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Everything posted by mrcaptainpants

  1. I'd like a romance-able ewok companion. I promise I won't do anything naughty. I just wanna cuddle it.
  2. Out of curiosity, why are we buried here in the "Story and Lore" forum? I always thought that was a bit weird. Does anyone know the answer? EDIT: If we are only allowed to have one thread in which to make any suggestions regarding same-gender content, maybe we could ask for this last remaining thread to be moved to the Suggestions forum?
  3. Yeah. I don't like this. AT ALL. In General you can see lots of threads on various aspects of a subject. But apparently if the term "same-gender" is anywhere in the thread title, it must be all about "gay stuff", and "gay stuff" is all the same and therefor only needs one thread? Just...wow. There had better be a really good reason for this.
  4. First, before I say anything else, welcome to the thread! Your support is sincerely appreciated. And as a self-described "lurker", I'm sure that jumping into this particular thread isn't exactly the easiest way to increase your post count. That said, and responding to the part of your post that I've quoted above, would you not agree that many of the answers they are already giving on these forums, and especially in the Q&A threads, are in fact exactly the kind "vague status updates" that you are referring to? Why is it okay to respond vaguely to those issues, but not this one? I agree that they can't give loads of unsubstantiated details that might not end up making it into the game, though I must again point out that people are not asking for that kind of information. I simply do not believe that there is not one tiny, single, scrap of information that they could provide without stepping into the dangerous territory of over-promising and under-delivering. And as I mentioned before, if the point of avoiding over-promising is to make sure that they don't upset players, they might want to take a look around and see that upsetting players is exactly what they have already done. Their actions, or lack thereof, have already cost them subscriptions. And unless I hear some form of apology for having flat-out refused to speak to us at all, I won't be back even after they implement SGRA's. The fact that they haven't yet implemented SGRA's is -- for me -- not a deal-breaker at all. I can certainly wait, and was prepared to wait. The deal-breaker is acting as if we're not worthy of being acknowledged. And the bad will generated by that decision won't just go away when they finally do implement SGRA's. The damage has already been done, and more damage continues to be done with each passing day of silence. Anyway...despite all of that, I'm still glad that you decided to stop lurking for a few moments to join us. Again, thank you for the support.
  5. Can we please stop with this already? You are not being treated any differently by the mods than anyone else. I have received warnings and had my posts deleted as well. The mods are doing the best they can in order to uphold the forum rules, and if a post of mine is deemed inappropriate, I suck it up and move on.
  6. Which actually isn't a bad idea. But in that case, they should have come out and said "Hang in there, guys, an announcement on this issue is forthcoming...". Or something. Hell, anything.
  7. I say again, we are only asking for some kind of update. We have already, several times, made it clear that the majority of us are not asking for the kind of information you are saying can lead to speculation, resentment, and a bad reputation. This does not have to be an "all or nothing" proposition here. They can come in here and tell us something without creating the scenario you describe. And speaking of that scenario...hmm. Speculation? Check. Resentment? Check. Bad reputation of the game? Check. Well, huh. This pretty much seems to be exactly what we have right now. And it has come to fruition by their decision not to communicate with us, rather than by over-communicating. I fail to see how this is an improvement.
  8. Heh. As much as I want to argue with you on that statement...I will concede that it does contain an unpleasant grain of truthiness. And though I have, in effect, walked out (by cancelling my sub and filling out the exit survey), I still think that businesses who continue to ignore their customers deserve to be constantly pressured until said customers are no longer being ignored. I'm not disputing that pressuring them may possibly end up being ineffective. But it is certainly no less effective than remaining silent. I suppose its just a small difference in philosophy. /shrug
  9. sevenpsych, you make many valid points in your various posts. I appreciate your efforts to try to see the issue from varying points of view. However, the one substantive difference I have with your opinions is in regards to what paying customers should do when the service they are receiving is not to their liking. The idea that we should stop asking and wait patiently for Bioware to tell us something, in fact that idea that Bioware doesn't owe us any information at all is, to put it mildly, something that I disagree with. I can't see that kind of mentality being applied to other forms of businesses. For example: *You've been waiting over an hour for your food restaurant. Your server refuses to update you on the situation. Well, sit tight. Your sever doesn't owe you any explanations. Your food will be here when its ready. *You encountered a piece of slightly damaged merchandise at a department store, and the clerk has gone to consult with their manager about whether or not the store can give you a discount due to the damage. This information will influence your decision to purchase or not to purchase. The clerk has been gone for an hour. Sure, he said he'd be back, but the wait is becoming a bit lengthy for your taste. Well, buck up. That clerk doesn't owe you anything. You just wait there quietly until he returns, and by no means should you ask anyone else to check on the situation. *You had to choose between a satellite television service or cable. You chose the cable company because they told you that a channel you really wanted would be included in their lineup "soon". Since then, every time you call your cable company for an update, the customer service reps don't have any information for you and their managers absolutely refuse to talk to you. You're paying a monthly fee for this service, but you have no right to expect any answers. The company taking your money doesn't owe you anything. Okay, that's enough. Do you see where I'm going with these examples? We absolutely should be asking questions here, and we have every right to think we deserve an answer.
  10. Oh, clearly. I find this curious. The company you are supporting already has implemented same-sex relationships in their other games, but you have no problems supporting them now? Besides, in case you are not aware, it is not a matter of "IF". Bioware has already stated that this content will be coming. It was originally planned to be in the game when it launched, but because of the time frame involved with the impending launch date, they said it would be a post-launch feature instead. And I will most graciously extend to you the same right. Isn't it wonderful when we all get along?
  11. EDIT: Nevermind. (Post I was responding to was removed)
  12. I think you are drawing dividing lines in the wrong places. This isn't an issue that has all LGBT people on one side of the line and "Non-LGBT" people on the other. I think you do your argument a disservice by presenting it in this manner. Not everyone who is heterosexual supports a toggle. Not everyone who is homosexual opposes a toggle. There is a dividing line, but I don't think its as simple as you are suggesting.
  13. I seriously wasn't intentionally misrepresenting what you were saying. That is the way that it sounded to me. For what its worth, I'm happy to hear that I simply misunderstood you.
  14. For my part, I happen to agree with you in that I am not concerned about whether or not SGRA's will be in the game. But to make a blanket statement that nobody should have any concerns is, I think, going a bit too far. You may feel free to not share other people's concerns, but I don't think you should be telling them that they shouldn't have them. The fact is, they do have them. What concerns me is why the Devs and Community Team members are capable of posting in other threads about other concerns without having every single last little detail, but not this one. Part of my frustration is that some people seem to be acting as though we are asking for either: A) Instant implementation of SGRA's' or B) Complete details of how absolutely everything will be implemented and on what exact date. Neither of these are true. And Bioware continues to stick its fingers in its ears as the people in this thread that love this game and want to support it begin giving up and moving on. By the time they're ready to puff out their chests and proudly announce "Look what we have for you guys!", how many will be left to care?
  15. Not by much. Sorry, I just can't find it in me to be that generous towards them right now. Obviously, this is all relative, and everyone is of course entitled to their own opinion. But I'd rather hear something I don't like than to be completely ignored. At least then we'd know what to expect, and would be in a better position to make comments or suggestions. The amount of disrespect shown by the act of refusing to even acknowledge someone's position is -- for me -- something that I simply cannot tolerate. It's not just a game-breaker. It's a customer/company relationship-breaker. Though I'm loathe to say I would never buy another Bioware game, I will say that it is extremely unlikely that I will ever purchase another game that had Bioware-Austin's name on the box, nor one that featured Stephen Reid in any kind of "community" capacity. They way they have handled this situation is a fantastic example of how not to deal with any community, let alone a minority group.
  16. Quoted for extreme truthiness. I'm sure they have their reasons for remaining silent. I just don't really care anymore what those reasons are.
  17. Well, that's it for me. If a nearly 10% showing can't even get us a tiny bit of acknowledgment, I'm out. I posted in the Q&A thread, of course. But immediately after that, I went to my account page and unsubscribed. I have 25 days left on my account. I know that some people want very substantial information on the issue, but my expectations were much more modest. I simply wanted someone to verbally acknowledge the request. But apparently they aren't even willing to do that. Fine. I know this sounds bitter, but... I can't help it. I fully support everyone's right to perceive this situation in whatever manner they see fit, be that positive or negative. This, however, is what I feel: Bioware, if you don't think I'm worthy of even being spoken to in a public forum, then I don't think you're worthy of my $14.99 per month. So I will unsubscribe, and your very inappropriately-named "Community Team" can go right back to pretending I don't exist in your community.
  18. I can certainly understand your feeling on that considering the amount of work we've had to do to get the information we already have. But I think perhaps if that kind of an answer had come much earlier it would have been a different story altogether. For me, though an answer like that wouldn't be the most ideal answer, it would still be an improvement over the communication given to us since this thread appeared. As far as I'm concerned, the information we have received through our various emails from customer support, though encouraging, remain unconfirmed and unofficial until I hear it from a Dev or Community Team member.
  19. Sigh...my kingdom for another Joss Whedon show on television. As long as its not on Fox, where it would be pre-empted, rescheduled, and then canceled...during the first airing of the pilot episode...by the third commercial break.
  20. One of my favorite animation fails was in DAOC. Sometimes the animation that made you appear sitting on your horse would fail, and the game would just place you, standing, on top of your saddle. You could then ride around while standing up on the back of your horse like some kinda circus performer! Woot.
  21. Okay, now I'm a tiny bit crabby again. I just saw this thread on Legacy Surnames posted yesterday in General Discussion, and within ONE DAY, it receives the following answer: Really, Georg? REALLY? And by that, what I mean to say is: REALLY??? I'm assuming that most people know who he is, but in case someone doesn't, Georg is the Principal Lead Combat Designer for SWTOR. As sources of information go, it doesn't get much more official than this. Georg... Stephen... Bioware folks...this is PRECISELY the kind of friendly, acknowledging, yet non-specific post we've been looking for in this thread, a thread that has gone on and on and on through several incarnations without a scrap of attention from any of you. Yet Georg is able to just hop right in there on a moment's notice on the issue of legacy names? To be clear, I do not begrudge the fact that the OP got an answer. I'm not being critical of Georg for responding in that thread. It was wonderful that he took the time to chime in. I'm happy that their issue was acknowledged and addressed. I think its an issue that deserved the rapid yet casual response it received. So does ours. I really hope we get an answer today on the Q&A thread. Just sayin'.
  22. Not being color blind myself, I'll admit this is something I've never given much thought to. Thanks for bringing this up, because I'm sure its a pain in the arse to gamers who *do* experience this issue. Looking forward to seeing what kinds of ideas people come up with to help make the game more friendly and intuitive to my hue-challenged fellow gamers.
  23. Hello, Lurkz, and welcome to the thread! Though considering your name, it is entirely understandable that you have only been lurking until now. In any case, thanks so much for speaking up. I love, love, LOVE it when new supporters get involved, as those of us who have been blathering on and on about this stuff for quite some time can always benefit from a fresh, brand-new perspective. You are entering the thread a great time. The last incarnation was starting to grow a bit dark (even *I'll* admit it, and I was among the darker moods!) As you know from the first few pages of this thread, the mood has lightened considerably, and while I'm still favoring a cautious approach until I hear something truly official, I am encouraged. So, thanks for joining us! Woot! We appreciate the support!
  24. Here is an excerpt from a response I received yesterday from customer support: The customer service representative was wonderful. She has singlehandedly managed to convince me to retain my subscription for a while longer despite a truly lackluster Community Team response. However, as sparklecat stated: In keeping with that theme, here is an excerpt of my response to her: So while I'm pleased that SGRA's *seem* to be on track ( if customer support information is reliable), I'm still left feeling a bit put-off that Bioware has required us to jump through all these hoops to get what small amount of information we have obtained, and is taking a hands-off approach and just expecting the individuals who have received responses from emails to take on the responsibility of communicating this information for them. I feel like they kinda sorta wanna support us, as long as they don't have to say it out loud and in public. Um, thanks. Kinda feeling like someone's "dirtly little secret" about right now. However, in the larger scope of SGRA content, it is somewhat encouraging.
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