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Everything posted by Dantragk

  1. SW:TOR PVP: Gear > Skill 100% of the time.
  2. I love the people calling WoW's leveling linear when TOR is 100x more linear. Have you guys made an alt? SAME QUESTS except for the Story line. And even then you go to the SAME EXACT AREA FOR EVERYONE. This game has almost 0% replayabilitiy outside of class quests. Because I'll tell you listening to the same people with the same issues sucks. And for WoW not having a story line. It did, 99% of people were just to *********** lazy to read. Quest logs involved probably 4x as much text as there is in TOR.
  3. It's not JUST the pvp stat. Everyone should have 1000 END and 1000 of their main stat for PVP. No more no less 1-50. This would allow people to be on almost completely even levels outside of usable abilities.
  4. Thank you. When you take away all stats in PVP it then becomes about 2 things. Individual skill and team work. If you want to have the flat out best PVP then stats need to be flat out removed.
  5. I like your method so I will use it: - Levelling: 7/10 - Leveling really is pretty stream lined and can be done fairly quickly if you want to or you can look around and smell the roses. Alts though, I do not want to listen to the same story outside of the main one every...single...time... - Lasting Appeal: 3/10 - At this point I don't see myself playing more than this next coming month. - Gameplay: 6/10 - Abilities not going off, nothing new, getting knocked off mounts is *********** annoying as hell. - Sound: 6/10 - Voice overs are pretty good. Until you start hearing the same responses again... and again... and again... Some of the sounds are great, but mostly very repetitive and that gets annoying FAST. Merc healer's gun noise makes me want to take my headset and crush it. - Graphics: 5/10 - A LOT of stuff is really gorgeous in this game, but unfortunatnly is crushed by the horrible draw distance and by the stuttering - Performance: 7/10 - Game does pretty decent overall. But it is not by any means great. Overall: 5/10 - I'll give it another month. Lets see what BW can do in that time.
  6. It's good to see some people understand. If a new start up phone company came out with a phone that only had features of an iPhone 3 in 2012 and was selling it for the same price per unit and required the same cost per month as a iPhone 4S, how well do you think that company would do?
  7. This made me laugh. Thank you sir. Hell, FFXI had combat logs...
  8. Well, I could be wrong. But I believe development for GW2 began before TOR. I've actually kind of stopped with all the hype, though I do get excited when I hear things from time to time about GW2. Again, someone said it best, no one is complaining about content or lack there of. We're complaining about crappy features and a huge lack thereof.
  9. How are they trolling? With GW2 coming out this year and TERA(I'm not looking at this game at all because I'm pretty much dead set on never touching an Asian MMO again) there is going to be some extreme competition out there against TOR. Not to mention the biggest feature(the VAs) that TOR has been touting for ever, GW2 has it too, and has had it before TOR. Oh, and they're doing their own special coding for certain things so you can see boulders that other players are shooting from a draw distance that would make this game crash.
  10. I would rather be able to join a FP Finder than sit around LFG and not being able to find a group. I did enough of that in FFXI, I don't need to do that here. Hell, saw HM runs of BT looking for a DPS for over 30 minutes the other day while I was going in and out of WZs.
  11. While I don't disagree being able to throw hail mary every play or having Bo run around the entire field with every player in tow and being able to score a touch down is indeed awesome. Their features are completely different.
  12. Umm... yeah, you compare 2011 to 2011. Not 2005... Hey, while you're at it. Compare Madden on the PS3 to Madden on the SNES.
  13. None of the bugs of MC or AQ40(that I remember - it's been a while) that made encounters unbeatable.
  14. Spoilered things upon request that maybe consider spoilers. How do things like boxes not opening after boss fights and Reven one shotting everyone not get hotfixed? How do you guys let stuff like that stay in game for weeks? I hate to say it but the bug would never be allowed to stay in game for more than a few hours in WoW. Seems kind of silly. Original thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=187434 __________________________________________________________________________
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