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Everything posted by BoboHut

  1. I looks like they toned them down compared to the 2.0 versions. Those use to have more points in mitigation than everything up to 180 token gear. These fit somewhere between the new 186 and 192 vendor gear. They have 213 points in mitigation while the 186 gear has 205 and the 192 gear has 225. The only other difference is they have more main stat and less endurance than the vendor gear. They don't even come close to the 192 token gear which has about 50 more points in mitigation.
  2. I was just coming here to post that Bioware messed up and added surge instead of shield to the Willpower tank schematics for implants and ears but you did it in many more words. So, thank you for pointing that out and I agree. This should be fixed. Its kind of ridiculous that we can't craft things for Willpower tanks.
  3. Putting at 60 this soon after the expansion is a mistake. I can not believe they are going this direction. There will be people that don't even have a single level 60 character yet and many of us will only have 1. Those that have level 60's will probably not be geared for Xeno in HM. This event will be all about dailies and a few people getting to do Xeno in SM. It would be a waste of an event IMHO. I can understand it if they provide a bolster to level 60 and if that's the case,bolster away. Making it a straight level 60 requirement this soon is just wrong. In the mean time, like others mentioned, stop trolling us with the Cyan Sphere mount.
  4. But why exactly do you take issue with him mentioning the PTS? The information he gave is something the community was waiting to hear. The mention of PTS is a concern for Bioware and they can put on their big boy pants and take care of it all on their own if they feel the need. There's no added benefit to this thread by accusing him of violating the NDA. If you believe that mentioning the PTS has some how made the information he put out less accurate, then maybe use that as your point of argument. Otherwise, lets please get past that and take as much useful information as we can from this thread.
  5. Great work Keyboardninja. Best answer I think most of us have seen so far on the question. Out of curiosity, how much main stat are you guys running with before swapping to power augs and should we have a certain amount of main stat before the swap. Should we maintain say 3500 or 4k main stat as we swap or just go all at once and be done?
  6. I get the point. I don't think you do. They made changes to all dps specs in the game and each got new abilities. You seem to think for some reason that every class had the same number of abilities and same type of rotation and then also that each attack had the same proportion of damage to the overall dps so that when they added new abilities, they could make the new ones all hit for the exact same amount more so you could make the comparison that you are and then say all the new abilities they added to all classes are say 1000 dps higher then the ability they replace and there for all classes got an equal increase in that new ability. Are you nuts. Thats not even close to how class balancing works. I'm not going to claim that classes are balanced, but they test that using more complex methods than making a blanket +500 damage to all the abilities classes get to replace other abilities.
  7. This. The reason they leave you with two abilities that share a cooldown with each other instead of the ability being replaced completely when you respec was explained during one of the their Twitch streams. They said they would love to but they don't have the tech.
  8. Thanks BigKat. Thats pretty awesome. I actually had a guildie point that out to me first making my post and was coming back to correct it but you got to it first:) Its a very welcome change to see from me anyhow.
  9. I haven't had the chance to do too much op healing 3.0 but what I did so far was way more fun then before. I ran with the alacrity idea and dropped a ton of surge in favor of it and I'm seeing the results. Right now I'm sitting at about 800 alacrity and 200 surge. I'm going to play around the numbers a lot but that's just where I was for my first attempt at the new SM Ravagers. What I found was that instead of wanting to claw my eyes out by maintaining hots on 8 players the entire fight and getting out nano and 2 surgical probes within each hot refresh rotation, I'm mixing it up more with using both AOE's on myself on c/d while staying close the the tank and the group and maintaining hots on 5-6 of the group. Yes, it felt kinda sorc like for the aoe but I still had the hots and with the extra alacrity, surgical probe still kind of felt free. What I liked was I felt like I got to do more than wear my hot key out and I was still very effective. Most fights put me around 8k HPS and 3k EHPS which was close to what I was doing pre 3.0. Considering I have a lot of improvements I should be able to make somewhat quickly (augments and 192 gear), I'm looking forward to what I will be able to do. What I am looking for right now though is how high I should push alacrity before going back into surge. I can't seem to find the DR curves on it and I'm too lazy to attempt to recreate them.
  10. I learned how to make the new purple attack adrenal and it doesn't show that its restricted to Biochem anymore. However, the increase in adrenal stats over the old ones is as small as you mentioned which is one of the reasons I plan on keeping many of my characters with Biochem. I always used blue medpacks and stims in the past for progression, so nothing new there but Adrenals are what made me use Biochem on so many characters and looks like I'll still be using the old adrenals.
  11. Yeah, I think the 8 hrs could be less but 8 hrs makes it feel like maybe its worth it since it costs one purple mat. Sure, there will be waste, but that's always going to be the case, whether its one 8 hr stim or multiple small stims. Eventually, you'll have a stim on that you are not actively using in an operation. I think the problem with the tanking deal is that its one thing to have one on that you is wasting away but could still be used if you get into another operation but to swap to tank means ending it early intentionally or using the wrong one. Neither of those sound like good options, but they are what people will need to choose with the current design.
  12. I'd like to suggest lowering the number of mats needed to make earpieces to the same amount that cybertechs need to make the droid parts. This would make Biochem at least viable in making the MK-10 kits pieces. Also, one glaring flaw in getting rid of the reusables is with tanks. I like how they made new purple stims last for 8 hours because its makes it worth using the purple mats to make them, but this currently keeps people from willingly swapping between tank/dps because they would either have to run with the wrong stim (THIS WILL HAPPEN A LOT) or sacrifice one with a good amount of time left. With tanks still usually the hardest thing to find for operations, I hate seeing something little like this being the reason a dps won't swap to tank to get an operation going. I am sure the "tech" isn't good enough for this, but it would be nice to see all the reflex/resolve/might stims had the endurance stim as part of them and if you were in tank stance, the endurance stats would be activated and dps would be turned off.
  13. Thanks. It's just too bad this section of the forum is really for talking to yourself. I think with over 1000 pages of suggestions, Bioware is still at only replying to about 10 of them. Guess we still have to trust that they are listening to us even though they don't reply.
  14. It would be nice to ssee an update to the login screen: Make all characters visible or allow us to scroll through them all Allow us to rearrange where they are and not force it to be ordered by last time played Add more info like crew skill and levels of them Add an icon to let us know if they are on a stonghold or guildship so we know that they are getting the rested XP and not actually on Tatooine for example Give us the categories we can put them in such as active, inactive or doghouse. I'm sure right after an expansion is probably the worst time to bring this up seeing as how you are really busy but I think it would be helpful to some of us that have 22 characters and only having 8 on a page makes it an even bigger pain to keep track of what we are doing with them.
  15. Just figured I'd add the same issue on Harbinger. On top of that, lack of instances has made The Enemy Within mission just horrible since everyone is lagging and fighting with each other to kill the mobs. Soo much fun. On a good note, if this is the worst part of the expansion on day one, I'll take it:) It could be much worse. Hopefully, they will open more Yavin instances soon.
  16. lol what. I get what you are saying but with that logic, might as well stop playing until the ops come out with 3.0's equivalent to 186 gear shows up over a year from now. In my case, I have 21 lvl 55's and if I can get upgrades, I will. Its as simple as that. Also, I asked a way simple question only out of curiosity of what they did in the past. What part of that exactly made you think I thought the new basic comms gear was the best gear ever released???
  17. Maybe so, but I thought the logic behind this idea last expansion was to give people a reason to still want the gear from ops right before the expansion instead of everyone taking a 3 month break until it drops. Considering they haven't mentioned this yet and we are a week away, you are probably right, but I'd still like to know for sure. Especially since I'm worried that the 186 gear after 3.0 comes out is merely watered down versions of what we have now. If that's the case and we can't trade in our tokens for comms, I'll definitely use mine now.
  18. As the title says. I know we could when 2.0 came out and with the new information on 3.0 comm conversion rates, I was hoping to hear about this as well.
  19. Yeah, maybe asking to change all the starter locations into areas you can quick travel out of would be too much to ask. I like how the "return to whatever planet your stronghold is on" currently takes you to the city on that planet and that's what I am guessing would be the easiest fix for the return to fleet option. Just change the location it sends you to when you click "return to fleet" (if it doesn't remember your last position on fleet) to the default spot you go to when you use fleet pass. Because it doesn't send you there now, I often find myself using fleet pass from my stronghold anyways, which I find a little ridiculous:)
  20. I just got the bug too. yay for them fixing things:) Update: Rest quest, went back to ship, exited ship and the conversation started as it should have done the first time. All is good now.
  21. I know this has been asked before buts its annoying. Half the time, when I sign in after I recently signed out from my stronghold I end up in the one area of the fleet that doesn't allow me to travel back to my stronghold, use a fleet pass or even quick travel. Please stop it from kicking me out of my stronghold or at least us travel places from that area of the fleet.
  22. I'm not about to quote Kalfeer on all that he said last. There was a lot of it and he obviously took the time and effort to show he cares. There was a little punch back but to be fair, it was no more than what was given to him as well. What he said does have a lot of truth to it. I may not agree with all of it, but I am also glad that its crafting over grinding some other aspect over and over again. At least crafting does provide you the opportunity to play other parts of the game in between. There was a somewhat recent quote from Carbine's Jeremy Gaffney that i can't help but recall when I think of how conquests are currently set up http://massively.joystiq.com/2014/06/02/wildstars-gaffney-achievement-is-the-love-of-watching-bars-gr/ "If there is a fun thing to do that is inefficient and a horribly boring thing like smacking yourself in the face with a shovel next to it that gives more XP, players will do more XP. They'll try the fun thing once or twice but then go, 'No, I can't help it. I need to hit level 50. I want my end goal more than I want my journey.' So it's very easy to have the journey trivialized. Achievement is the love of watching bars grow -- that's our industry. I don't think there's a more fundamental human need that gets tapped into by these games than watching your bars advance, and that feeling of progression -- of being able to say, 'I am tougher than I was before." In this case, whatever they allow as the repeatable objective is our shovel. There use to be more repeatable objectives but now its come to crafting being the most efficient one. The funny thing is that his quote also applies to the whole idea of 12x XP, and why people are against dps going down with 3.0 and probably a ton of other things in the game as well. That's a different conversation though. As far as conquests go, I do think crafting could use some attention, but there are better ways of doing that that making it the primary way to win conquests. I'd love to see it changed one of these days. The idea of open world pvp is tempting, but I'm not sure the community is ready for it. Just think of all the threads that show up when we have an open world pvp event that turns into gank heaven:) I like the idea of crafting to fortify your factions bases though. IDK, maybe there is something to that they could do to make everyone happy. For now, I'd be happy to see the repeatable objectives removed or set a cap and stop with the account lockouts.
  23. I'm assuming that you are doing this through crafting and once they allow 6 companions to go out at one time, you will be able to make that higher amount per week. That's fine if its what you enjoy doing but that's also the problem. Its not that there shouldn't be something for people who enjoy doing what you are doing, but because you can do nothing but craft and get that amount of points, it defeats the entire idea of conquests. Guilds are not competing with each other by completing multiple objectives and actually going out to do things like operations and flashpoints and heroics and pvp and gsf and all the other things that would make sense. Instead, they are having craft offs and then conquering a planet without having to make one single interaction with another player. So, something that the community thought was going to be a great addition to the game to get people to go back to old planets and do old content to bring some life into those parts of the game never happened. It has been completely overtaken by grinding crafting mats and crafting war supplies from your ship or stronghold or where ever you choose to complete this task without even jumping on your speeder. Yes, one person can pull as many points as you do in a week and if a small guild has someone like that then they can even compete. At the end of the week, congrats on getting your guild name on the board, but what did you get out of it? You certainly did not add your presence to the MMO community that most of us hope to see get better with each piece of new content they add. My personal opinion is that I don't want to see the crafting aspect removed. I just want to see it only be a part of how to win at conquests and not something that defeats the point of even doing anything else.
  24. Didn't take long for our guild to see that conquests = Craft to Win. We had some fun with it the first week, but we really just don't see the point. We decide to play the game how we want to and as far as unlocking the guild ship goes, we find it a much more fun guild activity to do late night commander runs and they are way more efficient at getting the unlock items. Things that could make it more worthwhile for our guild would be to: Remove the crafting repeatable objective AND Make the rest of the objectives lock once per character, not per account. With those things in place right now, the system encourages you to get one or two characters on your account to the goal by doing the different objectives and then its back to crafting. The rewards don't come close to making up for what it costs to craft each week hence CRAFT TO WIN.
  25. You guys still here? I just heard of you and I'm worried its already too late. I was excited to see a swtorboard replacement or swtorboard to even come back maybe:)
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