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Everything posted by Galbatorrix

  1. I'd support them adding a "training room" to your ship that also included a DPS meter so you can maximise your DPS, but, keep that junk out of flashpoints. Trust me when I say, it ruins FUN. People are so worried about their DPS that they fail to CC, follow mechanics, get out of AOE damage becuae "OMG, my rotation!". Not to mention these same "DPS junkies" griefing new players because their DPS isn't as good. NO THANKS.
  2. So, I'm level 13 and I can't find a group for The Black Talon. So, I think, I have a pocket healer, I'll go in and see how far I can get. I'm doing ok through most of trash and I end up hitting 14 right before the 1st boss (4 Mob boarding party). I engage and proceed to get OWNED. They killed me before I could kill the doc. Now, I decide to go get my level 14 abilities and I go ahead and switch to the new canister that gives me more defense and such and throw the guard on Mako..... I was unstoppable after I did this. I cleared the whole instance alone and never dropped below half health on any bosses there after. Well, I take that back. The side Droid boss got me to about 1/3 so I popped a med pack. Going from getting creamed by the first boss to /facerolling the entire place was pretty cool. I'm glad I chose Tanking over healing with this guy Plus, Mako is awesome.... I don't think I'll every switch her out for anyone else.
  3. Thanks for the tip. The Legacy thing is per server, right? Since I can't send stuff to the opposite faction, I made my Republic toons and my Imperial toons on seperate servers. I didn't want to max the 8 spots and then regret it later when they add another class in. So, I'll have to complete act 1 on two servers! Now, again, the only problem is figuring out which two to stick with! I'm leaning toward my Powertech (love Mako... I might as well not get any other companions because she'll always be with me) and my Gunslinger.
  4. Been playing for a couple weeks now, and my highest character, my Gunslinger is only 16! But, I also have a level 14 Powertech, level 13 Assassin, level 10 Operative, level 12 Guardian, level 11 Commando and a level 5 Consular (this will be a Sage to be opposite of my Assassin).... Seriously, the story/classes in this game are awesome. I'm having such a good time with all of them and it's been so hard for me to stick to one because of it. I also haven't played that "other" game in over a week... this one has me so enthralled. Now, I just have to figure out which one to stick with so I can actually get to 50 eventually! Anyone else also create one of everything and can't decide between them?
  5. You've obviously never played an MMO where there is no delay. If you had, you'd realize how big a deal it is. Especially in PVP.
  6. In WOW, if I click 3 insta cast spells in a row, they all insta cast. In TOR, I click it.... wait.. then the animation shows up a second or two later. If Blizzard could do it 7 years ago, Bioware should be able to do it now. I don't want ANY delay in my abilities. I want everything to work as the tool tip says. Instant should be instant. It should take 5 or 6 seconds to go through 4 instant abilities. The fact that it does is a huge issue.
  7. Duel speccing will be need more when more flash points are introduced a long with a FP finding tool. People will never optimize their tanking and healing if they are stuck in that role only. But, if they can duel spec and have a DPS role too, they will. This obviously is a hige benefit to groups because you have tanks and healers that are fully committed to that talent tree when they're in those specs. Which makes them better at their role.
  8. I hope I NEVER find myself in a group with any of your toons. You're ridiculous. If your character can USE the item, roll need. If not, roll greed. If you want it for a companion, wait until the person/people in the group that can use the item roll. If the "need", pass and move on. If the greed, you are free to need yourself. Trust me, you will be black listed FAST if you go around stealing other people's upgrade because "I can sell it or use it on a companion". I personally would never group with you again.
  9. WOW has some bland boring quests and some that are great. It has some that are long quest chains and some that are one offs. People need to stop exaggerating that they're all horrible "go kill 87 boars" type quests because they're not.
  10. I agree, because I use it and it's never worked once. I also rarely see any other players using it either. Either way, this game need a SAME server flash point finder tool. Maybe it'll warp you to the quest terminal once formed or something, but anything would be better than the current system. I can't stand standing in the fleet ship spamming general chat for 30 minutes instead of being out questing. I'd rather queue, go quest and when it pops, go do the FP and then go back to my questing.
  11. *shrugs* I play both TOR and WOW and love both.... blasphemy, right?
  12. Awesome, thanks. With the whole "No hood over your mask" thing, I was worried.
  13. Wearing a hood would make them double blind?
  14. I asked this earlier in a thread, but since this forums moves so quickly, I couldn't find it.... anyway, can they? I want to use that race for my Consular but not if I can't wear the hood. Thanks
  15. Nope. I tried playing a girl character in WOW and got tired of guys giving me smiley faces all the time in groups forcing me to work into the conversation that I'm a guy IRL. SWTOR is worse because a lot of the companion story arcs are romantic. I'm no homophobe, but I still don't want to be romantically involved with Corso. Also, your post screams "All I play is girl characters and I'm offended because you don't! Also, Corso's dreamy... "
  16. SWTOR has clipping issues too. Just look at poor Bowdarr's sword... or better yet, Khems.
  17. 1) Most of the race that have alienish heads in the game still have humanoid bodies, so the animations would stay the same. 2) None of the current races have different voices, even though some are alien, so there wouldn't need to be any changed here. Though a Mon Calamari without the patented voice would be awful! 3) uh.. most of our gear is painted on and again, with most aliens in the SW universe having humanoid bodies, the only issue would be helmets.
  18. QFT! I think everyone would have a Jedi Yoda character running around. And I'd make my Ewok a Smuggler, fo sho. Also, another equipment argument is... your companions get equipment, right? Well, some of them are very alienish... so, yeah.
  19. Uh, other games have been able to pull off equipment working for different races just fine. It's not like it's some magic trick. Also, why would they have to speak an alien language? It's not like any of the current races do.
  20. I mean, they made models for many different races in the game, some of which have very unique facial features that look very alienish. Why didn't they give us some of those races? I mean, we get... Humans Blind humans Green/tattooed humans Humans with small pieces of metal on their faces Humans with horns/face paint Humans with tentical ears Humans with blue skin Honestly, the Sith oure bloods are like the lone exception because you can actually make their faces look alienish. They made models for tons of different aliens. Yet we only got humans with a couple slight differences?
  21. Nice to know. I think I'll change my Consular into something else. Wait... can the blind race have hoods?
  22. *liked the prequels very much................ runs away*
  23. I love type 4 the most too, but I can't play a girl character. I just can't get immersed in it. Especially with the romance side stories. As far as the guys go, type two is the better type for non-tanks, IMO (My smuggler is type two), but my BH tank is type 3 and looks awesome. Type 4 is laughable... not sure what they were thinking. In the future, I'd like them to add an "in between" type for males between 2 and 3.
  24. Yeah, Corso's Harpoon ability resetting itself is annoying, but I have gotten into the habit of turning it off every time I enter a new area, so not that big a deal for me. I mean, if the range wasn't so far, the ability would be fine. If he'd run out, harpoon a gold and allow me to burn it down, fine. But as is, he harpoons things BEHIND my cover, which means I have to stop and move to keep the defense going.
  25. ............ ROFLMAO..... Seriously, this made me laugh out loud. And I'm at work, so shame on you!
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