
  8. We had a very long developer blog recently released talking about a whole bunch of stuff that has very little impact on lategame pvp or pve, most of the stuff was convenience or cosmetic. However does anyone know if their is proof that the high legacy unlock "rocket boost" is useable in pvp or not? Nothing was said if it could be, and offering a legacy advantage to end game content does not sit well with me, even if it is out of combat only, that is still a big advantage. THREAD HAS BEEN ANSWERED in this weeks Q&A, not much more to say now. "AetherMcLoud: Is the Legacy Rocket Boost usable in PVP? I sincerely hope not, because if it is that would extremely unbalance Warzones between stinking rich people and people with a more moderate amount of credits. Daniel Erickson: The Legacy Rocket Boost is most definitely not available in Warzones."
  9. Tipkaee

    Marking Healers

    The real issue is that whole teams are allowed to be marked. Knowing at all times where the whole enemy team is without even having sight is insanely broken in hutball. As for marking healers i have no problem. Also my favorite is when someone marks me with "republic/imperial targeting device" because the marked person can just remove that debuff and the mark disappears.
  10. Do bads still not know how to kill a healer? Dear lord if someone takes more than 20 secs to kill is it OP? If you take someone completely out of the fight than it is mutual, healers should not die instantly to a DPS, that would leave no point in having a healer. Also if you are 1v1ing a healer and they heal them-self and other people than you are a failure of a DPS, thats not the healer being OP thats the DPS being an idiot. Also a team of 3+ healer should never be able to cap anything because they cant kill anything in a reasonable time. As a DPS you should be cheering if the enemy has 3+ healers because you will win the game if your ops group pops all relics and CDs and burn down the healers just one time at an objective. Every game I have with 3+ healers on Voidstar is the easiest defense ever, and the hardest offensive round ever
  11. I am much more along the line of thinking that a healer should not be killed quickly by just 1 dps, if they get heals off. However in the long run an equally geared dps and healer should split half the 1v1s. Also I think if both players our of equal talent than the healer should only be able to heal himself in a 1v1 situation, and that is what I see in this game. Granted this game is not balanced around 1v1 (and it shouldn't) i have yet to see a healer who can maintain 2+ people while be exclusively focused. I think most of the perceived imbalance in healers come from people not focus firing, or DPS not fully understanding the support that a healer gets from his teammates like peels, taunts, and others. Many people think they are 1v1ing, while simply 1v3ing. With all that said, I am yet to see good geared maraduar not kill a healer in a 1v1 if skill and gear are eqaul, and im yet to see a decent combat medic die to a pyrotech in the same situation. Different specs and classes have differing roles, I don't expect every dps class to have all the tools to 1v1 a healer.
  12. Give me one reason as far as balance goes for why pvp gear should require a rank? See ya later
  13. Combat medics die all the same, the issue comes more from people not understanding interrupts and CC. Yes a combat medic with a shield up can't be interrupted, but that is 12 secs out of 120. Aside from that a comabt medic only has 2 hardcast heals and 2 instants with long CDs (bacta infusion) or minimal "dumb" healing (kolto grenade/missle). The hardcast heals are easily interrupted by competent pvp groups. Also the combat medic only can heal 1 target at a time, if they are forced to heal themselves they are not healing their teammates significantly at all. If their was really a problem with combat medics/merc's surviving to long they should of nerfed armor percentages with SCC on or something along those lines, anything that would not have an issue with both the pve and pvp viability of a spec would of been better.
  14. Wow, my thread got closed that despite it being posted 1 hour before this one started for being redundant. I guess this one is growing faster (since mine was closed) so they are throwing everyone in here:( With that said after thinking over these notes rationally I really think there are some simple fixes. If they simply revert the ammo changes 1. SCC gives 2 ammo like it currently does, and either 2. MP cost is reduced by 2 when you AMP OR Tramua Probe is reverted back to 0 ammo. As it is this is in insane constraint on ammo management. I can understand if they want to nerf what is unique to combat medics to help other healing classes like the kolto buff reduction, or restraining the SCC %, but taking away our single target effectiveness just to marginally add any aoe is silly. We still wont come class to other classes when it comes to aoe healing so leave our single target slightly better than others since our AOE is so much worse than everyone else's. Dont kill our niche, we have enough sages as it is. *Maybe by some miracle this patch note is to be read exactly as it is typed "Field Triage now reduces the cost of Medical Probe by 1" That would mean MP is now 2 ammo no matter what right if you take the skill field triage right? Probably just a typo but that's the only way I can rationally read all the commando changes.
  15. I agree the nerfs seem real odd for commandos, but "cure" had its cost reduced in the general commando notes. .. With that said I have no idea why "cure" (this is not even a trooper ability) had a cost reduction and nothing was done about "field aid"
  16. I guess ill keep hope that the straight nerfs to most of the skills are in response to how the spells will scale with new gear. I can understand needing to hold back talents if spells now hit alot harder, but as seen on paper these nerfs look real rough.
  17. Comabt medics are getting two buffs with kolto bomb hitting 4 people, and our field tech now healing. These appear to be implemented so we can be more similar to the other healers. However since we now match other classes in those 2 respects, we caught heavy nerfs across all of our spells. What do you all think? I would be glad to heal 3 people again if i could avoid these across the spec nerfs. Notes from the PTS Combat Medic -Field Training now increases critical chance by 1% per point. (Down from 2 per) -Field Triage now reduces the cost of Medical Probe by 1 (Down from 2). -Kolto Bomb now affects up to 4 targets (Up from 3), improving reliability in group and Operation situations. -Kolto Residue now increases all healing received by 3% (Down from 5%). -Psych Aid no longer reduces the cost of Field Aid. It now causes Field Aid to heal the target for a small amount.* -Supercharge Cells now restores 1 Energy Cell (Down from 2) when used and increases all damage and healing dealt by 5% (Down from 10%). The shield applied by -Kolto Bomb now reduces damage taken by 5% (Down from 10%). -Trauma Probe now costs 2 Energy Cells to activate. (Up from 0)" *In the general commando notes they said "cure" now cost 1 ammo, I have no idea why a bounty hunter spell is listed in the trooper section of the patch notes. I guess BW just wants to rub it in our face that BH's will have an ammo reduction on their cleanse abilitiy and troopers wont.
  18. They want it to be player VS player, not gear VS gear. Simple as that, makes perfect sense to me. I rather the more skilled player win most of the time.
  19. Hello, can we the players have a nice imugr of all the graphs or the powerpoint used at the presentation today(and possibly more, the more data the better:) ), today when the presentation was going on I was very interested in the numbers and data but the legends and axis where hard to make out on the stream. Does anyone have a copy of this pictures?
  20. Tipkaee


    I fully understand the game is not about absolute duels to the death, and employing hit and run tactics is legit. I never questioned that. Also ofcourse i know defense is the objective of a defender, but often the best method to stop someone from attacking you for prolonged periods of time is to kill them. With that of course not all scenarios allow or are beneficial for you to directly fight someone. I agree with your second point that this is not a big deal, the better team will tend to remain just that, the better team. However i don't see how removing a borderline exploit is an issue for the pvp community. PvPers always beg for more constancy and less RNG to be involved. They demand skill to play more of a factor in determining a victory than gear or lineups. Yet can you honestly say that having a 15 second+ dot that cannot be removed by 75% of the ACs is "skill"? With that said, of course I use plasma grenade on cappers when I cant actually stay in LoS to continually stall them, but i personally don't believe 1 single GCD taken 20 seconds ago should directly affect someones ability to capture an objective. This game will be better for the change, and the good pvp players will go unaffected by this change, it will only affect those who rely on this crutch.
  21. Tipkaee


    If all classes could remove all kinds of DoTs I would not have an issue with DoTs stopping caps. As a Commando combat medic who removes all effects that i can, if i go up against a sorc I will be stalled for 15 secs guaranteed. Apparently that is a L2P issue, but I would argue that if the sorc was a better pvp player than me than he would just straight up kill me to start with, or employ some sort of pvp tactic to defend the node such as call in reinforcements or stall will staying alive. Removing Dot interrupts makes the better team more likely to win, but for some reason people are claiming it is making this game more noob friendly.
  22. The method of data collection is just snapshot data, its not server population, just server population and 1 moment in time. A reasonable multiple for this number could lie anywhere between 10 and 30 depending on who you ask.
  23. Hmmm looks like my server is 2.19 to 1, imp to republic. I guess the reason republic never wins Ilum is purely a L2P issue. Honestly something needs to be done to ensure a fair fight if Ilum ever wants to be anything of worth. Currently it is a bunch of imps driving in circles collecting supplies. I know other games have given buffs to the less represented faction, or placed ques and player caps on "World" pvp zones. Also i don't think anyone is addressing the issue of smaller markets and the GTN for the republic due to most of the active server slots going to imps. But i guess that is for another topic.
  24. Because god forbid we incentivise people to heal in WZ's. We should use some system where you only get credit for a kill if you deal damage to the enemy, this way healers have to do something they are not specced into and waste ammo/energy/force and a GCD to get medals automatically giving to damage dealers. (End Sarcasm)
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