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Everything posted by BoboHut

  1. Just to add to why I had one of my choices as OTHER: I really think they need to add more to guilds. Communication and perks or events or something. A better way to deal with alts would be a start. I think we should have an option to see account names next to each character name and the limit of 500 should be accounts, not characters. I still think class stories is needed the most, but something should really be done with guilds. It is very disappointing that they have only really been a chat friends list. I expected much more out of an MMO.
  2. Wow, I guess I was having a rough night but even I would mock this thread after reading it this morning. That being said, this actually went somewhere I didn't expect. Sure a few deserved flame posts, but many responses to dailies on planets and such which I did not even consider. Trying to think back about what provoked me to create this thread and what it should have been, I definitely would have attempted to provide something more constructive and less QQ. Sorry about that guys. Anyways, I think what was going through my mind was specifically the Group Finder and it's rewards, especially the daily RHM Flashpoint. I know there are many dailies the game provides, but since many of them no longer provide the coms required for the best gear in the game, they get don't make the list of what I consider important dailies. Myself, and many people I've talked to (I agree I can't claim majority over the numerous people playing this game), thought the flashpoints prior to 2.0 were damn near perfect length and difficulty for getting your daily coms from the group finder. I understand they were ridiculously easy, but it worked well with this game. It worked because people were not afraid to que to for them. Since 2.0 came out, the new daily RHM's were torturous for most due to being undergeared and people were much more hesitant to doing them. We got geared and eventually started making them routine again and more people were willing to que. As you can see, the common thing I'm pointing out here is queing for RHM's. This includes within guilds. In a guild that has often been at max capacity, I remember being able to get people to join for RHM's very easily prior to 2.0. After 2.0, it was a challenge to find people willing to go. It took nearly 2 months before the participation really started getting back to normal. Then Czerka showed up and the new flashpoints were placed in the same tier as the old ones and it started all over again. Now, I do know I can't speak for the majority so please forgive for attempting that earlier, but I do believe that most people feel doing repetitive RHM's every day is a grind so when I was complaining about them being to hard its because I believe that many people find them too hard to be worth the grind. This is a huge reason people do not que or want to run them. When they because easier due to the average gear level being higher in the community, they start to become worth it again for the average player. For those of you reading this please understand that the fact that you are reading this already takes you out of consideration of being an average player, because the average player does not read the forums. They might read a few threads that become guides that they have bookmarked, but checking out the forums daily is not usually on their agenda. That being said, what I believe I was trying to get at earlier when I kept spouting off "majority" was that the average player doesn't que when they are afraid of the content they are queing for. So, for a suggestion which I also did not include earlier is the tiered system. If new flashpoints are added and they are designed to be more difficult then the ones that already exist for that level, they should have their own tier in GF (kind of like what they already had in the past with LI). This way people can move up a tier when they know they are ready and in the mean time can continue to que for the RHM's they are familiar with. Alright, so I understand every thing I just said really doesn't matter as I'm sure it will get lost on page 4 pretty quickly and in the end, the OP is all anyone will see. I screwed that up big time. Just take this as a crappy apology for being dumb and know that I'll attempt to think about threads a little more before I post them in the future.
  3. I'm posting this because there is a problem. (Rant warning ahead) TIME There is an obvious argument for content to be challenging and I'm onboard with that. What I'm not on board with is what Bioware currently considers the appropriate amount of time we should spend doing daily stuff, because its just wrong for the majority of the players. Of course we can do the daily HM FP's, but news flash, we don't. The best this game has been as far as daily flashpoints are concerned was right before 2.0. Of course they were easy, but that was the point. Easy and engaging are 2 different things and they were both. After 2.0 dropped, dailies flat out sucked to do because they took so much time and they would actually fail occasionally. I, like many others, assumed that this was temporary as we would eventually get better gear and then they would be easy again. Then just as we started to gear up, we get new flashpoints thrown into the mix that are harder. I'm sure many people in the forums are going to argue that they are still too easy, but that's kind of the problem. Too easy for some people does not mean they are too easy for the majority. I'm sure they will say go join a guild or something like that, but I tell them I also think they are easy. Unfortunately, the majority of the players don't feel that way. MAJORITY. That's the problem. When the majority of the players find the dailies too difficult, they ARE too difficult. They are dailies most of your players shouldn't be afraid to do them because they are too hard, because then they don't do them and then we have long ques. It's just bad for the game all around. You have made operations weekly which is great because it gives players a choice as to whether they want to put in that amount of effort into the game. Dailies should not require that same effort. Sure they can, but they shouldn't based on the average skill level of your players. I'd like to say hard flashpoints are good to raise that skill and I would encourage that if it were true, but it doesn't work. It sends people packing. They don't que again and they stop playing. We all see this and it just doesn't make sense to us. Using a flashpoint boss to teach people is fair but tone it down. Teach them 1 thing at a time but don't scare them, that's all I ask. Pleas, make it so people que for flashpoints again and leave the hard stuff to operations.
  4. I've been playing madness since the beginning because I've always loved how fluid of a spec it is. I've played everything else since then and am probably with many people where I find myself choosing other alts to run ops with to provide more to the team. I hate that. That being said, I guess one suggestion I would make is on Deathmark because it just stands out as the most random part of our dps that we can kind of try to control but not really. My suggestion is to give it a buff and make it only affect affliction and/or creeping terror. Since it would be affected by less dots and only your own, knock down the number of ticks it affects from 15 back down to 10 (maybe even less). DEATHMARK: Death Field places a deathmark on affected targets, increasing the amount of damage the targets suffer from your next 10 ticks of your own affliction and/or creeping terror abilities by 50%. Lasts 30 secs. The point of this would be to get rid of some of the reason people don't like sorcs in raids due to deathmark being used up by other peoples dots and it being impossible to keep CD from using deathmark charges and it would almost give dots a little more burst in pvp. I don't know if 50% would be the best balance through calculations, but you get my point and I'm sure you could find an accurate buff for it.
  5. I thought the video was funny the first time I saw it, but checking it out this time led me to another even better video that was very well done and I can't believe it has been so easily overlooked. The video is on the same subject, but IMHO just funnier all around.
  6. Maybe actually read everything I said instead of quoting one part. If they implement rewards that require you to be a subscriber for over 12 months continuously and I take a break I would go back to day 1 when I resub. I would be for this system if it were a cumulative thing, but most of the time its not because that's how they keep you subbed. It would not be in EA's best interest to make it cumulative, so I don't see that happening.
  7. I actually can't believe this is not implemented already. Not from a subscriber point of view but for EA. Many companies utilize such rewards like if you've been a customer for x amount of time you get a reward. This isn't to reward to the customer as much as its a way to keep them paying. It's a lot easier for us all to let our sub go for a month here or there because we don't lose these rewards. Imagine for example: 6 months = 10% XP buff and 10% more credits from enemies 1 year = 25% XP buff and 20% more credits from enemies 2 years = 50% XP buff and 30% more credits from enemies I'm just throwing something out the to show how this would benefit EA. Right now, I can stop subbing to play another game for a few months and come back and it doesn't matter. Throw some rewards like above and it will be a lot harder to justify letting my sub go for that bit of time and I'll more than likely keep subbing even though I'm not playing. All this being said, this is why my vote is to not implement something like this. I like having the freedom to take breaks from this game knowing I won't be losing out on anything.
  8. Yeah, I agree with everything you're saying. There is a lot that happens behind the scenes and it's not easy to satisfy everyone on the forums. That's pretty much why I'm bringing this up though. This phrase, no matter what they are use to it meaning, does not mean the same to most of the players. There are many ways that PR can make things easier for them far as dealing with us and this is one very easy way. As much as I don't want to hear "the wall of maybe' either, it would be a much better alternative then using the word crazy. It should be common sense that people don't respond well to that word.
  9. Yes, because even though there is a software development side of this, its making its way out to the players who are mostly not software developers. I understand this is a term they are probably use to using around each other, but if it truly means its "a concept that deserves further consideration," I never would have guessed that. It very much sounds more like using "fat chance in hell" and we can expect to never see them even consider it in the future.
  10. I have no idea if the people making this game will every read this, but I'd like to propose and idea. Please stop placing our requests on "the wall of crazy." There are many good and bad things about this game and as players, we always hope that the bad things will get fixed and things we want that don't exist will get added soon. We understand that its not always possible to give us these requests, but there are a ton of better ways to respond to our requests then using that phrase. It's a slap in the face to your players. I'm not sure why this ever became a way to tell us where future content stands on the list of things you plan on doing, but it doesn't sound as cool to us like maybe you think it does. Lets take your most recent use for example. You have placed the idea of PvE space content far far far far far down on the wall of crazy. Please take a look at your player base. You have to know that there are many people that enjoy the PvE content of SWTOR. Hell, there are probably just as many people that use to love PvE and don't play any more but are looking for a good reason to come back. How do you think they react to you telling them PvE space content is CRAZY? One thing I can promise is that they don't think "Sweet, another reason to keep subbing" or "Oh that's, cool, I'll just spend some money on cartel packs." What I can tell you is that we feel insulted every time you use that phrase because you usually use it on something that would be a great improvement to the game but you are not willing to invest the time and money into it. We all understand that you have to make these decisions, but you don't have to insult us for asking. Honesty is one thing, but please come up with another way of letting us know you are unwilling to give us awesome new content then by insulting us in the process.
  11. Nope, he's referring to the fact that until 2.0 came out, going half up the middle tree had more mitigation for a jug tank than their tanking tree. It took that long for them to fix that.
  12. Being my first post from being away from the game a bit, I figured I'd start with a glaring issue as a suggestion. If there is a mission, there should be a group finder option for it! Maybe this would take a while to achieve for all missions, but at a minimum all operations should have a group finder for them. Just because I'm level 55, doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to use group finder for lvl 50 operation. There is a weekly for classic operations so why do I have to spam fleet chat to see if I can get a group together. Not to mention, I'm sure there are lvl 50 players out there using group finder and they would appreciate a lower que if lvl 55's could que as well. I know that GF rewards play a part but why exactly were rewards ever tied to using GF in the first place?? Place the rewards on the missions only and let us all use GF, regardless of level.
  13. I just wanted to say thanks guys. I know our PT dps situation doesn't feel all that great right now but isn't good to see that we are willing to work together to try new things. I appreciate the help and can't wait to try the hybrid out.
  14. Depends on the set bonus. Some you really need to keep while others don't really matter. Some set bonuses for dps gear only help with energy, so if that's not an issue with you in the first place, the extra primary stat will probably be better then keeping the set bonus. For tanks, a heavy armor user will lose about 100 armor rating per piece between 61 and 69 gear. 400 for the 4 piece set bonus will be about 1% less Damage reduction. Calculation if you care: I don't have the math on this, but it looks like all 3 tank types will easily benefit more from their 4 piece set bonus that getting that extra 1% damage reduction. EDIT: I thought I was in the tank area of the forums but looks like I was in the Assassin area when I first responded. Anyways, for assassin dps, you are comparing 52 willpower from 61 to 69 for the 15% crit chance on thrash and voltaic thrash, so set bonus seems worth it. For assassin tanks, same as what I said above still holds true.
  15. I remember hearing a lot about this on the pts and I know it was nerfed before release, but I am still hearing how viable it is. I've also run into some interesting things while trying to gather information on this spec, such as the combat dummies rankings on torhead showing some of the top parses of all classes as PT's using this build. Problem is I don't know what this build is. I've run across a few things that might be it, like this skill tree using CGS, but no information as to rotations, specs or anything else. A search through these forums for "PT hybrid" gives results from back in early March, so not much help there either as well as the closed PTS forums where most of the info was before. Anyways, if anyone using this build successfully would be willing to share, I would very much appreciate it.
  16. Once you have the Taxi's unlocked, its not that big of a deal. With the double XP weekends though, many people are only doing class missions and each new planet becomes another long trek of using your speeder from one side of the planet to the other, unlocking those taxi's along the way. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with that and it certainty makes you realize how large some of the planets are. However, I can't help but feel that after leveling my 3rd 50 through these double XP weekends that I spent the majority of that time on a speeder. I'm sure there are more things that need to be evaluated before a change like this can happen, but I'm with the OP and believe it's at least worth a look.
  17. Are you referring to the Revan's chestpiece vs the classic Revan's chestpiece? I know that those two are different and the classic has the hood down. I kind of thought they had the them both available to give us the option of hood up or down. I don't really see how there could be a problem with that. If its some other issue that I'm just not seeing, then pay no attention to me and I hope it gets fixed.
  18. Well thanks. I guess better late then never, right:)
  19. I just remember there was a point in time where getting the matrix datacron was a nice little adventure I looked forward to once I got a guy to 50. Now, I'm not saying it should be BIS or anything, but with WH relics so easy to get these days, they have made getting the matrix datacrons a lost art. I propose buffing them to slightly better than WH relics. I really think it would be cool to maybe add a small new quest for us where we could search for a few new items and then combine them with the matrix datacron to make a better version of it, but I figure the plain buff would be easier and might have a better chance of getting through.
  20. I haven't raided with it yet so I'm also wondering how much harder it will be to multi dot and manage force as well. Force management is my biggest concern and so far what I noticed is I end up lasting longer now on the dummy than I did before without using consumption by about 30 secs. I attribute this to having more points total between reserves and electric induction but then again I never tried putting all my points in those 2 and leaving out Convection before. In any case, that is a dummy and like you guys pointed out a heavy movement raid fight may destroy my force. I also will call myself out here because I swear I never had force management issues before but I must have done something with my rotation lately that is causing me to run out of force or use consumption after about 4 minutes of continuous dps. I'll keep working on that but I point this out because someone much better at force management might be seeing completely different results then me on this whole thing. I might look into Sith Defiance and instant whirlwind, but for now I'll just say that I use Devour and Parasitism as a personal choice since it doesn't really add to dps. I am also hoping that the points in Haunting presence will now make those self heals even better, so I guess there's that too:) Maybe I'll swap out corrupted flesh for Sith Defiance or something like that. Either way, I see those as just fillers to get to creeping terror so I'm not too concerned there. Thanks for all the advice though. I do appreciate it. I'll play around with this a bit more just because I do want to see how force management will be with this but I have a feeling its probably going to go as you guys predicted:) I'll make sure to share once I find out.
  21. I've been playing a madness sorc ever since they made that big nerf to the hybrid build I use to love and I got bored today so I started playing around with a few parsers. Since I had the parsers going, I figured I'd try to get an answer to a question I've had for a long time about force suffusion. I'm sure this has been answered before but I just never happened to find it so I guess better late then never. Anyways, Force Suffusion says it increases the increases the damage and healing of area effect abilities by 10%. What I always wondered was if I could get an extra 10% from Death Field if I could find a way to reach it and also maintain a decent dps. After reviewing a few parses, I found it does give an increase to Death Field's damage. After playing around with a few builds, I came up with something that actually appears to give me an increase in dps of about 25 or so. I went with this build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201hMbZdZcMfRsbkrfz.2 My previous build was 3/7/31, where I had 2 points in Exsanguinate and 3 points in Convection. I dropped those because I think that the extra 6 seconds of Affliction can be countered by just casting it more often and I believe based on the parses I was getting that the 10% increase to Death Field is more dps than the 6% from CD. What I also saw from this is I now have more points to help with my force and a 2% increase to all healing done. As much as I would like this to possibly be a better madness spec for me, I know I am not very experienced with testing this kind of thing. I know there are many areas of this where I could have messes up, which is why I'm bringing this to the forums. If there is info out there that can either show its viable or how messed up I'm am thinking it might work, please share so I can get this behind me. Thanks:)
  22. Change is great. I transition to a nights schedule twice every 6 weeks and one of those is a Tuesday. I've been dealing with servers going down at midnight PST for me on one of these transition nights since the game came out and always hated that crap luck on my end. This at least gives me some time to play on those nights. My guess is this is a welcome change for most West coast players though.
  23. I know I don't post much and most of the time I probably shouldn't, but hear me out for a sec. I have been a subscriber since launch and I have heard this same argument before from others but as my first MMO, it didn't really mean much to me at the time. Lately, I'm not going to lie, I've been stepping back a bit to not let the F2P option completely discourage me as a subscriber so I have been MMO hopping a little. Well, I haven't given up in this game and I don't want to but upon coming back for some reason this was the first thing that stood out to me. Honestly, enough time has gone by that I actually thought for a split second that my cargo bay was account wide and then I was quickly reminded that is not the case. I think the reason why might be because I don't understand why it's not. If I put bound items in there, they should stay bound to the account they are bound to and if I put items that don't get bound in there (crafting mats) then it saves me the ridiculous trouble of mailing back and forth. I obviously would rather they work on more important things for the time being, but unless the ability to keep items separate of one another per character is a huge IT challenge, maybe this really could be updated one of these days please:)
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