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Posts posted by iloveicarly

  1. To discuss topics with my Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ community peers, that don't necessarily revolve around Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ itself.


    sigh we dont need it dumb idea,just swtor we dont need it for you WoW fanatic play the game

  2. i like to think that (some exceptions aside) people don't rage and complain for sake of raging and complaining.

    I also like to think that most people don't rage quit because there's issues with an mmo that just came out, those are to be expected.


    I also like to think that people rage and quite or both when they feel unfairly treated, lied to or ignored. I think anyone who likes the game enough to complain and ask for fixes in the forums, would take a 'thank you, we're on it and will be fixed in 3 months' and happily go back to playing and paying.


    My main is 42, i have some other 30s and i had to reroll at 40 from a dead server so i'm not 50 yet... I do like the game and love the potential and while i do dislike the look of the gear and the empty servers, i'd love to keep paying as long as i know that bw is on top of things.


    I do miss a proper lfg tool, i am sad that i'm leveling alone as the new server i picked has been dying too, i'm not crazy about the gear nor the new coming weird gear. I didn't enjoy having to redo some quests and some group quests because they were either bugged or the way things are set up will break somegroup quests for some.

    I do not like that i'm on a pvp server and have only seen maybe 7 imps during leveling, killed 1, 2 killed me together, i got only ganked twice during leveling by 50s... And that's all since release date.


    All those things are still not reason for me to quit as it is a new mmo and all that, but what eventually will make me quit is bws dismissing or ignoring attitude that makes them look like they don't get it, which in turn makes me lose my faith in them.


    I think anyone who can afford it, will fight and pay to help make this game better, as long as bw feels connected to the community and reliable... Otherwise it will feel pointless.

    They could shut down all the 'merge servers' and 'game is dying help!!1!' threads with just 1 friendly post on the issue on their end.



    As for the wow comparisons, they're sadly perfectly appropiate. Bw has said that they were copying some stuff from wow, and ultimately tor plays like wow and some classes use the exact same skills with the same durations etc.


    It may seem unfair to compare tor to wow today, but it's an arena they knowingly entered themselves and i'm pretty sure that they knew it would happen. Perhaps they should have invested some of those 200mil into more features.




    While you can blame some people from playing too much and reaching 50 to quick on any new mmo, bw dropped the ball when it came to giving people things to do at 50.

    No mini games, traveling planets to collect crafting mats is not necessary either hmm, you really do your dailies and log off i guess, or come to complain here.


    Caps of any kind, be it in leveling or crafting will always be like dangling a carrot in front of a mule for a lot of people, they will chase that cap relentlessly.

    Personally i wish they had stolen as much from the old swg as they did from wow.

    Swg's crafting alone was a game in itself, exploring in groups was exciting and dangerous.


    The game gave people a few things to do where there was no cap to hit and yet felt rewarding.


    Tor is built upon the beating content and moving forward formula where as if they had mixed some sandboxing in there, people would be messing around in the game while they wait.


    this qft

  3. after my thread was closed and this is my last sub day and i will not resubbed so I helped them find trolls




    I don't know if you know this yet.but there are trolls here who,try to make you not see a problem.like your engine.your engine has great scripting and fit for an MMO but it gives high end comp low fps like my raddeon 6880 and 3.2 processed,and my comp costed 1200$ custom made.watch out for these trolls they often say "maybe you just suck at this game just go find another game or go back to WoW" this annoys people!




    so you see these trolls will do anything I mean anything to mess up this game.like maras getting buffed(too much but needed a buff so you did a good job) and OPS getting nerfed also these trolls made the sin tank not seemed it exist even if it is OP.these trolls will also try to make server pop not a problem by saying:REROLL or go back to WoW"they will also say that there server is fine so yours does not matter.




    these people are slightly eating away at your game and I know you check the forums mainly for feedback a CS told me of tomb of freedon nadd on one of those weekend question things they do.


    goodluck BW and I hope you see these posters now.Goodbye and I enjoyed DA:O one of your best games.but most of all have fun making this game and enjoy your job bye.

  4. SWTOR while only being out for 3 months is drawing a lot of criticism that is really not necessary or premature in the growth stages of any MMO. While a lot of people make a valid point about their views of WOW vs SWTOR, there is really nothing to compare except both companies want your business.

    WOW's IP model was ahead of it's time, and yes after multiple updates/patches/expansions/years it has grown a large player base over it's uptime. If you look the the populations on WOW's servers though you will see a lot of boredom because the game is/has become boring, yet still people go back to play just like the days of EQ.

    What every MMO company has issues with in my Opinion, is not the storyline, but the end-game. After getting to level 50, which I find to be the most stupid model for any MMO "Levels", there is nothing to do except like with WOW, wait for an expansion and new armor sets. MMO's do not need levels! This is the "endgame" when you define it with a number. Every player races to get to 50 because it is the "GOAL" in the game that sets the restrictions on advancement. Next is to RAID/BATTLEFIELD to get better gear or something trivial like accommodations for purchasing something that you already worked for by doing the Dungeon or PVP.


    Like all MMO companies, they have hired groups to find targets in the marketing for potential customers and they cater to bring in new blood. It is the belief of almost all MMO companies that the average life of a gamer in the MMO is 14 months. As we all know from past experiences though it generally takes 14 months to finish the product with the public as paying BETA testers. With SWTOR I do not mind helping by keeping my sub, but I do expect a strong showing of updates, upgrades, and listening to the "Majority" of certain request from the public about what they want in the game they are paying for.


    I do like the genre of this game since my age puts me as a kid during the release of George Lucas's movies. I was a hardcore SWG player until they added levels to the game, and at that point I knew it was time to move along, there was nothing else to see!.


    My Next MMO if this one does not pan out will be The Secret World. It is a "Sandbox", no level game, and I really enjoy the fact that no matter how you rush, there is no level cap. If you want to change up, relearn your skills and do what you want and be what you want.

    I am weary of FUNCOM based on personal experience with them, but if they use this sandbox system, I think it is worth the initial purchse and 30 free days to check it out.


    people have the right to be a critic they are paying money for it:rolleyes:

  5. I don't know if you know this yet.but there are trolls here who,try to make you not see a problem.like your engine.your engine has great scripting and fit for an MMO but it gives high end comp low fps like my raddeon 6880 and 3.2 processed,and my comp costed 1200$ custom made.watch out for these trolls they often say "maybe you just suck at this game just go find another game or go back to WoW" this annoys people!




    so you see these trolls will do anything I mean anything to mess up this game.like maras getting buffed(too much but needed a buff so you did a good job) and OPS getting nerfed also these trolls made the sin tank not seemed it exist even if it is OP.these trolls will also try to make server pop not a problem by saying:REROLL or go back to WoW"they will also say that there server is fine so yours does not matter.




    these people are slightly eating away at your game and I know you check the forums mainly for feedback a CS told me of tomb of freedon nadd on one of those weekend question things they do.


    goodluck BW and I hope you see these posters now.Goodbye and I enjoyed DA:O one of your best games.but most of all have fun making this game and enjoy your job bye.

  6. The worst things about the TOR-verse are the ungrateful crowd who love to wine about the smallest issues in the greatest game ever. That's just my humble opinion, but no one wants to hear you gripe. I've never had more fun with any game, and it came out at a great time for marketing. If you were a business owner or CEO you would most certainly want to release at Christmas as opposed to Easter or Mothers' Day times of year. They made many people's Christmases very happy :D


    Try to "look forward to the awesome content coming soon" instead of bashing something that is already amazing!




    who cares about Christmas the true meaning is gone now,anyway why do you think blizzard is successful?because they release a game when it is READY and then they get maximum sales when next Christmas comes out blizzard games are not bad,WoW is not bad if it lasted 10 years.

  7. It's because EA only cares about profit, not quality. and EA tells bioware what to do, so there you have it.

    EA is ruining good game developers.


    I agree this game would have crushed WoW in 6 more months of development shame too oh well EA will learn there lesson one day.

  8. This game is intended to be PvE mainly as pvp as a side note, just as space combat is a side note.


    I feel like the devs are making decisions in regards to balancing pvp efforts and not really taking into account pve. Do people agree or disagree, please explain your reasonings.


    pvp is more fun and it has skill involved pve is just CC that and it is easy pvp takes teamwork,skill,and tactics.It is most fun!

  9. This is more 'game expirience' thread than 'overpowered/underpowered'.


    I have no problems with damage output, so i dont care about damage nerfs, or 'rebalance', call it whatever you want. Damage is fine IMO.


    I have problem with 'in combat' mobilty and utility. And mostly because this class dont have both.


    When your Cloacking Screen on CD there is no way you can get back on your target or quickly switch when you need to burst/disable specific target. Im not talking abut 1v1, im talking about cordinated team fights where are no udergeared people and where healers are under guard and where positioning is happening.


    In pugs im ok. Even in Huttball. But IMO there is no place for a curret operative/scoundrell in 8 ppl team, simply because i dont see how this class can execute tactic moves when its in combat. Especially compearing with other applicants for dps spot.


    'Sprint' and any variation of 'shadowstep' that what we need.


    So my question is - is this ever going to happen? Or Operatives and Scoundrels at the moment are 'working as intended'?(I dont know why im so naive to hope to get answer from BW employees, but anyway, ill try).


    yhere not OP or underpowered they needed a nerf anyway.people need tips from pros on how to pla them there nt weak and a few level 50 OP will help out

  10. Im an all rounder, ill pvp, pve and rp and I'll put this in the most simple way I can.


    This game is a Star WARS game. WARS!! read that again and again WARS!!! How can there be a WAR in the stars if you arn't fighting each other?

    This game NEEDS PvP without it then we would be playing "Star get teh epic lewts".


    this made me lol

  11. Bioware needs to take a look at the CC in this game and think about scaling it down. Either take out half the CC altogether or raise the CD on them.


    Seriously, you can't have a class that can stunlock someone and spam the most dangerous attacks in game at the same time.


    as you said before,you said all class have too much CC or do you want better CC I don't understand maybe you need some tips on how to use them

  12. Hi, i am lvl 11 sith murader and after i trained to use my second light saber i had to fly back to korriban on the shuttle so i could go to korriban orbital station. But the thing is every time i try to take the shuttle back to orbital it says "you cant do that right now". Please help i haven't played in a week and i just want to find this out. Am i bugged or do i need to do quest to leave. Cause i have already quested in korriban orbital my class quest is in that area atm actually.


    try going to the fleet or make an ingame ticket about it :D

  13. Hi, This thread is going to be about the age requirement for creating an account on SWTOR. I'm sorry if this is an inappropriate place for me to create this thread I was torn between here or customer service; but all the threads in that section seemed to technical and I guess this is more of a general discussion/complaint/way to vent my rage in a healthy way than a problem with my PC.


    Anyhow, my issue started back in January. I had been convincing my friend at college that SWTOR was the future, the way forward. I had watched the trailers and was memorized by the light saber fights, it brought me back to the days when I had watched the Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and my favorite of all: Revenge of the Sith (by far the best Star wars movies as I had no strong nostalgia attaching me to the old ones anymore than the Phantom Menace.) Anyway, I successfully managed to persuade him to get the game.


    I ordered my copy on Amazon for next day delivery along with my Naga Razer I was also planning on getting. My game came early so I started exploring the game as a Jedi Knight, I was having a whale of a time thinking "wow I can't wait until he gets the game we're gonna have so much fun..." Little did I know, however that when he did get the game He would be unable to make an account because he is only 17 -.-...


    Yes that's right, he was told that he was now yet old enough to handle the content that SWTOR had instore for him.. Now, unless SWTOR had some harcore pornorgraphy in it (which it turned out it didn't :( ) I don't quite understand what was so terrible that he couldn't handle it... But anyway, rules are rules huh? He shouldn't have bought a game that warned him he wouldn't be able to play it until he was 18 right? But then I checked the box SWTOR came in...


    It said on the front "16" which I believe tells us the recommend age. So he was old enough to play the game.. but not make an account...? Now that would be really annoying.. but if they had said in small print on the back "must be 18 to register" I guess it would be his own fault for buying the game...


    However, I did read the small print on the back and you know what it says? "MUST BE 13+ TO REGISTER"!!!:eek: So he paid his hard earned cash that he had to ask his mummy and daddy for to buy a product that told him, a 17 year old, that he should be 16 to play and must be 13 to play/register and then we he tried to create his account he got a stupid message telling him he's to young.


    He then had the choice of either lieing and pretending to be a year older or waiting to June... He picked the second option... -.- So as a result, he can't play a game he paid for an should rightfully be allowed to play and worse still I've got no one to level with! :mad:


    He's so scared that he'll be found out by the BIOWARE secret police and get banned that he's waiting until June! But he shouldn't have to! They shouldn't be allowed to do this! :(


    So now I've got to wait until June until I can play with him, but that's when Mists of Panderia :p might be coming out! Anyhow, anyone else think that this is REALLY stupid? Further more does he have any legal rights at all? i.e the right to complain and have his account made by a Gamemaster or be allowed to lie about his age?


    Thanks for reading... unless you just skiped to the bottem of the age to try and work out what the issue was.. if you did then shame on you... :(



    kids do this alot on facebook and I think BW does not care what your age is as long as you pay like the rest of us :)

  14. Because I never, ever buy subs for that long a period. Has nothing to do with liking/not-liking a game. I just don't wish to be tied in. I often take breaks of weeks or months, especially in the summer and whilst I'm all for BW carrying on and making the game even more fun, I'm not going to pay for large chunks of time I am not using.


    And...summer is coming!


    WHAT???then buy 6 month if you dont play oh well you helped BW make a great game!!!!!!!!!

  15. I'm not putting that kind of faith in Bioware after the games initial launch. I am sure 1.12 will be a fantastic upgrade from what we have, but; the dream world of how amazing this game will be was destroyed on launch through a series of issues. Bugs, end game, yadda yadda you've heard this all before. It's not that I hate the game. It's not that I won't still be subscribed a month from now. It's simply I have little faith that the patch will create 6 months worth of amazing content.


    oh well we will all roll awesome alts and pvp and do fun pve wish you were there

  16. So many people cry over every little thing. Its like a mandatory part of the community. But have you ever took the time to map out every detail and calculated the numbers needed to make changes to the game while trying to keep every thing balanced as possible? I don’t think you have. Video games take an entire team, time, and money to make and maintain. If you could do better why isn’t your game out on the market? And if it only took one person to make a game than we wouldn’t be spending $15 a month.


    How about one class with a strict set of skills and every one had the same stats? does not sound like fun does it? Classes will have different abilitys that define and balance them. Just because you are power hungry and want everything does not mean your class is nerfed or another class is OP.


    Do you even know what you want? I don’t think you do. No matter what changes happen, its either to much or not enough. Shut up and try to enjoy something for once. Look at whats good in the game instead of what you want, because you want to power play. If you did get to power play and get every thing you want you would complain that the game was to easy. And a special shut up to the people who want long grinds for everything. If you want to work go out and get real a job or a second one. I play games for fun not for work that I have to pay for.


    This is my QQ, its mandatory for MMO's, rite? :p


    STOP QQ and roll an alt and buy a 6 month sub and l2p

  17. I set my expectations really, and i mean REALLY low.


    And now even LOTROs MPvP seems like a work of art compared to SWTOR.


    So yah, if you want to pay 15/month for lot of recycled content and very small amounts of class story here and there, it really is worth it rofl


    If you want a good raiding or PvP - stay out of SWTOR. Im glad you told the truth, at least you are not fooling yourself like lot of bafoons here.


    I agree mike you always are right there is lots of kids roaming about to GW2! then D3

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