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Everything posted by Dantragk

  1. Do you REALLY think that is all there is to it? You're purposely making the story sound so plain Jane to fit your argument.
  2. Do Black Talon. Dunno it goes up and down throughout the story.
  3. I like how throughout instances and story. "Oh we're not at war, we're not at war." *space mission* Blasting the **** out of their capital ships. *instance* kill an entire ships crew etc etc
  4. Part of the issue is the mobs you can't even click... or high light... or anything. They're just... there.
  5. While you say they created him, it sounds like you mean they just did. I will agree with you though that there felt like there was zero build up and zero back story as to why he would all of the sudden pop up.
  6. Are you saying Deathwing was JUST introduced in Cata?
  7. It does feel like KotOR. But it doesn't feel like any of the other Star Wars games that felt more... star...wars...y... So, no.
  8. Not really. Brewmaster, champion that was released with FT. Much used character throughout the entire time it was released.
  9. Just to inform people. Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne had Pandarans in 2003. Kung Fu Panda came out in 2008. I don't care if you want to bash WoW but at least get your *********** **** straight. At least have an informed argument. WC3(You know, Blizzard, makers of WoW) had the race of pandas 5 YEARS before KFP came out in theaters. So drop the lame argument and come up with something else.
  10. I'm level 30, why do I keep trying to fight a 50 elite? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
  11. Also, the only way to fix this issue is with an increase to the draw distance... which will never happen.
  12. God you people AMAZE ME. You have no idea. Pandearen Brewmaster was introduced with Warcraft III: Frozen Throne. What was Frozen thrones release date? July 1st, 2003. What was the release date of Kung Fu Panda? June 6, 2008. 5 year difference.
  13. Same thing would happen in WAR. Everything outside of your little grass growing bubble makes everything look like game and watch.
  14. Lol... Blizzard and their delays. But hey, agree, can't wait for D3. Game is pretty fun.
  15. Stop making this LAME excuse. They should not have made leveling so *********** easy if they didn't want people to blow through content. NONE of the fights are challenging enough to hold even a mediocre guild back for more than a week or two. It is not our fault that: 1) leveling is so fast 2) Content is so easy Stop blaming the player for a faulty model.
  16. New race: Something humanoid... with maybe a different color skin or some form of natural head ornament.... ohhh wait. But other than that, Voss would actually be awesome <_<;
  17. Describe your pie and what you think the pie should taste like.
  18. Wow, you're not even... just... I don't even know. TOR is not unique. "It's the same cake with different icing." It has nothing other MMOs don't. There is not game for pie lovers. Btw OP, what do you think pie lovers are looking for?
  19. No, the PVP would be much... much... MUCH better had it been WH2.
  20. Some people really don't know what they're talking about. There is no End game in the sense of raids as there are now. There are high level dynamic events. There are "exploration mode" dungeons(which will be harder than raids). There will be WvWvW which will be extremely large maps. No encounter will be the same because it's not scripted. If someone does something different then the encounter will be different.
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