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Everything posted by Galbatorrix

  1. As far as the UI goes, I don't mind it... though I am a clicker. All I need is the option for one more "bottom middle" bar and I'm good.
  2. Oh come on, I said your main priority, not your laundry list! Also, I love the instancing. Nothing worse than having 15 people all trying for the same heroic quest and having to "wait your turn".
  3. If you faction changed, you'd miss out on the new classes awesome story..... why would you PAY money to MISS OUT on the game? This game is about the adventure TO end game currently... not end game itself.
  4. The General forum will NEVER be like that. I play WOW too and even with that games success, you still have the gen forum riddled with complainers. BTW, this isn't a thread dooming the game. I LOVE the game. I just wish they'd fix the ability delay. I was also curious what others felt was there top priority, hence the thread.
  5. It's weird.. my FPS actually got worse the more I played. I have a new dual core machine with 6GB of memory and I was able to run everything on high with 30-50 FPS when I first started in mid December (I had shadow's off, but everything else was on high). Now, with everything on LOW, I get like 20 FPS max.
  6. Personally, mine is character responsiveness/ability delay. My 2.5 cast aimed shot shouldn't take 4-5 seconds to actually fire. It's my best move and yet this issue is ruining it's potiential. I REALLY hope they fix this fast, because I'm going to completely shun things like PVP until I can actually use my abilities properly. If you could make one fix the priority, what would it be?
  7. Mine still seems to take about 5 seconds to work no matter what. 2.5 to charge, 2.5 to actually fire.....
  8. Gunslingers, Snipers, Sentinels and Marauders kind of got the short end of the stick. EVERY OTHER CLASS can spec into tank/healing except those. Classes like Trooper, BH, Inq and Con, you can't go wrong. You can either tank and DPS or Heal and DPS. My Gunslinger is ranged DPS, PERIOD. I don't mind, cause A I'm loving him and B I can burn down golds pretty fast so I'm sure I'm doing decent DPS. I haven't really tried much PVP yet though.
  9. When they do, sorry, but I'll cancel my sub. I'm not homophobic at all. I think everyone is entitled to do their own thing, but a lot of people have kids that like to play this game and I'd rather them remove the flirt option all together than to add this pointless feature in.
  10. It's a younger, "Alternate Universe" version of Roland! Still though, I HAVE to go with Roland Deschain, so my other characters can just deal with it. BTW, thanks for the info TheHeadCapper!
  11. Better than names like "Pwnsju" and crap like that.
  12. So, when I get to choose a surname, the entire server gets stuck with that name? I mean, I really want to make my human Gunslinger's full name "Roland Deschain" (kudos if you know the reference), but Naming my Twi'lek Consular Deschain as well just doesn't fit at all, you know? In the very least, can we choose not to display the last name on certain characters?
  13. I agree. I'd like to know how many times he killed them, because camping a group that can't possibly fight back for hours, which means they can't play or enjoy the game IS harassment. Again, kill them and move on.
  14. Haha, I stayed away from PVP servers with this game due to that very thing in WOW. Got tired of having to stop questing because some A-HOLE thought it funny to kill me like 8 times in a row. All one shots.... That's probably what the OP was doing. Just killing them over and over again. And honestly, it is harassment. Kill them and move on for heavens sake.
  15. To the OP.. you do realize that there are 8 different, unique story lines in this game... right? Getting one player to max level is not all there is to this game. Yes it has bugs and yes it needs work, but they ARE working on it. I love the voice acting, I love the stories so far and I am really enjoying the game over all. Yes, I want them to fix the responsiveness of your character and yes I want them to make the game less buggy/run smoother over all, but again, they are working on it. It would be different if this was a single player game and you knew patches were not going to come quickly.
  16. A ) when do I get the friggin hat in the trailer, because it's part of the reason I chose a slinger over a scoundrel! Also, anyone know the name of said hat and whether it's a PVP or PVE thing? B ) Do we ever get the cool cover shield in the trailer that's full body with a slit for the gun play, or just the small one we duck behind? Thanks! PS, me wants that hat!
  17. I'm only level 12 and I have three "within 10M" moves that can be cast on the run, one of which is a stun plus two grenades that can be thrown while moving as well. I believe the DOT spell can be cast while moving as well. It's just that cover provides defense along with being able to use your most powerful moves. So, we're not complete immobile. Though I do believe that most of these moves will deplete your energy fast if you use them a lot all at once.
  18. Seriously.... and he didn't just say it once. He typed a spoiler, someone said "thanks for the spoiler!" and then he started rattling off a bunch of stuff in a row. I saw the first couple, but I logged while averting my eyes for the rest.
  19. Thanks a lot guys! Setting it up into a separate tab seems to be the ticket. That way, I can click over if I'm looking for a group for something.
  20. I love the game and have played up until level 10+ with several classes so far mainly because I'm loving the different stories and perspectives. Now, with that said, some douche was giving plot spoilers over general chat yesterday while I was questing in Nar Shaddaa... Is there anything we can do to prevent this sort of thing? I'm enjoying the story most of all and some idiot yelling spoilers over a general chat really ruins it. Is there an ignore feature in this game? I logged as soon as I noticed it happening for the night so I wouldn't see any more, so I didn't think to check.
  21. Thanks for all of the replies! Some mixed signals, but it seems that most agree that the HDMI cable will probably be better. The only graphical issues I'm having with VGA are mainly texture related. The clothes my Assassin is wearing, for instance, will some times blur and look muddy. They will randomly switch between the normal textured look and a more muddy look where you can't really make out the design imprinted on them. Not sure if that's just the game engine bugging out or if that is a weird cabling issue, but seeing as a cheap HDMI cable is only 4 or 5 bucks, I'll at least give it a go. Thanks again!
  22. I love this idea. A Same server "LFD" that will simply place the appropriate people in a group. They then have to travel to the instance once the group is formed. That's basically what we have now anyway, but instead of feeling like a tool spamming the general chat, you could just kick back and do some crew skills or work the GTN.
  23. It's WOW in space with a better story. But, I don't mind AT ALL because I still love WOW. It's probably mostly why I'm loving SWTOR so much right now. I've tried several MMO's since playing WOW and nothing has ever come close. This, though lacking in features, is close and I'll likely be playing both for years to come.
  24. I have a PC and Monitor both with HDMI hook ups (27" monitor) and I'm currently just using VGA. I'm not exactly techy and was wondering if buying an HDMI cable would do anything for the graphics quality. If it will, what should I expect to see? Thanks
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